db2 connect SQL30082N failed with reason 24
db2 grant connect on database to user USERNAME
db2 "select * from syscat.dbauth where grantee='USERNAME'"
### 授予权限后还是报同样的错误
[hostname:/db2home/db2inst2/sqllib/db2dump] #
[hostname:/db2home/db2inst2/sqllib/db2dump] # db2 connect to dbname user USERNAME using 'xxxxxxx'
SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "24" ("USERNAME AND/OR
[hostname:/db2home/db2inst2/sqllib/db2dump] #
db2 ? SQL30082N
Solutions to specific problem causes described above are:
1. Run DB2IUPDT to update the instance.
2. Ensure that the username created is valid. Review the DB2
General Naming Rules.
3. Ensure that catalog information is correct.
### 发现OS id 是大写的
[hostname:/db2home/db2inst2/sqllib/db2dump] # id username
User not found in /etc/passwd file
[hostname:/db2home/db2inst2/sqllib/db2dump] # id USERNAME
uid=238(USERNAME) gid=1(staff) groups=209(cmwauto)
[hostname:/db2home/db2inst2/sqllib/db2dump] #
2014-09-15- I201587A437 LEVEL: Warning
PID : 57671740 TID : 5399 PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: db2inst2 NODE : 000 DB : dbname
APPHDL : 0-95
EDUID : 5399 EDUNAME: db2agent (dbname) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, bsu security, sqlexLogPluginMessage, probe:20
DATA #1 : String with size, 66 bytes
Password validation for user USERNAME failed with rc = -2146500502
### 自己在Linux下测试 , 发现大写用户会报同上的错误
[db2inst1@bbbbbb migration]$ db2 connect to bbb user AAAA using aaaa
SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "24" ("USERNAME AND/OR
[db2inst1@bbbbbb migration]$
[db2inst1@bbbbbb migration]$ db2 connect to bbb user aaaa using aaaa
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 9.7.8
SQL authorization ID = AAAA
Local database alias = BBB
[db2inst1@bbbbbb migration]$
### 最终找到官方的说明
Rules for user IDs
Some of these rules are specific to the platform you are working on. For example, there is a rule regarding the use of uppercase and lowercase letters in a name.
Linux, AIX? or Solaris
Names must be in lowercase.
Names can be in uppercase, lowercase, and mixed case.
Unless otherwise specified, all names can include the following characters:
A through Z. When used in most names, characters A through Z are converted from lowercase to uppercase.
0 through 9.
! % ( ) { } . – ^ ~ _ (underscore) @, #, $, and space.
\ (backlash).
Names cannot begin with a number or with the underscore character.
Do not use SQL reserved words to name tables, views, columns, indexes, or authorization IDs.
Do not start the name of a system administration or a connection ID with SYS, SQL, IBM?, or sql.
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