Linux ,c/c++, web,前端,php,js
2012-02-15 10:41:38
转载: Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs) Added * NetClass (a multi-platform C++ library which provides a thin wrapper for socket and thread support) * FEDLibrary * C++ Stream Compatible TCP/IP Sockets Books and Papers See for a list of some books. But, Jason, "A C++ Socket Library for Linux: An IPv4/IPv6 class-basedsockets C++ library", June 2002, Dr. Dobbs Journal,, Rob, "Linux Socket Programming In C++", Jan 2002, Linux Gazette, Tougher, Rob, "A Framework For Writing Application Servers In C++", Jun 2002, Linux Gazette, Sobczak, Maciej, "An Iostream-Compatible Socket Wrapper", Dec 2001, C/C++ Users Journal, Other Socket Libraries These aren't endorsements, just other libraries that might be mined for ideas.
And just for kicks some JAVA stuff
And for even more kicks Python stuff