分类: Mysql/postgreSQL
2011-01-17 14:20:25
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
bkDate=`date +%d%m%Y` #记录备份时间
bkFolder="/usr/local/mysql/$bkDate/" #选择你备份的存放点,注意你要有在这个目录下写的权限.
mkdir $bkFolder #C创建备份目录
cp /etc/my.cnf $bkFolder #备份你的配置文件
#Flushing the logs and capturing the backup start time.
#Capturing backup time is just for information.
#Since this is a textual backup i am storing the backup type as text.
#ToDO: Need to copy the relavent binary logs.
mysql -p -u root -e "FLUSH LOGS;INSERT INTO mysql.backupinfo ( type ) VALUES ( 'TEXT' );" # -u你的备份用户名,-p你的密码
#Taking backup of all databases other that mysql and information_schema.
for db in `mysql --skip-column-names -u backup -pBackUp@123 -s -e "SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA WHERE schema_name NOT IN ( 'mysql','information_schema')"`
mkdir $bkFolder$db; #Creating a new directory for each database.
mysqldump -d --triggers -u backup -R -E -pBackUp@123 -q --databases $db | gzip > $bkFolder$db/$db.sql.gz #I am using gzip to compress the backup.
#Finally I am storing the end time and size of the backup.
mysql -u backup -pBackUp@123 -e "UPDATE mysql.backupinfo SET end_time = NOW(), size = TRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE('`du -s`',' ',''),'.','')) WHERE type = 'TEXT' AND DATE(start_time) = DATE(NOW())"
chinaunix网友2011-03-08 14:32:07
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