2010-09-19 16:15:55
在HP Unix有两个可以限制系统最大进程数的内核参数:maxuprc(max user processes)和nproc(the number of system processes);maxuprc只对普通用户生效,对root用户不生效,只有nproc才对root生效。
以下的这段日志是因为普通用户的maxuprc开的太大,即开成了maxuprc + 5 = nproc (最大值)而且应用程序发生了大量的僵尸进程(defunct)并达到了maxuprc的值引起的。基本所有的系统命令不能执行,root用户也不能远程登录。
GenericSysName [HP Release B.11.31] (see /etc/issue)
Console Login: root
Please wait...checking for disk quotas
could not execute quota command
- - - - - - - - - - - - Live Console - - - - - - - - - - - -
/etc/profile[30]: The fork function failed. Too many processes already exist.
/etc/profile[47]: The fork function failed. Too many processes already exist.
syslog中有proc table is full 的报错,这说明nproc也用满了。
发生这种情况之后,假如还有一个已登录的终端的话,可以用exec kill
# kctune |grep nproc
nproc 4200 Default Immed
# uname -a
HP-UX hpux B.11.31 U 9000/800 1071694491 unlimited-user license
kctune maxuprc+=1024 (增加1024)
在HP-UX hpux B.11.31 U 9000/800 1071694491上调大maxuprc和nproc,不必重启就可以工作。
# kctune nproc+=4000
==> Update the automatic 'backup' configuration first? y
* The automatic 'backup' configuration has been updated.
* Future operations will update the backup without prompting.
* The requested changes have been applied to the currently
running configuration.
Tunable Value Expression Changes
nproc (before) 4200 Default Immed
(now) 8200 8200
i=1; while :; do nohup sleep 200 & ((i=$i + 1)); echo Now No is $i;if [ $i -eq 6000 ]; then echo === Now No is $i ====; break;fi; done