av_read_frame简介:ffmpeg中的av_read_frame()的作用是读取码流中的音频若干帧或者视频一帧。例如,解码视频的时候,每解码一个视频帧,需要先调用 av_read_frame()获得一帧视频的压缩数据,然后才能对该数据进行解码(例如H.264中一帧压缩数据通常对应一个NAL)。
/* error handling */
#if EDOM > 0
#define AVERROR(e) (-(e)) ///< Returns a negative error code from a POSIX error code, to return from library functions.
#define AVUNERROR(e) (-(e)) ///< Returns a POSIX error code from a library function error return value.
/* Some platforms have E* and errno already negated. */
#define AVERROR(e) (e)
#define AVUNERROR(e) (e)
#define FFERRTAG(a, b, c, d) (-(int)MKTAG(a, b, c, d))
#define AVERROR_BSF_NOT_FOUND FFERRTAG(0xF8,'B','S','F') ///< Bitstream filter not found
#define AVERROR_BUG FFERRTAG( 'B','U','G','!') ///< Internal bug, also see AVERROR_BUG2
#define AVERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL FFERRTAG( 'B','U','F','S') ///< Buffer too small
#define AVERROR_DECODER_NOT_FOUND FFERRTAG(0xF8,'D','E','C') ///< Decoder not found
#define AVERROR_DEMUXER_NOT_FOUND FFERRTAG(0xF8,'D','E','M') ///< Demuxer not found
#define AVERROR_ENCODER_NOT_FOUND FFERRTAG(0xF8,'E','N','C') ///< Encoder not found
#define AVERROR_EOF FFERRTAG( 'E','O','F',' ') ///< End of file
#define AVERROR_EXIT FFERRTAG( 'E','X','I','T') ///< Immediate exit was requested; the called function should not be restarted
#define AVERROR_EXTERNAL FFERRTAG( 'E','X','T',' ') ///< Generic error in an external library
#define AVERROR_FILTER_NOT_FOUND FFERRTAG(0xF8,'F','I','L') ///< Filter not found
#define AVERROR_INVALIDDATA FFERRTAG( 'I','N','D','A') ///< Invalid data found when processing input
#define AVERROR_MUXER_NOT_FOUND FFERRTAG(0xF8,'M','U','X') ///< Muxer not found
#define AVERROR_OPTION_NOT_FOUND FFERRTAG(0xF8,'O','P','T') ///< Option not found
#define AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME FFERRTAG( 'P','A','W','E') ///< Not yet implemented in FFmpeg, patches welcome
#define AVERROR_PROTOCOL_NOT_FOUND FFERRTAG(0xF8,'P','R','O') ///< Protocol not found
#define AVERROR_STREAM_NOT_FOUND FFERRTAG(0xF8,'S','T','R') ///< Stream not found
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