2010-08-29 17:54:26
The xinit program allows a user to manually start an X server. The startx script is a front-end for xinit
By default, xinit and startx start an X server on display :0
and then start an xterm on it. When the xterm terminates, xinit and startx kill the X server. In general, xinit and startx can start an arbitrary server and run an arbitrary script. Typically, this script runs a number of programs and a window manager.
Two alternative methods for starting an X server is:
Xinit manul page http://www.xfree86.org/current/xinit.1.html:
Xinit 从/HOME/.xinitrc或者/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc读取X的配置,Windows manager会作为最后一个启动的application:
Below is a sample .xinitrc that starts a clock, several terminals, and leaves the window manager running as the ``last'' application. Assuming that the window manager has been configured properly, the user then chooses the ``Exit'' menu item to shut down X.
xrdb -load $HOME/.Xresources xsetroot -solid gray & xclock -g 50x50-0+0 -bw 0 & xload -g 50x50-50+0 -bw 0 & xterm -g 80x24+0+0 & xterm -g 80x24+0-0 & twm
xinit的命令格式,及startx 的逐行解释。不过比较老。
GNOME Documentation Library
The GNOME Power Manager session daemon is a power management daemon for the GNOME desktop
GNOME Power Manager is usually started in GNOME startup, but you can manually start GNOME Power Manager by doing:
- Command line
Type gnome-power-manager --verbose --no-daemon, then press Return: