We have below 3 commands to reset SM passwd (Please execute in CNTL-A command line)
1. clearSYMbolPassword
Test OK in FW 06.60 and 07.60, can be run concurrently, no need to reboot CNTL
2. symbolPwdReset
Test OK in FW 06.60 and 07.60, can be run concurrently, no need to reboot CNTL
-> symbolPwdReset
Are you sure that you want to reset the Storage Array Password ? (Y/N): y
Storage Array Password reset successful
value = 42 = 0x2a = '*'
3. spriMenuPwdReset
NOT work in FW 06.60 and 07.60, Test OK by PFE steven in FW 07.70, can be run concurrently, no need to reboot CNTL
> spriMenuPwdReset
Are you sure that you want to reset the Storage Array Password ? (Y/N): y
Storage Array Password reset successful
value = 42 = 0x2a = '*'
Note: Beginning from FW 7.70, SM GUI password MUST be set, otherwise you can not open the subsystem management window. You can not ignore the password warning message when you open the SM as pervious FW level.
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