- 回到main.c函数
- 1343 if (!url_parsed) /*当然如果没有输入错的话,肯定是不为NULL的*/
- 1344 {
- 1345 char *error = url_error (*t, url_err);
- 1346 logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, "%s: %s.\n",*t, error);
- 1347 xfree (error);
- 1348 inform_exit_status (URLERROR);
- 1349 }
- 1350 else /*进入这里*/
- 1351 {
- 1352 if ((opt.recursive || opt.page_requisites) /*如果递归&&使用代理或者不是FTP协议*/
- 1353 && (url_scheme (*t) != SCHEME_FTP || url_uses_proxy (url_parsed)))
- 1354 {
- 1355 int old_follow_ftp = opt.follow_ftp;
- 1356
- 1357 /* Turn opt.follow_ftp on in case of recursive FTP retrieval */
- 1358 if (url_scheme (*t) == SCHEME_FTP)
- 1359 opt.follow_ftp = 1;
- 1360
- 1361 retrieve_tree (url_parsed, NULL); /*1、_________------------->
- 1362
- 1363 opt.follow_ftp = old_follow_ftp;
- 1364 }
- 1365 else
- 1366 {
- 1367 retrieve_url (url_parsed, *t, &filename, &redirected_URL, NULL,
- 1368 &dt, opt.recursive, iri, true);
- 1369 }
复制代码- 1、___________--------->
- 190 uerr_t
- 191 retrieve_tree (struct url *start_url_parsed, struct iri *pi)
- 192 {
- 193 uerr_t status = RETROK;
- 194
- 195
- 196 struct url_queue *queue; /*因为是递归,所以要使用队列来保证实现====>
- 68 struct url_queue {
- 69 struct queue_element *head; ======>
- 70 struct queue_element *tail;
- 71 int count, maxcount;
- 72 };
- */
- +++++++++++++++++=========>
- /*其中为各个的值,url参数*/
- 56 struct queue_element {
- 57 const char *url; /* the URL to download */
- 58 const char *referer; /* the referring document */
- 59 int depth; /* the depth */
- 60 bool html_allowed; /* whether the document is allowed to
- 61 be treated as HTML. */
- 62 struct iri *iri; /* sXXXav */
- 63 bool css_allowed; /* whether the document is allowed to
- 64 be treated as CSS. */
- 65 struct queue_element *next; /* next element in queue */
- 66 };
- */
- 197
- /*url地址,我们不想让它进入队列,因为它们已经在队列中。这里我们还没有下载*/
- 200 struct hash_table *blacklist; /*=======>将已经进入队列的,放入hash表中*/
- 202 struct iri *i = iri_new ();
复制代码- 156 struct hash_table {
- 157 hashfun_t hash_function;
- 158 testfun_t test_function;
- 159
- 160 struct cell *cells; /* contiguous array of cells. 连续的数组单元*/
- 161 int size; /* size of the array. 数组的大小*/
- 162
- 163 int count; /* number of occupied entries. 已经被占的大小*/
- 164 int resize_threshold; /* after size exceeds this number of
- 165 entries, resize the table. 如果超过,重置大小*/
- 166 int prime_offset; /* the offset of the current prime in
- 167 the prime table. 在hash表中的偏移地址*/
- 168 };
- /*单元内存放索引值和数值*/
- 148 struct cell {
- 149 void *key;
- 150 void *value;
- 151 };
复制代码- <----------___________
- /src/recur.c
- 213 set_uri_encoding (i, opt.locale, true); /*设置编码*/
- 216 queue = url_queue_new (); 2、__________----------->
- 217 blacklist = make_string_hash_table (0); 3、_____________---------->
- 218
- 221 url_enqueue (queue, i, xstrdup (start_url_parsed->url), NULL, 0, true,
- 222 false); 4、_____________-------------->
- 223 string_set_add (blacklist, start_url_parsed->url);
复制代码- 2、____________----------->
- 76 static struct url_queue *
- 77 url_queue_new (void)
- 78 {
- 79 struct url_queue *queue = xnew0 (struct url_queue);/*分配前测试堆栈大小,如果正常就返回一个数据结构*/
- 80 return queue;
- 81 }
复制代码- 3、________________--------------->
- 665 struct hash_table *
- 666 make_string_hash_table (int items)
- 667 {
- 668 return hash_table_new (items, hash_string, cmp_string);5、__________-------->
- 669 }
复制代码- 5、_____------>
- 272 struct hash_table *
- 273 hash_table_new (int items,
- 274 unsigned long (*hash_function) (const void
*), /*调用hash_string(const void *)函数 6、__________------------->*/
- 275 int (*test_function) (const void *, const
void *)) /*调用typedef int (*testfun_t) (const void *, const void
*);7、_______---------> */
- 276 {
- 277 int size;
- 278 struct hash_table *ht = xnew (struct hash_table); /*分配一个新的hash_table的值*/
- 279
- 280 ht->hash_function = hash_function ? hash_function : hash_pointer; /*如果hash_fuction为NULL,那么就用hash_pointer()函数*/
- 281 ht->test_function = test_function ? test_function : cmp_pointer;
- 282
- 285 ht->prime_offset = 0;
- 286
- 289 size = 1 + items / HASH_MAX_FULLNESS; /*#define HASH_MAX_FULLNESS 0.75。
- 290 size = prime_size (size, &ht->prime_offset); /*返回一个给定的值8、_____----->*/
- 291 ht->size = size; /*存储在hash_table中的对应位置*/
- 292 ht->resize_threshold = size * HASH_MAX_FULLNESS;
- 294
- 295 ht->cells = xnew_array (struct cell, ht->size); /*分配一个sizeof(struct cell) * ht->size大小.
- 296
- 299 memset (ht->cells, INVALID_PTR_CHAR, size * sizeof (struct cell));
- 300
- 301 ht->count = 0;
- 302
- 303 return ht;
复制代码- 6、____________-------------->
- 642 hash_string (const void *key) /*hash函数,将地址用以下计算方式获得一个unsigned int*/
- 643 {
- 644 const char *p = key; /*地址*/
- 645 unsigned int h = *p;
- 646
- 647 if (h)
- 648 for (p += 1; *p != '\0'; p++)
- 649 h = (h << 5) - h + *p; /*hash方程计算hash值*/
- 650
- 651 return h;
- 652 }
215 static int
216 prime_size (int size, int *prime_offset)
217 {
218 static const int primes[] = { /*hash 表*/
219 13, 19, 29, 41, 59, 79, 107, 149, 197, 263, 347, 457, 599, 787, 1031,
220 1361, 1777, 2333, 3037, 3967, 5167, 6719, 8737, 11369, 14783,
221 19219, 24989, 32491, 42257, 54941, 71429, 92861, 120721, 156941,
222 204047, 265271, 344857, 448321, 582821, 757693, 985003, 1280519,
223 1664681, 2164111, 2813353, 3657361, 4754591, 6180989, 8035301,
224 10445899, 13579681, 17653589, 22949669, 29834603, 38784989,
225 50420551, 65546729, 85210757, 110774011, 144006217, 187208107,
226 243370577, 316381771, 411296309, 534685237, 695090819, 903618083,
227 1174703521, 1527114613, 1837299131, 2147483647
228 };
229 size_t i;
231 for (i = *prime_offset; i < countof (primes); i++)
232 if (primes
>= size)
233 {
239 *prime_offset = i + 1;
240 return primes; /*返回的是个规定的值*/
241 }
242 abort();
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