通过word vba读取word文档,遍历文档中的Tables,
Option Explicit
Public Const DEFAULT_FILEPATH = "E:\test\"
Public Const DEFAULT_SQL_OUTPUT_PATH = "E:\sql"
Public Const MAX_FILE_COUNT = 5
Public Const MAX_TABLES_IN_DOC = 20
Public Const MAX_COLUMNS_IN_TABLE = 100
Public Type t_columnInfo
columnName As String
columnID As String
columnType As String
columnIsPK As Boolean
columnNotNull As Boolean
columnComment As String
End Type
Public Type t_tableInfo
tableName As String
tableID As String
tableComment As String
columnCount As Integer
columns(MAX_COLUMNS_IN_TABLE) As t_columnInfo
End Type
Private Sub getDocInfo(d As Document)
Dim pagecnt As Integer
Dim linecnt As Integer
Dim tablecnt As Integer
pagecnt = d.BuiltInDocumentProperties(wdPropertyPages)
linecnt = d.BuiltInDocumentProperties(wdPropertyLines)
tablecnt = d.Tables.Count
Debug.Print d.Tables(1).Rows(3).Cells(2).Range.Text & " " & pagecnt & " " & linecnt & " " & tablecnt
End Sub
Private Sub testsub(s As String)
MsgBox s
End Sub
Private Function opendoc(filename As String)
On Error Resume Next
Set opendoc = Nothing
Dim d As Document
Set d = Documents.Open(filename:=filename, ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=True, AddToRecentFiles:=False, Visible:=False)
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' do not use Visible:=False. it cause open doc menually but show nothing
If d Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "error open " & filename
Exit Function
End If
'Call showTable(d)
Set opendoc = d
End Function
Private Sub closedoc(d As Document)
d.Close (wdDoNotSaveChanges)
End Sub
Private Function trimCRLF(ByVal s As String)
Dim l As Long
'Debug.Print "trimCRLF in: len=" & Len(s) & " s=" & s
If s = "" Then
trimCRLF = ""
End If
l = Len(s)
Do While l > 0
If Mid(s, l, 1) = Chr(10) Or Mid(s, l, 1) = Chr(13) Or Mid(s, l, 1) = Chr(7) Then
s = Left(s, l - 1)
l = l - 1
Exit Do
End If
trimCRLF = s
'Debug.Print "trimCRLF out: len=" & Len(s) & " s=" & s
End Function
Private Sub test_trimCRLF()
trimCRLF ("")
trimCRLF ("1")
trimCRLF ("2 two spaces follow ")
trimCRLF ("3 0D follow" & Chr(13))
trimCRLF ("4 0A follow" & Chr(10))
trimCRLF ("5 0D0A follow" & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
End Sub
Private Function checkTableFormat(t As Table)
On Error Resume Next
Dim msgStr As String
Dim rowcnt As Integer
Dim colcnt As Integer
Dim celltext As String
Dim chkTableOK As Boolean
rowcnt = t.Rows.Count
colcnt = t.columns.Count
' cell(1,1)
celltext = t.Rows(1).Cells(1).Range.Text
celltext = trimCRLF(celltext)
' check table format
' 表名 xxx 编码 yyy
' 描述 编码 类型 主键 必填 备注
chkTableOK = True
' check. 6 columns
If colcnt <> 6 Then
If celltext = "项目" Or celltext = "名称" Or UCase(Left(celltext, 2)) = "NO" Then
' skip page description
Debug.Print "[error] table format incorrect. column count is " & colcnt
End If
chkTableOK = False
End If
If chkTableOK = True Then
' check. row1 col1 is 表名/表名描述
celltext = t.Rows(1).Cells(1).Range.Text
celltext = trimCRLF(celltext)
If celltext <> "表名" And celltext <> "表名描述" Then
Debug.Print "[error] table format incorrect. cell(1,1) is " & celltext
chkTableOK = False
End If
End If
If chkTableOK = True Then
' check. row1 col3 is 编码/表名
celltext = t.Rows(1).Cells(3).Range.Text
celltext = trimCRLF(celltext)
If celltext <> "编码" And celltext <> "表名" Then
Debug.Print "[error] table format incorrect. cell(1,3) is " & celltext
chkTableOK = False
End If
End If
If chkTableOK = True Then
' check. row2 col1 is 描述
celltext = t.Rows(2).Cells(1).Range.Text
celltext = trimCRLF(celltext)
If celltext <> "描述" Then
Debug.Print "[error] table format incorrect. cell(2,1) is " & celltext
chkTableOK = False
End If
End If
If chkTableOK = True Then
' check. row2 col2 is 编码
celltext = t.Rows(2).Cells(2).Range.Text
celltext = trimCRLF(celltext)
If celltext <> "编码" Then
