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2010-08-20 15:58:24

前天,由于一位自由软件爱好者整天盯着电脑,他的女友受到了冷落,只好去 bug 报告系统 Bugzilla 求助。



    亲爱的 Gnome, 


    因 为你,我的男友着魔一般沉迷于他的电脑,很少再关注我。我本来在周末精心准备了一些有趣的计划,他却因为 GNOME 会议而取消了它们!他两周前甚至去了荷兰参加 GUADEC,让我孤零零地在家待了一星期!他不断的参加那些会议,我实在不知道该怎么做了。很明显有一个 叫做“波士顿最高会议”(Boston Summit)的东西一直在吸引他?

    曾几何时,他仅仅是谈论着 Linux 而已,那时候我还觉得那个东西还十分有趣和迷人。然而,就在最近,他强迫症似的行为已经成了笼罩我们之间关系的乌云。甚至当我们出门在外时,他也不断的沉迷于他那台 MAEMO Linux 手机。

    他甚至在我的电脑里也装了 Linux,而我压根不知道怎么用。有一天我下班回家,却发现我的电脑里写满了“UNIX”的字样!最近,他还在他妈妈的电脑上装了 Linux,而现在她一直在向我抱怨,我也不知道怎么办才好!






    Hi Ilana,

    我的女友曾经有过和你一模一样的症状,但是,现在这个 bug 我已经不能重现了,这说明在下游的某个版本它已经被修复了。


    1) 在一起过一个 Linux 周。在这一周里,你要接受去“改变自己的虚拟生活”。他肯定会耐心地回答你所有的问题。

    2) 让他在周一给你安装一个易用的 Linux(而不是 Slackware 或者 Gentoo)。在这种情况下我推荐 Ubuntu,因为它非常流行,新用户可以在很多论坛里得到帮助。

    3) 现在,过一星期那样的生活。这对你们都很困难,因为你有时会觉得非常迷惑,而他可能会因为一些“非常基础的问题”而感到恼怒。坚持住!

    4) 在那一周过后,你对 Linux 可能将会自信得多。那时候,问问他在开发 GNOME 的什么东西,然后向他请求志愿做一名 beta 版本测试者。你已经有了一个 Bugzilla 账号,所以非常不错。

    5) 现在,和他立下这样一个协议:你每报告一个 bug,他都要离开电脑和你共处一个晚上。


    如果你还是没能解决你的 bug,请在这里写下跟踪报告,详细地描述你遇到问题时的情况。

 - Gnome ate my boyfriend! Help!
ilana.m.ventura [reporter] 2010-08-11 05:18:10 UTC
Dear Gnome, 

Please, have some empathy and help me out.  

Because of you, my boyfriend is chronically attached to his computer and has
ceased to pay attention to me.  I try to plan fun things for us to do on the
weekends and then he cancels on my because of GNOME conferences!  He even went
to the Netherlands to GUADEC two weeks ago and left me at home alone for a
week!  He keeps going to all these conferences and I just don't know what to
do.  Apparently there is some Boston Summit thing he keeps talking about?  

Way back when, he used to talk about Linux every once in a while and I found it
nerdy and cute.  However, as of late, his obsession has become a large dark
gloomy cloud on our relationship.  Even when we are away from our apartment, he
is perpetually attached via his MAEMO Linux phone.

He even tried to put Linux on my computer and I simply could not take it.  I
came home from work one day and my computer said "UNIX" all over it!  Recently,
he installed Linux on his mom's computer and now she is calling me complaining
and I don't know what to do!

Please, help me bring my boyfriend back from "Linux Land."  His name is Zach. 
If you find him, you may have to shut off the computer you find him in front of
to get him to speak in anything other than "C."  Sometimes he will speak to you
in French, but thats only because he has his phone in French.  I don't speak
French so this too has become a wedge in our relationship.

This is a severe issue.  Please fix this.   


Akhil Laddha 2010-08-11 06:45:46 UTC
This is a GNOME bug tracking system, not any family consultancy.
Lionel Dricot 2010-08-11 13:57:10 UTC
Hi Ilana,

My girlfriend was able to reproduce the exact same symptoms but, now, the bug
cannot be reproduced, meaning the fix is probably in TRUNK.

