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分类: C/C++

2010-08-28 14:40:16


 for_each();  //对每个元素执行某操作
 count();  //返回元素个数
 count_if();  //返回满足某一条件的元素个数
 min_element(); //返回最小值元素迭代器
 max_element(); //返回最大值元素迭代器
 find();   //搜寻等于某值的第一个元素,返回该元素迭代器
 find_if();  //搜寻满足某个条件的第一个元素,返回该元素迭代器
 search_n();  //搜寻具有某特性的第一段"n个连续元素"
 search();  //搜寻某个子区间第一次出现位置
 find_end();  //搜寻某个子区间最后一次出现位置
 equal();  //判断两区间是否相等
 mismatch();  //返回两个序列的各组对应元素中,第一队不相等的元素
 //变动性算法 不能用于关联式容器
 copy();   //从第一个元素开始,复制某段区间
 transform(); //变动(并复制)元素,将两个区间的元素合并
 merge();  //合并两个区间
 swap_ranges(); //交换两区间内的元素
 fill();   //以给定值替换每一个元素
 fill_n();  //以给定值替换n个元素
 generate();  //以某项操作的结果替换每一个元素
 generate_n(); //以某项操作的结果替换n个元素
 replace();  //将具有某特定值的元素替换为另一个值
 replace_if(); //将符合某条件的元素替换为另一个值
 replace_copy(); //复制整个区间,同时并将具有某特定值的元素替换为另一值
 //移除性算法 是一种特殊的变序性算法
 remove();  //将等于某特定值的元素全部移除
 remove_if(); //将满足某条件的元素全部移除
 remove_copy(); //将不等于某特地值的元素全部复制到它处
 unique();  //移除毗邻的重复元素
 unique_copy(); //移除毗邻的重复元素,并复制到它处
 //变序性算法 不能作用于关联式容器
 reverse();  //将元素的次序逆转
 reverse_copy(); //复制的同时, 逆转元素顺序
 rotate();  //旋转元素次序
 rotate_copy(); //复制的同事,旋转元素次序
 random_shuffle(); //将元素的次序随机打乱
 partition(); //改变元素次序,使"符合某条件"者移到前面
 //排序算法 排序算法是一种特殊的变序性算法
 sort();   //对所有元素排序
 stable_sort(); //对所有元素排序,并保持相等元素间的相对次序
 partial_sort(); //排序,直到前n个元素就位
 nth_element(); //根据第n个位置进行排序
 partition(); //改变元素次序,使符合某条件的元素放在前面
 make_heap(); //将一个区间转换成一个heap
 push_heap(); //将元素加入一个heap
 pop_heap();  //从heap移除一个元素
 sort_heap(); //对heap进行排序(执行后就不再是个heap了) 
#include "stl.h"
using namespace std;
#define MAX_SIZE 100
const string ToothbrushCode("0003");
const T& max(const T& a,const T& b)
 return a}*/
class isToolBrush
  bool operator()(string& SalesRecord)
   return SalesRecord.substr(0,4) == ToothbrushCode;
bool IsToolBrush(string& record)
 return record.substr(0,4)==ToothbrushCode;
void printd(string& record)
 cout << record << endl;
template void myprint(type& n)
 cout << n << endl;
void test1()
 list int_list;
 list::iterator iter;
 iter = max_element(int_list.begin(),int_list.end());
 cout << *iter << endl;
 int result = accumulate(int_list.begin(),int_list.end(),0);
 double A[6] = {1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7};
 reverse(A, A + 6);
 for(int i=0; i<6; ++i)
  cout << "A[" << i << "]" << A[i];
 int *a = new int[34];
 int *b = new int[];
 int (*c)[2] = new int[34][2];
 int (*d)[2] = new int[][2];
 int (*e)[2][3] = new int[34][2][3];
 int (*f)[2][3] = new int[][2][3];
 a[0] = 1;
 // b[0] = 1; //运行时错误,无分配的内存,b只起指针的作用,用来指向相应的数据
 c[0][0] = 1;
 // d[0][0] = 1;//运行时错误,无分配的内存,d只起指针的作用,用来指向相应的数据
 e[0][0][0] = 1;
 // f[0][0][0] = 1;//运行时错误,无分配的内存,f只起指针的作用,用来指向相应的数据
 cout< cout< cout< cout< cout< cout< 
 delete[] a;
 delete[] b;
 delete[] c;
 delete[] d;
 delete[] e;
 delete[] f;
 enum CMD
   add = 1,
 CMD cmd;
 if(0 == quit)
  cout << "success" << endl;
 list SalesRecords;
 SalesRecords.push_back("0001 Soap");
 SalesRecords.push_back("0002 Shampoo");
 SalesRecords.push_back("0003 Toothbrush");
 SalesRecords.push_back("0004 Toothpaste");
 SalesRecords.push_back("0003 Toothbrush");
 string abc("123456");
 int NumberOfToothbrushes(0); 
  int num = count(SalesRecords.begin(),SalesRecords.end(),ToothbrushCode);
  NumberOfToothbrushes = count_if (SalesRecords.begin(), SalesRecords.end(),isToolBrush());
 catch(exception e)
  cout << e.what() << endl;
  cout << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << " error" << endl;
 cout << "There were "
  << NumberOfToothbrushes
  << " toothbrushes sold" << endl;
 vector vector1;
 vector::iterator vec_iter = vector1.begin();
 cout << *vec_iter << endl;
 cout << vec_iter[0] << endl;
 cout << vec_iter[1] << endl;
class IsAFlag {
  bool operator () (string& PossibleFlag) {
    return PossibleFlag.substr(0,1)=="-";
class IsAFileName {
  bool operator () (string& StringToCheck) {
    return !IsAFlag()(StringToCheck);
class IsHelpFlag {
  bool operator () (string& PossibleHelpFlag) {
    return PossibleHelpFlag=="-h";
void test2(int argc,char* argv[])
 list CmdLineParameters;       // the command line parameters
 list::iterator StartOfFiles;  // start of filenames
 list Flags;                   // list of flags
 list FileNames;               // list of filenames
 for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) CmdLineParameters.push_back(argv[i]);
 CmdLineParameters.pop_front(); // we don't want the program name
 // make sure we have the four mandatory file names
 int NumberOfFiles(0);
 NumberOfFiles = count_if(CmdLineParameters.begin(), CmdLineParameters.end(),
 cout << "The "
  << (NumberOfFiles == 4 ? "correct " : "wrong ")
  << "number ("
  << NumberOfFiles
  << ") of file names were specified" << endl;
 // move any flags to the beginning
 StartOfFiles =
  stable_partition(CmdLineParameters.begin(), CmdLineParameters.end(),
 cout << "Command line parameters after stable partition" << endl;
 for_each(CmdLineParameters.begin(), CmdLineParameters.end(), printd);
 // Splice any flags from the original CmdLineParameters list into Flags list.
 Flags.splice(Flags.begin(), CmdLineParameters,
  CmdLineParameters.begin(), StartOfFiles);
 cout << "Command line parameters after splice" << endl;
 for_each(CmdLineParameters.begin(), CmdLineParameters.end(), printd);
 if (!Flags.empty()) {
  cout << "Flags specified were:" << endl;
  for_each(Flags.begin(), Flags.end(), printd);
 else {
  cout << "No flags were specified" << endl;
 // parameters list now contains only filenames. Splice them into FileNames list.
 FileNames.splice(FileNames.begin(), CmdLineParameters,
  CmdLineParameters.begin(), CmdLineParameters.end());
 if (!FileNames.empty()) {
  cout << "Files specified (in order) were:" << endl;
  for_each(FileNames.begin(), FileNames.end(), printd);
 else {
  cout << "No files were specified" << endl;
 // check if the help flag was specified
 if (find_if(Flags.begin(), Flags.end(), IsHelpFlag())!=Flags.end()) {
  cout << "The help flag was specified" << endl;
 // open the files and do whatever you do
typedef struct myst
 int a;
 int b;
void printst(const MySt& st)
 cout << st.a << st.b << endl;
void printn(int& n)
 cout << n << endl;
void add(int& elem)
 elem += theValue;
class AddValue
 T theValue;
 AddValue(const T& v):theValue(v){
  cout << "AddValue构造函数" << endl;
 void operator ()(T& elem)const
  elem += theValue;
class Nth
 int count;
 int nth;
 Nth(int n):nth(n),count(0){} 
 bool operator()(int)
  return ++count==nth;
bool checkn(int elem)
 if(elem == 4)
  return true;
  return false;
int main(int argc,char* argv[])
 cout << "sizeof string == " << sizeof(string) << endl;
 //char cmd[1024] = {0};
 //cout << cmd << endl;
 list mylist;
 MySt st1,st2,st3;
 st1.a = 1;
 st1.b = 1;
 st2.a = 2;
 st2.b = 2;
 st3.a = 3;
 st3.b = 3;
 stack st;
 int n = st.size();
 union check
  int a;
  char b;
 check ut;
 ut.a = 1;
 cout << ut.b << endl;
 enum hh
 hh eh;
 eh = (hh)3;
 cout << sizeof(eh) << eh << endl;
 int *p = NULL;
 int a[3][2] = {(0,1),(2,3),(4,5)};
 int d = (0,1);
 bitset<32> falgs0;
  char* pch = new char(2);
  delete[] pch;
 catch(exception& e)
  cout << e.what() << endl;
 int nsize = mylist.size();
 int nd = distance(mylist.begin(),mylist.end());
 cout << "size = " << nsize << ";" << "nd = " << nd << endl;
 vector vec;
 for(int i = 1; i < 11; ++i)
 cout << endl;
 cout << endl;

