分类: C/C++
2012-05-10 15:48:07
Figure 2.5: Contrast sensitivity function
The reason why we can not distinguish patterns with high frequncies is
the limited number of photoreceptors in our eye. There are several
other functions proposed by other authors, but we choose the above
function [] because it can be simply analitically
described. The same function is also used by Rushmeier et
al. [] and Gaddipati et al. [], which was
another motivating factor in using this function.
According to Weber's law, from the beginning of the century, the ratio
of the just noticeable difference
and the
luminance L is constant, and equals 0.02 for a wide
range of luminances. Nowadays there are better descriptions of just
noticeable difference, and it is clear that it is not constant but
depends on the adaptation level, and can be approximated using Weber's
law just at certain adaptation levels.
The mapping function proposed by Greg Ward in [] relies on the
work of Blackwell conducted in the early 1970s. Using a briefly
flashing dot on a uniform background Blackwell established the
relationship between adaptation luminance, , and just noticeable
difference in luminance
That means that if there is a patch of luminance
on the background of luminance
it will be discernible, but
the patch of luminance
, where
A more complex function for the whole range of human vision is used by
Ferwerda et al. [], and later by Larson et al. in
[]. It accounts for both rod and cone, response, and is
given in equation
Ferwerda et al. [] and Larson et al. [] also
exploit the changes in visual acuity. Visual acuity is the measure of
the visual system's ability to resolve spatial details. It drops off
significantly for low illumination levels. Actually it is about at
and drops off to about
Ferwerda et al. also used the time aspect of adaptation. We are all familiar with the fact that we can not see immediately after entering the cinema if the film has already begun. After some period of time we can see the details again. Using Ferwerda's model it is possible to simulate such time changes of adaptation in computer graphics.