To apply the fix, follow that procedure :

1) Decide together of one Linux week. During this week, you will accept
"changing your virtual life". He will accept to answer patiently all your

2) Let him install an easy end-user oriented Linux (not Slackware or Gentoo) at
the beginning of the week. I recommand Ubuntu for such case because it's highly
popular, with a lot of forums dedicated to newcomers.

3) Now, live that life for one week. It will be hard for both because you will
sometimes be lost and he will be sometimes annoyed by what he might consider as
"basic questions". Hold on !

4) After that week, you will probably me a lot more confident with using Linux.
At that point, ask him what he's developping in GNOME and propose him to become
a beta-tester. You already have a Bugzilla account, so it's great.

5) Now, make the following deal : for each bug you report, he has to spend one
night with you without the computer.

Applying until step 3 might be enough. 4 and 5 are only for harder case.

If it does not resolve your bug, please try to post a backtrace of the exact
situation when your problem is happening.
james.hodapp 2010-08-11 14:39:13 UTC
Love it! Brilliant! I think this needs to be changed from bug, to feature. :)
Calum Benson [developer] 2010-08-11 14:50:26 UTC
(In reply to )

> He even tried to put Linux on my computer and I simply could not take it.  I
> came home from work one day and my computer said "UNIX" all over it!

This bug should be filed with the distro in question.  Linux is not Unix.
Jean-François Fortin Tam 2010-08-11 22:39:17 UTC
I believe gnome-love is appropriate here, so adding it to the keywords.
brianherman 2010-08-12 01:00:23 UTC
Use empathy to talk to him?
Scott 2010-08-12 08:38:13 UTC
> Linux is not Unix.

I thought GNU is not Unix.

David Liang 2010-08-12 08:53:16 UTC
Bin Li 2010-08-12 09:03:22 UTC
Join the , learn GNOME and join it, become a famous
member, then your boyfriend will be your adorer, or kick out your boyfriend in
Alberto Ruiz [developer] 2010-08-12 12:02:07 UTC
Without you telling us who your boyfriend is, we can't really help ;-)
Zach Goldberg [developer] 2010-08-12 12:21:07 UTC
(In reply to )
> Without you telling us who your boyfriend is, we can't really help ;-)

Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) [developer] 2010-08-12 13:56:45 UTC
I think the thing to do is make Ilana the maintainer of whatever module(s) Zach
is most focused upon. Zach would be forced to pay attention to her then, and it
would improve the current, male-dominated, maintainership situation we
currently have in GNOME.
cantona 2010-08-12 15:01:57 UTC
Lionel has great idea.
Nahuel Rosso 2010-08-12 15:07:43 UTC
if u have an debian distro , try #apt-get remove boyfriend --purge
nixomose 2010-08-12 15:55:52 UTC
I realize this is a joke, but the problem isn't that she doesn't know linux or
gnome, but in fact the problem is that her boyfriend is becoming introverted.

If you ask a bunch of geeks to solve a not-into-computers problem (though it
WAS cute) they're going to fix the problem by telling you to become a computer

Depending on your perspective the problem may be that the girlfriend isn't a
geek or that the boyfriend is becoming more interested in computers and less in

For an objective truth I'm going to have to go with this: Humans evolved
because of relationships not because of software development.

The real answer? She should break up with him.
Diego Escalante Urrelo [developer] 2010-08-12 16:08:00 UTC
(In reply to )
> I think the thing to do is make Ilana the maintainer of whatever module(s) Zach
> is most focused upon. Zach would be forced to pay attention to her then, and it
> would improve the current, male-dominated, maintainership situation we
> currently have in GNOME.

I agree. And we would even get a new women contributor. In fact, Ilana you
might want to read about the GNOME Women Outreach Program:

We would be happy to see you apply!
Zeeshan Ali (Khattak) [developer] 2010-08-12 16:27:43 UTC
Ilana, I must admit I played a role in this by asking Zach to look into
gobject-introspection to write GUPnP python bindings. Though I'm selfish and
I'm therefore not sorry. :) If it makes you feel any better, my wife has the
same issues.
Nahuel Rosso 2010-08-12 17:06:52 UTC
(In reply to )
> I realize this is a joke, but the problem isn't that she doesn't know linux or
> gnome, but in fact the problem is that her boyfriend is becoming introverted.
> If you ask a bunch of geeks to solve a not-into-computers problem (though it
> WAS cute) they're going to fix the problem by telling you to become a computer
> geek.
> Depending on your perspective the problem may be that the girlfriend isn't a
> geek or that the boyfriend is becoming more interested in computers and less in
> girlfriends. 
> For an objective truth I'm going to have to go with this: Humans evolved
> because of relationships not because of software development.
> The real answer? She should break up with him.

