修改内核参数 B 测试机
B:/# kconfig -i myconfig /tmp/myconfig.A
Building a new kernel for the configuration being imported... done.
* The configuration 'myconfig' has been imported from
To save the current kernel configuration to "myconfig":
$ kconfig -s myconfig
To delete the saved configuration "useless":
$ kconfig -d useless
To export the current kernel configuration:
$ kconfig -e myconfig /tmp/myconfig.system
rcp /tmp/myconfig.system至b机
To import a kernel configuration: ---------在要重倒kernel的主机上
$ kconfig -i myconfig /tmp/myconfig.system
To rename a configuration:
$ kconfig -r myconfig savedconfig
To load the "nighttime" configuration and apply it immediately: ------import 后需要reload,重启后生效
$ kconfig -l nighttime
To use the "approved" configuration at next boot:
$ kconfig -n approved
To discard changes being held pending for next boot:
$ kconfig -H
To add a description to a configuration:
$ kconfig -t approved "Changes approved
"Changes approved by management"
To get a list of all saved configurations:
$ kconfig
To get details of a saved configuration:
$ kconfig -v myconfig
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