如 taviso 所说:FvwmButtons 可能是 FVWM 中最多才多艺的一个模块了。 ##### # FvwmButtons is an incredible piece of software. # # It can create freeform panels of any size, shape (including Non-Rectangular windows), # Colour and function. It can swallow other applications, even applications not designed # for docking, have "panels" that slide out consisting of other panels, has a "startup-notification" # like feature, hundreds of possible bindings, uses the powerful fvwm Colorsets feature, and # can even change dynamically and respond to window manager events. # # The widgets can be transparent, use Xft fonts, and using fvwm's font definitions can render drop shadows # at any direction, offset, size and colour. Buttons can all use different Colorsets, and can have different # reliefs, shapes, anything! # # FvwmButtons is even tolerant to errors in configuration, and can workaround bad or impossible # definitions! # # As it's an fvwm module, it has 100% integration with the window manager and can use # internal fvwm commands, functions, etc. # # as you can tell, i am a big FvwmButtons fan :) # # I've written a quick introduction into making panels with FvwmButtons, you can read it here # # ###########
| taken from taviso's fvwm2rc file.诚如那人所说的,但在这篇简介中只涉及如何设置 FvwmButtons 的最基础的部分。 像上面提到的那样,你想要多少个 FvwmButtons 就能创建多少个,在桌面上做任何你想 做的事。我将建立一组简单的按钮 MyButtons 让你熟悉一下语法。在 一章中,我会给一个更复杂的例子,让你对如何配置它有个更好 的认识。 FvwmButtons 的基本布局是矩形,但如 taviso 所说,你可以将它配置成任意形状。 用宽x高的形式定义 FvwmButtons 的大小,然后再用行列数分割成一个个小格子。这很 重要,因为每个 FvwmButtons 面板中的按钮都可以占用任意数目的行列,允许做任意大 小的按钮。而在每个按钮中又能建立标题、图标、动作,甚至让它包含其它应用程序( 更多内容在附录中的高级主题中)。按钮从左上角填充到右下角,如下图所示 我为这份指南做的例子非常基础,只是让你了解基本语法。这是一个只有一栏的按钮 ,有个标题,还有一些快速启动按钮用来启动某些程序。 ##### # MyButtons ########### Style "MyButtons" NoTitle, !Handles, !Borders, Sticky, WindowListSkip, \ CirculateSkip, StaysOnBottom, FixedPosition, FixedSize, !Iconifiable
DestroyModuleConfig MyButtons: * *MyButtons: Geometry 60x420+0+0 *MyButtons: Colorset 9 *MyButtons: Rows 38 *MyButtons: Columns 1 *MyButtons: Frame 0 *MyButtons: Font "Shadow=3:xft:Sans:Bold:pixelsize=14:minspace=True:antialias=True" *MyButtons: (1x2, Frame 0, Title(Center) "FVWM") *MyButtons: (1x5, Frame 0, Icon 48x48/terminal.png, \ Action(Mouse 1) "FvwmATerm", \ Action(Mouse 3) "FvwmXTerm") *MyButtons: (1x5, Frame 0, Icon 48x48/xmms.png, \ Action(Mouse 1) "FvwmXmms") *MyButtons: (1x5, Frame 0, Icon 48x48/vim.png, \ Action(Mouse 1) "FvwmGvim") *MyButtons: (1x5, Frame 0, Icon 48x48/gimp.png, \ Action(Mouse 1) "FvwmGimp") *MyButtons: (1x5, Frame 0, Icon 48x48/firefox.png, \ Action(Mosue 1) "FvwmFireFox") *MyButtons: (1x5, Frame 0, Icon 48x48/irc.png, \ Action(Mouse 1) "FvwmIrssi") *MyButtons: (1x5, Frame 0, Icon 48x48/tux.png, \ Action(Mouse 1) "FvwmXLock") *MyButtons: (1x1, Frame 0)