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2010-09-17 16:18:11

With KickStart you can create and store configuration files for your server or client installations and then use these files to perform your installations and upgrades. Installations and upgrades can be done from a local CD-ROM or using NFS. If you are installing across the network, you need to have a DHCP server for each network segment.
The file that is used by KickStart to read the configuration information for the automated installation is called ks.cfg. The ks.cfg file can be located on a boot disk or on a network installation server. A sample KickStart configuration file, named sample.ks, is located in the /doc directory of the Red Hat Installation CD. This file is a plain text file that can be edited with any text editing program. You can use the sample file and make modifications as necessary for your installation. Here are some rules that you need to follow when modifying or creating your own file.

1. Items must be listed in a specific order.
2. Only required items have to be included in the file.
3. Skipping a required item causes the installation program to prompt you for the missing information. The installation continues after the missing item is specified.
4. Lines starting with a pound sign (“#”) are treated as comments and are ignored.
5. The following items are required in the order listed:

                    1. language
                    2. network
                    3. installation method (cdrom or nfs)
                     4. device specification (if the device is required for the installation)
                    5. keyboard
                     6. noprobe (optional)
                    7. zerombr (yes or no; clears the MBR)
                    8. part (required for installs)
                    9. installation or upgrade (choose one)
                    10. mouse (for configuring the mouse)
                     11. timezone (for setting the time zone)
                     12. xconfig (for configuring the X Window system)
                    13. auth (configures password security and NIS)
                    14. LILO configuration
                    15. %page (specify packages to be installed here)

install (optional) — Tells the system to install a fresh system rather than to upgrade
an existing system. This is the default mode.
Installation methods
You must use one of the these commands to specify what type of KickStart is
being done:
Install from the NFS server specified.
–server — Server from which to install (hostname or IP).

— Directory containing the Red Hat installation tree.
For example:
nfs –server –dir

Install from the first CD-ROM drive on the system. For example:
Install from a Red Hat installation tree on a local drive, which must be either VFAT
or ext2.
–partition — Partition to install from (such as, sdb2).
— Directory containing the Red Hat installation tree.
For example:
Harddrive –partition –dir

Install from a Red Hat installation tree on a remote server via FTP or HTTP. For
url –url
url –url ftp://:@/

Starting a KickStart Installation

To begin a KickStart installation, you must boot the system from a Red Hat Linux
boot disk, and enter a special boot command at the boot prompt. If the KickStart
file resides on the boot disk, the proper boot command is:
boot: linux ks=floppy
If, on the other hand, the KickStart file resides on a server, the appropriate boot
command is:
boot: linux ks
Anaconda looks for a KickStart file if the ks command line argument is passed
to the kernel. The ks command can take a number of forms:
ks=floppy — The installation program looks for the file ks.cfg on a
VFAT file system on the floppy in drive /dev/fd0.
ks=hd:/ — The installation program mounts the file
system on (which must be VFAT or ext2), and looks for the
KickStart configuration file as in that file system (for example,
Chapter 3: Installing Red Hat Linux 69
ks=file:/ — The installation program tries to read the file
from the file system; no mounts are done. This is normally used if the
KickStart file is already on the initrd image.
ks=nfs:/ — The installation program looks for the
KickStart file on the NFS server , as file . The installation
program uses DHCP to configure the Ethernet card.
ks=cdrom:/ —The installation program looks for the KickStart file
on CD-ROM, as file .
ks — When ks is specified without additional command line parameters,
the DHCP bootServer field of the configuration file is used to obtain the
name of the NFS server. This information is also used to configure the
Ethernet card using DHCP, and to find the location of the KickStart file.
The KickStart file can be found in one of three locations:
If the bootfile starts with a /, and DHCP is configured, the installation
program looks in the root directory on the NFS server for the bootfile.
If the bootfile does not start with a /, and DHCP is configured, the
installation program looks in the /kickstart directory on the NFS
server for the file.
When no bootfile is listed, the IP address of the PC receiving the installation
is checked for the file.

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