Im totally agree.

cus my previous commment was : #apt-get remove BOYFRIEND --purge .

(a little joke)
Kevin Evans 2010-08-12 17:59:07 UTC
Try typing this in terminal:
cat /dev/boyfriend | grep love
Nahuel Rosso 2010-08-12 18:02:27 UTC
(In reply to )
> Try typing this in terminal:
> cat /dev/boyfriend | grep love

jajaja, real funny...
heavy 2010-08-12 22:02:59 UTC
From a woman to another woman...

You choosed to get yourself a 'nerdy and cute' boyfriend. So you know that such
things could happen. Would I would suggest now? Don't try to change your geek

If you're missing attention it's maybe related to the fact that you're jealous
at [computer|OSS-projects|other programmers] getting more attention than
yourself. How to get attention back? Don't try to get your boyfriend away from
computer immediately... First of all a question like "what are you doing?"
In my thoughts two reactions are possible
1) 'coding' Which means something like "I'm really into it right now." You
should tolerate this state and let him continue if this is not the reaction in
100% of the situations. Especially prior to releases or when in the middle of
fixing a bug, this will be the reacon.
2) . Force your boyfriend to explain it on low level. This
has two effects: 1. If you are close to him or the screen, he will probably
turn his face to you and explain the situation - yehaaa you sent a successful
interrupt to his brain and got his attention. 2. if he belongs to the advanced
kind of geeks, he will realize how deep he's into his usual language and will
"develop" more feeling for you.
Additionally you will learn more about computers and what your boyfriend is
interested in. This has also two effect. There will be always a topic you can
talk about, cause there are always bugs which need to be fixed or some kind of
cool code he just managed. The second effect is that you're becoming geeky too
by taking profit of his knowledge, this can be either positive or negative
depending on the nature of your boyfriend. Most geeks like women which know
something about computers or are interested in that - just for a few of them
it's a problm if the women knows more about computers.

Back to the interrupt of the brain... This is the situation you should use.
This is the situation in which you can get him slowly away from the computer.
How you should do this? Like fixing bugs needs creativity you should use your
creativity in this situation ;)

But you should keep one thing in your mind. You shouldn't see the
[computer|OSS-projects|other programmers] as a competitor, but as a part of
your relationship. A geek isn't a geek without his computer. So he won't be
'nerdy and cute' anymore.  But maybe you can convince your boyfriend to treat
the computer like children --> sometimes a couple needs time without them.
Mario Sánchez Prada 2010-08-13 07:29:02 UTC
(In reply to )
> I think the thing to do is make Ilana the maintainer of whatever module(s) Zach
> is most focused upon. Zach would be forced to pay attention to her then, and it
> would improve the current, male-dominated, maintainership situation we
> currently have in GNOME.

+1 to Joanmarie's suggestion, althouth Lionel's plan doesn't sound bad either.

Good luck!
Olav Vitters [developer] 2010-08-13 08:42:44 UTC
Don't try and spam.

GNOME Bugzilla maintainers
Dot Net Coder 2010-08-13 10:51:44 UTC
Hi Ilana,
           Linux Users are morons....Dump ur BF...
edmarsj 2010-08-13 13:53:41 UTC
Hi Ilana..

Let your boyfriend. And go after someone who really cares about you.
holmes86 2010-08-13 14:59:06 UTC
(In reply to )
> Hi Ilana,
>            Linux Users are morons....Dump ur BF...

kendisk 2010-08-13 18:33:28 UTC
Linux 輕度正轉向重度用戶表示木有鴨梨,剛和女人分手。
Odin Hørthe Omdal 2010-08-13 19:41:57 UTC
Am I the only one who can't read all the japanese or chinese signs? Can't see a
good reason for using it here.

