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分类: 嵌入式

2017-01-27 12:36:22


Opcode 操作码,也就是助记符,说明指令需要执行的操作类型
Cond 指令执行条件码,在编码中占4bit,0b0000 - 0b1110
S 条件码设置项,决定本次指令执行是否影响PSTATE寄存器响应状态位值
Rd/Xt 目标寄存器,A32指令可以选择R0-R14,T32指令大部分只能选择RO-R7,A64指令可以选择X0-X30 or W0-W30
Rn/Xn 第一个操作数的寄存器,和Rd一样,不同指令有不同要求
Opcode2 第二个操作数,可以是立即数,寄存器Rm和寄存器移位方式(Rm,#shit) 




Branches, Exception generating, and System instructions 
Loads and stores
Data processing - immediate
Data processing - register
Data processing - SIMD and floating-point

1. Branch

B.cond  ;19-bit signed PC-relative branch offset variant
CBNZ < Wt|Xt >, < label >  
;Compare and branch if nonzero to a label at a PC-relative offset, without affecting the condition flags, and with a hint that this is not a subroutine call or return
CBZ < Wt|Xt >, < label > ;Compare and branch if zero to a label at a PC-relative offset, without affecting the condition flags, and with a hint
that this is not a subroutine call or return
TBNZ < Wt|Xt >, #< imm >, < label >  ;Test bit and branch if nonzero to a label at a PC-relative offset, without affecting the condition flags, and with a hint that this is not a subroutine call or return
TBZ < Wt|Xt >, #< imm >, < label >  ;Test bit and branch if zero to a label at a PC-relative offset, without affecting the condition flags, and with a hint that this is not a subroutine call or return

B < label >  ;Branch unconditionally to a label at a PC-relative offset, with a hint that this is not a subroutine call or return, 26-bit signed PC-relative branch offset variant, 
BL < label >  ;Branch with link, calls a subroutine at a PC-relative offset, setting register X30 to PC + 4
BLR < Xn >  ;Branch with link to register, calls a subroutine at an address in a register, setting register X30 to PC + 4
BR < Xn >  ;Branch to register, branches unconditionally to an address in a register, with a hint that this is not a subroutine return
RET {< Xn >}  ;Return from subroutine, branches unconditionally to an address in a register, with a hint that this is a subroutine return

2. Exception generating

( Is a 16-bit unsigned immediate, in the range 0 to 65535, encoded in the imm16 field)
BRK #< imm >  ;Self-hosted debug breakpoint
HLT #< imm >  ;External debug breakpoint

HVC #< imm >  ;Generate exception targeting exception level 2
SMC #< imm >  ;Generate exception targeting exception level 3
SVC #< imm >  ;Generate exception targeting exception level 1
ERET  ;Exception return using current ELR and SPSR

DCPS1 {#< imm >}  ;Debug switch to exception level 1
DCPS2 {#< imm >}  ;Debug switch to exception level 2
DCPS3 {#< imm >}  ;Debug switch to exception level 3
DRPS  ;Debug restore processor state

3. System instructions

MRS < Xt >, < systemreg >  ;Move from system register
MSR < systemreg >, < Xt >  ;Move to system register
MSR < pstatefield >, #< imm >  ;Move immediate to processor state field

SYS #< op1 >, < Cn >, < Cm >, #< op2 >{, < Xt >}  ;System instruction
SYSL < Xt >, #< op1 >, < Cn >, < Cm >, #< op2 >  ;System instruction with result
IC < ic_op >{, < Xt >}  ;Instruction cache operation
DC < dc_op >, < Xt >  ;Data cache operation
AT < at_op >, < Xt >  ;Address translate
TLBI < tlbi_op >{, < Xt >}  ;TLB invalidate operation

NOP  ;No operation
YIELD  ;Yield hint
WFE  ;Wait for event
WFI  ;Wait for interrupt
SEV  ;Send event
SEVL  ;Send event local
HINT #< imm >  ;Hint instruction

CLREX {#< imm >}  ;Clear exclusive monitor
DSB < option >|#< imm >  ;Data synchronization barrier
DMB < option >|#< imm >  ;Data memory barrier
ISB {< option >|#< imm >}  ;Instruction synchronization barrier

4. Loads and stores

LDR < Wt|Xt >, [< Xn|SP >, < R >< m >{, < extend > {< amount >}}]  ;Load register (register offset)
LDR < Wt >, [< Xn|SP >], #< simm > ;Load register (immediate offset)
LDR < Wt >, < label >  ;Load register (PC-relative literal)

STR < Wt|Xt >, [< Xn|SP >, < R >< m >{, < extend > {< amount >}}]  ;Store register (register offset)
STR < Wt|Xt >, [< Xn|SP >], #< simm >  ;Store register (immediate offset)

LDUR < Wt|Xt >, [< Xn|SP >{, #< simm >}]  ;Load register (unscaled offset)
STUR < Wt|Xt >, [< Xn|SP >{, #< simm >}]  ;Store register (unscaled offset)

LDP < Wt1|Xt1 >, < Wt2|Xt2 >, [< Xn|SP >], #< imm >  ;Load pair of registers
STP < Wt1|Xt1 >, < Wt2|Xt2 >, [< Xn|SP >], #< imm >  ;Store pair of registers

LDNP < Wt1|Xt1 >, < Wt2|Xt2 >, [< Xn|SP >{, #< imm >}]  ;Load pair of registers, with non-temporal hint
STNP < Wt1|Xt1 >, < Wt2|Xt2 >, [< Xn|SP >{, #< imm >}]  ;Store pair of registers, with non-temporal hint

LDTR < Wt|Xt >, [< Xn|SP >{, #< simm >}]  ;Load register (unprivileged)
STTR < Wt|Xt >, [< Xn|SP >{, #< simm >}]  ;Store register (unprivileged)

LDXR < Wt|Xt >, [< Xn|SP >{, #0}]  ;Load exclusive register
STXR < Ws|Xs >, < Wt|Xt >, [< Xn|SP >{, #0}]  ;Store exclusive register, returning status

LDAR < Wt|Xt >, [< Xn|SP >{, #0}]  ;Load-acquire register
STLR < Wt|Xt >, [< Xn|SP >{, #0}]  ;Store-release register

LDAXR < Wt|Xt >, [< Xn|SP >{, #0}]  ;Load-acquire exclusive register
STLXR < Ws|Xs >, < Wt|Xt >, [< Xn|SP >{, #0}]  ;Store-release exclusive register, returning status

5. Data processing

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下一篇:ARM-v8 ELX route control
