" g CTRL-G show information about current cursor
" vg CTRL-G statistics the bytes
" vimdiff
set noscrollbind " do & dp => Obtain is left and Put is right. "
nnoremap ffp :set fileencoding=cp936:w:set fileencoding
nnoremap ffu :set fileencoding=utf-8:w:set fileencoding
" cscope
set cscopequickfix=s-,c-,d-,i-,t-,e-,g-,f- "cw to check on qkfix
map ffs :tab cs find s =expand("")
map ffg :tab cs find g =expand("")
map ffE :tab cs find e =expand("")
map fff :tab cs find f =expand("")
map ffi :tab cs find i =expand("")
" find a GLABL: int g_var;
" or: struct stname st_var;
map ffG mA:tab cs find s =expand(""):copenggVGtty`A:cex system('grep -E "^[[:space:]]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[[:space:]]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[[:space:]]*=expand("");" /dev/shm/xm')
" find a nType: { struct | enum | union } nType {
" or: { struct | enum | union } nType
" fft, cause _t is always the suffix of struct
map fft mA:tab cs find s =expand(""):copenggVGtty`A:cex system( 'grep -E "(struct\\|enum\\|union)[[:space:]]*=expand("")[[:space:]]*{?[[:space:]]*$" /dev/shm/xm')
" find a MACRO: #define MACRO sth_org
" or: typedef sth_org MACRO;
" or: } MACRO;
map ffd mA:tab cs find s =expand(""):copenggVGtty`A:cex system('grep -E "(typedef.*[[:space:]]+=expand("")[[:space:]]*;\\|#define[[:space:]]*=expand("")\\|}[[:space:]]*=expand("")[[:space:]]*;)" /dev/shm/xm')
" find a GLABL: int g_var;
" or: struct stname st_var;
map ffG mA:tab cs find s =expand(""):copenggVGtty`A:cex system('grep -E "^[[:space:]]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[[:space:]]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[[:space:]]*=expand("");" /dev/shm/xm')
" find a nType: { struct | enum | union } nType {
" or: { struct | enum | union } nType
" fft, cause _t is always the suffix of struct
map fft mA:tab cs find s =expand(""):copenggVGtty`A:cex system( 'grep -E "(struct\\|enum\\|union)[[:space:]]*=expand("")[[:space:]]*{?[[:space:]]*$" /dev/shm/xm')
" find a MACRO: #define MACRO sth_org
" or: typedef sth_org MACRO;
" or: } MACRO;
map ffd mA:tab cs find s =expand(""):copenggVGtty`A:cex system('grep -E "(typedef.*[[:space:]]+=expand("")[[:space:]]*;\\|#define[[:space:]]*=expand("")\\|}[[:space:]]*=expand("")[[:space:]]*;)" /dev/shm/xm')
" find a Funcn: return_type Funcn(arg1, arg2, arg3)
" e Entry
" no '=' ';' '>> FUNC_CALL'
" no end with ::$
" no as the Type of var
" map ffe mA:tab cs find s =expand(""):copenggVGtty`A:cex system( 'grep -E -v "(^$\\|[;=]\\|>> =expand("")[^:]+\\|\(=expand("")\\|>> return\\|>> while\\|>> if\\|>> switch\\|extern)" /dev/shm/xm ')
map ffe mA:tab cs find s =expand(""):copenggVGtty`A:cex system( 'grep -E -v "(^$\\|[;=]\\|>> =expand("")[^:]+\\|\(=expand("")\\|>> return\\|>> while\\|>> if\\|>> switch\\|extern\\|=expand("")[[:space:]])\\|::$" /dev/shm/xm ')
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