分类: BSD
2012-04-16 15:35:45
上一篇讲了如何创建一个网络监控程序,通过这个实例介绍了如何进行Mac OS内核开发,这一篇将介绍一种在用户层控制内核扩展模块的方法,特殊的Socket通讯。利用socket控制内核模块确实是一个非常简介而且不错的方式,当然如果你以前学习过linux内核开发,那么你肯定最先想到的是写个字符驱动程序来实现这个功能,事实上在Mac OS上利用字符驱动也是可以实现的,但是我们今天介绍的这个方法似乎更简单。
为了支持用socket的方式来达到内核和用户程序通讯,Mac OS X提供了一个全新的域 – PF_SYSTEM域,通过这个域可以让用户去配置或者控制一个内核扩展程序。PF_SYSTEM域依次提供了两种协议:SYSPROTO_CONTROL和SYSPROTO_EVENT。Important Network kernel extensions cannot be controlled or programmatically loaded from sandboxed applications.
内核控制API是在用户空间应用程序和KEXT之间的双向通讯结构,让内核扩展模块支持内核控制相对来说是很简单的(relatively straightforward)。必须在KEXT的开始函数中调用ctl_register函数,注册一个kern_ctl_reg结构。ctl_register函数定义在
A structure defining the
kernel control to be attached. The ctl_connect callback must be
specified, the other callbacks are optional. If ctl_connect is set to
zero, ctl_register fails with the error code EINVAL.
Upon successful return, the kctlref will contain a reference to the attached kernel control. This reference is used to unregister the kernel control. This reference will also be passed in to the callbacks each time they are called.
Return Value
0 - Kernel control
was registered. EINVAL - The registration structure was not valid.
ENOMEM - There was insufficient memory. EEXIST - A controller with that
id/unit is already registered.
Register a kernel control. This will enable clients to connect to the kernel control using a PF_SYSTEM socket.
struct kern_ctl_reg说明如下:
Fields ctl_nameA Bundle ID string of up to MAX_KCTL_NAME bytes (including the ending zero). This string should not be empty.
ctl_idThe control ID may be dynamically assigned or it can be a 32-bit creator code assigned by DTS. For a DTS assigned creator code the CTL_FLAG_REG_ID_UNIT flag must be set. For a dynamically assigned control ID, do not set the CTL_FLAG_REG_ID_UNIT flag. The value of the dynamically assigned control ID is set to this field when the registration succeeds.
ctl_unitA separate unit number to register multiple units that share the same control ID with DTS assigned creator code when the CTL_FLAG_REG_ID_UNIT flag is set. This field is ignored for a dynamically assigned control ID.
ctl_sendsizeOverride the default send size. If set to zero, the default send size will be used, and this default value is set to this field to be retrieved by the caller.
ctl_recvsizeOverride the default receive size. If set to zero, the default receive size will be used, and this default value is set to this field to be retrieved by the caller.
ctl_connectSpecify the function to be called whenever a client connects to the kernel control. This field must be specified.
ctl_disconnectSpecify a function to be called whenever a client disconnects from the kernel control.
ctl_sendSpecify a function to handle data send from the client to the kernel control.
ctl_setoptSpecify a function to handle set socket option operations for the kernel control.
ctl_getoptSpecify a function to handle get socket option operations for the kernel control.
DiscussionThis structure defines the properties of a kernel control being registered.
需要特别说明的是,在kern_ctl_reg结构中用了ctl_name,ctl_id,ctl_unit三个字段来描述这个控件的唯一标识,其中前两者ctl_id, ctl_name 能够在多个控件中被共享使用.真正唯一的与相关控件一一对应的标识是ctl_unit。一个控件允许用同一个ctl_id多次注册,但是在不同的实例中必须使用不同的ctl_unit标识,对于自动分配的控件唯一标识,这个域的值将会自动填充。
Note: You may use either a registered Creator ID (available from the Apple Developer Creator ID web page at http://developer.apple.com/dev/cftype/) or you may use a dynamically-assigned ID.
It is strongly recommended that you use a dynamically-assigned ID. This is the default behavior. In that case, the memory referenced by the ctl_id field will be overwritten with the dynamically-generated ID value when ctl_register returns.
If you need to use a registered ID, you must set the CTL_FLAG_REG_ID_UNIT flag in ctl_flags. If this flag is set, the value of ctl_name will be ignored.
当函数成功返回,第二个参数 ctlref将会包含一个引用指向这个已注册的内核控件.这个引用必须用于取消注册这个控件, 并且将作为参数贯穿在许多回调函数中.当内核控制器接受到来自用户空间进程的连接的时候,控制器的ctl_connect_func回调函数将会被调用,在这个函数中,你需要根据连接判断出关联的单元号码,这样,之后你才能发送数据回到连接过来的用户进程.因此你需要创建一个数据结构(任由你选择)去存储相关的连接信息数据, 并且把这个结构通过函数传入的参数void** handle返回出去,在其他的回调函数中将会使用到.