Linux-x86引导过程: BIOS->设备主MBR->引导程序(grub/lilo)->加载Kernel->系统init->rc
HP Unix-PA Risk引导过程:PDC->LIF->ISL(prim)->HPUX(second)->加载Kernel->系统init->rc
Processor Dependent Code,写在CPU的RAM当中,即为firmware,在进行下一步引导前,硬件方面的工作和主、次引导设备的选择都是由它来完成的。--non-volatile。
系统引导时当提示:Press any key within 10 seconds to interrupt时,按任意键进入PDC.
To discontinue, press any key within 10 seconds.
Boot terminated.
---- Main Menu ---------------------------------------------------------------
Command Description
------- -----------
BOot [PRI|ALT|] Boot from specified path
PAth [PRI|ALT] [] Display or modify a path
SEArch [DIsplay|IPL] [] Search for boot devices
COnfiguration menu Displays or sets boot values
INformation menu Displays hardware information
SERvice menu Displays service commands
DIsplay Redisplay the current menu
HElp [
ISL: PDC在指定的设备上查找LIF头,因为LIF头包含了引导信息和ISL引导程序。
# lifls -l /dev/rdsk/c1t6d0
volume ISL10 data size 7984 directory size 8
filename type start size implement created
ISL -12800 584 306 0 00/11/08 20:49:59
HPUX -12928 896 848 0 00/11/08 20:50:00
LABEL BIN 1744 8 0 01/05/31 06:54:08
AUTO -12289 1752 1 0 01/05/31 06:54:10
ISL> lsa
Auto-execute file contains:
simply using hpux is equal to:
hpux (;0)/stand/vmunix
-is single user mode boot
Activate vg00, mount only / and /stand, do not go through the startup script.
So e.g. the network is not started and other users cannot login.
-lq quorum mode boot
Same as single user mode but the root VG (vg00) gets activated even if the LVM
quorum is not present, i.e only 50% or less of the disks are available. This option
can be used if a mirrored root disk is defect.
-lm maintenance mode boot
vg00 will not be activated. The root FS is mounted using the auxiliary device file
/dev/root. In this mode you are able to export vg00 and perform LVM low level troubleshooting.
In order to boot without quorum check into single user mode type:
ISL> hpux -is -lq
ISL> hpux ll
Shows the content of the boot filesystem /stand.
In the next steps the kernel initializes memory, IO and forks off /sbin/pre_init_rc
and mount root file system read-write afterwards.
INIT: /etc/inittab
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