2012-07-10 22:08:29
1:linux 访问windows 共享的方法
Mount -t cifs //主机地址/共享目录 /映射本地目录 –o nounix, noserverino
Cifs 表示通用网络文件系统(common internet file system)
例如:mount -t cifs // /home/ubuntu/mnt -o username='xxx',password='xxx',codepage='cp936',iocharset='utf8',rw,uid=1000,gid=1000,nounix,noserverino
2:共享编译时出现” Value too large for defined data type” 如何解决
在mount 添加选项 –o nounix, noserverino, 就可以解决
3:–o nounix, noserverino 什么意思
noserverino Client generates inode numbers (rather than using the actual one from the server) by default.
See section INODE NUMBERS for more information.
nounix Disable the CIFS Unix Extensions for this mount. This can be useful in order to turn off multiple settings at once. This includes POSIX acls, POSIX locks, POSIX paths, symlink support and retrieving uids/gids/mode from the server. This can also be useful to work around a bug in a server that supports Unix Extensions.参考: