# useradd1.sh - A simple shell script to display the form dialog on screen
# set field names i.e. shell variables
# open fd
exec 3>&1
# Store data to $VALUES variable
VALUES=$(dialog --ok-label "Submit" \
--backtitle "Linux User Managment" \
--title "Useradd" \
--form "Create a new user" \
15 50 0 \
"Username:" 1 1 "$user" 1 10 10 0 \
"Shell:" 2 1 "$shell" 2 10 15 0 \
"Group:" 3 1 "$groups" 3 10 8 0 \
"HOME:" 4 1 "$home" 4 10 40 0 \
2>&1 1>&3)
# close fd
exec 3>&-
# display values just entered
r=($(echo $VALUES |awk '{print $1,$2,$3,$4}'))
echo r1=${r[0]}
echo r2=${r[1]}
echo r3=${r[2]}
echo r4=${r[3]}
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