Debug.Print "[error] table format incorrect. cell(2,2) is " & celltext
chkTableOK = False
End If
End If
If chkTableOK = True Then
' check. row2 col3 is 类型 or 数据类型
celltext = t.Rows(2).Cells(3).Range.Text
celltext = trimCRLF(celltext)
If celltext <> "类型" And celltext <> "数据类型" Then
Debug.Print "[error] table format incorrect. cell(2,3) is " & celltext
chkTableOK = False
End If
End If
If chkTableOK = True Then
' check. row2 col4 is 主键/是否主键
celltext = t.Rows(2).Cells(4).Range.Text
celltext = trimCRLF(celltext)
If celltext <> "主键" And celltext <> "是否主键" Then
Debug.Print "[error] table format incorrect. cell(2,4) is " & celltext
chkTableOK = False
End If
End If
If chkTableOK = True Then
' check. row2 col5 is 必填/是否必填
celltext = t.Rows(2).Cells(5).Range.Text
celltext = trimCRLF(celltext)
If celltext <> "必填" And celltext <> "是否必填" Then
Debug.Print "[error] table format incorrect. cell(2,5) is " & celltext
chkTableOK = False
End If
End If
If chkTableOK = True Then
' check. row2 col6 is 备注/必备
celltext = t.Rows(2).Cells(6).Range.Text
celltext = trimCRLF(celltext)
If celltext <> "备注" And celltext <> "必备" Then
Debug.Print "[error] table format incorrect. cell(2,6) is " & celltext
chkTableOK = False
End If
End If
checkTableFormat = chkTableOK
End Function
Private Sub getTableInfo(t As Table, tableInfo As t_tableInfo)
On Error Resume Next
Dim msgStr As String
Dim rowcnt As Integer
Dim colcnt As Integer
Dim celltext As String
Dim chkTableOK As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim indexColumn As Integer
rowcnt = t.Rows.Count
colcnt = t.columns.Count
chkTableOK = checkTableFormat(t)
If chkTableOK <> True Then
Exit Sub
End If
' table name
celltext = t.Rows(1).Cells(2).Range.Text
celltext = trimCRLF(celltext)
tableInfo.tableName = celltext
' table id
celltext = t.Rows(1).Cells(4).Range.Text
celltext = trimCRLF(celltext)
tableInfo.tableID = celltext
msgStr = " tablename:" & tableInfo.tableName
msgStr = msgStr & " tableID:" & tableInfo.tableID
msgStr = msgStr & " table has " & rowcnt & " rows"
Debug.Print msgStr
indexColumn = 0
' column defination starts from row 3
For i = 3 To rowcnt
' columnName
celltext = t.Rows(i).Cells(1).Range.Text
celltext = trimCRLF(celltext)
tableInfo.columns(indexColumn).columnName = celltext
' columnID
celltext = t.Rows(i).Cells(2).Range.Text
celltext = trimCRLF(celltext)
tableInfo.columns(indexColumn).columnID = celltext
' columnType
celltext = t.Rows(i).Cells(3).Range.Text
celltext = trimCRLF(celltext)
tableInfo.columns(indexColumn).columnType = celltext
' columnIsPK
celltext = t.Rows(i).Cells(4).Range.Text
celltext = trimCRLF(celltext)
celltext = Trim(celltext)
'If UCase(celltext) <> "" And UCase(celltext) <> "T" And UCase(celltext) <> "TRUE" Then
' Debug.Print "[error] columnIsPK is not in space/T/TRUE/F/FALSE. value is " & celltext
'End If
Select Case UCase(celltext)
Case "T", "TRUE"
tableInfo.columns(indexColumn).columnIsPK = True
Case "", "F", "FALSE"
tableInfo.columns(indexColumn).columnIsPK = False
Case Else
Debug.Print "[error] columnIsPK is not in empty/T/TRUE/F/FALSE. value is " & celltext
tableInfo.columns(indexColumn).columnIsPK = False
End Select
' columnNotNull
celltext = t.Rows(i).Cells(5).Range.Text
celltext = trimCRLF(celltext)
celltext = Trim(celltext)
Select Case UCase(celltext)
Case "T", "TRUE"
tableInfo.columns(indexColumn).columnNotNull = True
Case "", "F", "FALSE"
tableInfo.columns(indexColumn).columnNotNull = False
Case Else
Debug.Print "[error] columnNotNull is not in space/T/TRUE/F/FALSE. value is " & celltext
tableInfo.columns(indexColumn).columnNotNull = False
End Select
' columnComment
celltext = t.Rows(i).Cells(6).Range.Text
celltext = trimCRLF(celltext)
tableInfo.columns(indexColumn).columnComment = celltext
indexColumn = indexColumn + 1
'Debug.Print " " & _
tableInfo.columns(i).columnName & Chr(9) & _
tableInfo.columns(i).columnID & Chr(9) & _