 vector vec1;
 cout << "打印vec1:"  << endl;
 cout << "打印swap 后vec1:"  << endl;
 //cout << vec1[0] << vec[1] << endl;
 //cout << vec1.begin()+1;
 //int arr[8] = {1,2,3,3,3,3,4,5};
 //cout << "打印vec2:" << endl;
 //cout << "打印个数" << count(&arr[0],&arr[8],3) << endl;
 vector vec3;
    cout << "打印vec3" << endl;
 vector vec4;
 cout << "打印vec4" << endl;
 vector::iterator itf = find(vec4.begin(),vec4.end(),3);
 if(itf == vec4.end())
  cout << "not found" << endl;
  cout << "find 3 in vec4 " << *itf << endl;
 string ch("hello world!");
 cout << endl;
 vector::iterator pos = vec4.begin();
 cout << *pos << endl;
 int dst = distance(vec4.begin(),vec4.end());
 cout << dst << endl;
 dst = distance(mylist.begin(),mylist.end());
 istream_iterator reader(cin);
 istream_iterator enditer;
 while(reader != enditer)
  cout << "once :" << *reader << endl;
  cout << "once again: " << *reader << endl;
 //list list1;
 for(i = 1; i < 10; i++)
 list::iterator pos1;
 pos1 = remove_if(list2.begin(),list2.end(),Nth(3));
 copy(list2.begin(),list2.end(),ostream_iterator(cout," "));
 cout <<  endl;
 pos1 = find_if(list2.begin(),list2.end(),ptr_fun(checkn));
 cout << "find 4 " << *pos1 << endl;  
 transform(list2.begin(),list2.end(),ostream_iterator(cout," "),bind2nd(multiplies(),2));
 return 0;
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