Also, were did all the negative people come from? This was a very sweet thing
of Ilana to do to Zach. I guess it was noticed and appreciated very much. This
bug report was probably a good fix in itself :-)
qiu.yunfei 2010-08-13 20:37:28 UTC
you deserve a better boyfriend, dump this nerd, call me tonight~~
qiu.yunfei 2010-08-13 20:39:16 UTC
(In reply to )
> (In reply to )
> > Hi Ilana,
> >            Linux Users are morons....Dump ur BF...
> 操你大爷

@holmes86 you really proved his point...
risingfred 2010-08-14 01:42:45 UTC
(In reply to )
> 不得不顶


同时为那些QQ only的女性盆友的男友默哀。

xiaomao101 2010-08-14 08:41:53 UTC
Just have a talk about these things with your bf, if he loves you, he will care
about you.
Mu Xianming 2010-08-14 11:43:02 UTC
Morpheus 2010-08-14 14:15:14 UTC
(In reply to )
> But maybe you can convince your boyfriend to treat
> the computer like children --> sometimes a couple needs time without them.

Great comparison. :D

It seems a joke but, if it's true, I feel sorry for her. :S

Good luck fixing that bug. ;)
Ghost 2010-08-14 15:22:53 UTC

ianifei 2010-08-15 17:13:50 UTC
Wu Yongwei 2010-08-16 04:36:33 UTC
(In reply to )
> Am I the only one who can't read all the japanese or chinese signs? Can't see a
> good reason for using it here.

It seems this bug report has been popular among Chinese Linux users.  The
comments are more sentiments instead of arguments.  If somebody speaks a
non-English language here, I suppose it is most likely GNOME maintainers do not
need to understand it ;-).

Translation of the last three Chinese comments (#43, #45, and #46):


When can I achieve the state of your boyfriend. 


The boyfriend of the bug reporter is really too powerful.  This bug is really

A person from the Heavenly Dynasty passes by.


A person from the Heavenly Dynasty registered his account in order to adore you
and your boyfriend here.


Please notice that "Heavenly Dynasty" is a sarcastic name for nerdy Chinese to
refer to China.  It has nothing to do with nationalism.
ianifei 2010-08-16 04:41:09 UTC
lol  thx!
xingke 2010-08-16 07:12:16 UTC
来自天朝,特地注册帐号到此西游,LZ 虽然很膜拜你,但是我是来打酱油的!

看来 来自天朝的人员很多啊!! ------------From chongqing, China
xingke 2010-08-16 07:14:58 UTC
(In reply to )
> (In reply to )
> > Am I the only one who can't read all the japanese or chinese signs? Can't see a
> > good reason for using it here.
> It seems this bug report has been popular among Chinese Linux users.  The
> comments are more sentiments instead of arguments.  If somebody speaks a
> non-English language here, I suppose it is most likely GNOME maintainers do not
> need to understand it ;-).
> Translation of the last three Chinese comments (#43, #45, and #46):
> ---
> When can I achieve the state of your boyfriend. 
> ---
> The boyfriend of the bug reporter is really too powerful.  This bug is really
> challenging.
> A person from the Heavenly Dynasty passes by.
> ---
> A person from the Heavenly Dynasty registered his account in order to adore you
> and your boyfriend here.
> ---
> Please notice that "Heavenly Dynasty" is a sarcastic name for nerdy Chinese to
> refer to China.  It has nothing to do with nationalism.

Do you know a hairy "celestial" SB one you know what celestial?
zeng zhen 2010-08-16 14:09:41 UTC
bless Ilana fix this BUG herself(maybe she can)...
zzjin from 天朝 BUPT
xingke 2010-08-16 14:14:19 UTC
估计这里要成为中国人的乐园!!!!! 再次西游!想当年 孙悟空一个根头十万八千里,我现在一根网线就搞定!看来悟空吾及啊!我幸在不痴不慧中!!
ginzhang 2010-08-18 02:03:41 UTC
(In reply to )
> (In reply to )
> > Without you telling us who your boyfriend is, we can't really help ;-)
> *whistles*


Ilana's boyfriend...

chyx 2010-08-19 12:06:29 UTC
(In reply to )
> 估计这里要成为中国人的乐园!!!!! 再次西游!想当年 孙悟空一个根头十万八千里,我现在一根网线就搞定!看来悟空吾及啊!我幸在不痴不慧中!!

xingke 2010-08-19 12:13:59 UTC

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