tableInfo.columns(i).columnType & Chr(9) & _
tableInfo.columns(i).columnIsPK & Chr(9) & _
tableInfo.columns(i).columnNotNull & Chr(9) & _
tableInfo.columnCount = indexColumn
End Sub
Private Function getTableInfoFromDoc(d As Document, arrTableInfo() As t_tableInfo)
On Error Resume Next
Dim tableCount As Integer
Dim indexTable As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
'Dim t As Table
If d Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "[error] getTableInfoFromDoc parameter is null"
Exit Function
End If
tableCount = d.Tables.Count
Debug.Print " document " & d.Name & " has " & tableCount & " tables"
indexTable = 0
For i = 1 To tableCount
Dim tmpTableInfo As t_tableInfo
Call getTableInfo(d.Tables(i), tmpTableInfo)
If tmpTableInfo.tableName <> "" Then
' do not add duplicate table to array
Dim isDup As Boolean
isDup = False
For j = 0 To indexTable
If tmpTableInfo.tableID = arrTableInfo(j).tableID Then
isDup = True
End If
If isDup = False Then
arrTableInfo(indexTable) = tmpTableInfo
indexTable = indexTable + 1
Debug.Print " duplicate table found " & tmpTableInfo.tableID
End If
End If
getTableInfoFromDoc = indexTable
End Function
Private Sub creaSQL(tableInfo As t_tableInfo)
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim colInf As t_columnInfo
Dim sqlstm_drop As String
Dim sqlstm As String
Dim pkstr As String
Const PkstrIninStr = " primary key("
Const PkstrIninLen = 16
sqlstm_drop = "drop table if exists " & tableInfo.tableID & ";" & vbCrLf
Debug.Print " [" & i & "]" & " " & sqlstm_drop
pkstr = PkstrIninStr
sqlstm = "create table " & tableInfo.tableID & "(" & vbCrLf
For j = 0 To tableInfo.columnCount - 1
colInf = tableInfo.columns(j)
sqlstm = sqlstm & " " & colInf.columnID
sqlstm = sqlstm & " " & colInf.columnType
If colInf.columnNotNull = True Then
sqlstm = sqlstm & " not null"
End If
sqlstm = sqlstm & "," & vbCrLf
If colInf.columnIsPK = True Then
If Len(pkstr) > PkstrIninLen Then
pkstr = pkstr & ", "
End If
pkstr = pkstr & colInf.columnID
End If
pkstr = pkstr & ")" & vbCrLf
sqlstm = sqlstm & pkstr & ");" & vbCrLf
Debug.Print " [" & i & "]" & " " & sqlstm
outputSQL tableInfo.tableID, sqlstm_drop & sqlstm
End Sub
Sub outputSQLtoFile(filename As String, sqlstm As String)
Dim fileExist As Boolean
' check if file exist
If Dir(filename) <> "" Then
fileExist = True
Debug.Print " file already exist. skip this file " & filename
fileExist = False
Debug.Print " outputSQLtoFile file " & filename
Open filename For Output As #1
Print #1, sqlstm
Close #1
End If
End Sub
Sub outputSQL(sqlname As String, sqlstm As String)
Dim tmpFilename As String
tmpFilename = DEFAULT_SQL_OUTPUT_PATH & "\" & sqlname & ".sql"
outputSQLtoFile tmpFilename, sqlstm
End Sub
Sub mainprocess()
On Error Resume Next
Dim d As Document
Dim arrTableInfo(MAX_TABLES_IN_DOC) As t_tableInfo
Dim arrayDocFile(MAX_FILE_COUNT) As String
Dim filePath As String
Dim filename As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim tablecnt As Integer
Debug.Print "mainprocess start"
'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' get filenames
filename = Dir(filePath & "*.doc?")
i = 0
Do While filename <> "" And i < MAX_FILE_COUNT
filename = Dir
Debug.Print filePath & filename
If filename = "" Then
Exit Do
End If
arrayDocFile(i) = filePath & filename
i = i + 1
i = 0
Do While arrayDocFile(i) <> ""
Set d = opendoc(arrayDocFile(i))
' clear array per doc
Erase arrTableInfo
tablecnt = 0
tablecnt = getTableInfoFromDoc(d, arrTableInfo)
'MsgBox "hello"
'getTableInfo ActiveDocument.Tables(1), tableInfo
closedoc d
Set d = Nothing
'Debug.Print "Documents.Count=" & Documents.Count
For j = 0 To tablecnt - 1
creaSQL arrTableInfo(j)
i = i + 1
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Debug.Print "mainprocess end
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