1. 安装cifs文件包(来源于demopakage,bonus pack盘中也有)
#smitty install_all
2. 设置cifs的属性
#smit smbcfg
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[TOP] [Entry Fields]
* Server Name [dumpserver]
* Start Server [Now] +
* Domain Name [bjd1mcc]
Description [Fast Connect Server]
Server alias(es)
WINS Address []
Backup WINS address []
Proxy WINS Server [off] +
NetBIOS Name Server (NBNS) [off] +
Use Encrypted Passwords [no] +
Passthrough Authentication Server []
Backup Passthrough Authentication Server []
Allow DCE/DFS access [no] +
Enable network logon server for client PCs [disabled] +
Client startup script file name [startup.bat]
Guest logon support [disabled] +
Guest logon ID [nobody] +
Enable client user name mapping [yes] +
Enable share level security [yes] +
Share level security user login [root] +
Enable opportunistic locking [yes] +
Enable search caching [no] +
Enable send file API support [no] +
3. 修改Resources
# smit smbcfgresi
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
Maximum User [5] #
Maximum Connections [5] #
Maximum Open [5] #
Maximum Searches [5] #
Auto Disconnects [600] #
4. 添加共享卷组及设置权限(建议只读口令和读写口令不要设置成相同的)
#smit smbsrvfiladd_d
Add File Systems (Shared Volumes)
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
* Share (network) Name [sharefolder]
* Path [/sharefolder]
Description []
Access allowed Full +
Enable opportunistic locking yes +
Enable search caching no +
Enable send file API support no +
Status of share level security on this server: enabled
Would you like to specify a Read/Write password yes +
Would you like to specify a Read Only password yes +
#smit mle_add_lang
Add Additional Language Environments
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
CULTURAL convention to install UTF-8 English (United States) [EN_US]+
LANGUAGE translation to install +
* INPUT device/directory for software [/dev/cd0] +
EXTEND file systems if space needed? yes +
#smit chlang_user
Set User Languages
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
* User NAME root
* Primary CULTURAL convention UTF-8 English (United States) [EN_US]+
1ST language translation choice [] +
2ND language translation choice [] +
3RD language translation choice [] +
vi /etc/inittab
add "rccifs:2:wait:/etc/rc.cifs start >; /dev/console 2>;&1"
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