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分类: Oracle

2012-08-10 00:39:06


DB_BLOCK_CHECKING controls whether Oracle performs block checking for data blocks. When this parameter is set to true, Oracle performs block checking for all data blocks. When it is set to false, Oracle does not perform. block checking for blocks in the user tablespaces. However, block checking for theSYSTEM tablespace is always turned on.

Oracle checks a block by going through the data on the block, making sure it is self-consistent. Block checking can often prevent memory and data corruption. Block checking typically causes 1% to 10% overhead, depending on workload. The more updates or inserts in a workload, the more expensive it is to turn on block checking. You should set DB_BLOCK_CHECKING to trueif the performance overhead is acceptable

从文档中可以看到,DB_BLOCK_CHECKING参数主要是用于数据块的逻辑(一致)检查(但只是块内,不包括块间的逻辑检查,比如索引项目的 ROWID指向的是不存在的行等)。主要用于防止在内存中损坏或数据损坏。由于是逻辑检查,因此引起的额外负荷比较高,甚至可以达到10%,因此对于一个繁忙的系统,特别是插入或更新操作很多的系统,性能影响是比较明显的。



DB_BLOCK_CHECKSUM determines whether DBWn and the direct loader will calculate a checksum(a number calculated from all the bytes stored in the block) and store it in the cache header of every data block when writing it to disk. Checksums are verified when a block is read-only if this parameter is true and the last write of the block stored a checksum. In addition, Oracle gives every log block a checksum before writing it to the current log.

If this parameter is set to false, DBWn calculates checksums only for the SYSTEM tablespace, but not for user tablespaces.

Checksums allow Oracle to detect corruption caused by underlying disks, storage systems, or I/O systems. Turning on this feature typically causes only an additional 1% to 2% overhead. Therefore, Oracle Corporation recommends that you set DB_BLOCK_CHECKSUM to true

可以看到,DB_BLOCK_CHECKSUM只是在写入(DBWn常规写法或用户进程直接路径写入),根据一个CHECKSUM算法,计算数据块的校验和。然后写入数据块的一个特定位置(CACHE HEADER,具体是块的16-17字节,以0字节起算)。在读取块时,再进行检验。主要是防止IO硬件和IO子系统的错误。


实际上,即使将该参数设为TRUE,将数据块(包括SYSTEM表空间)的16-17字节清0,同时将15字节(flag),第3位(即值为16进制 0x04)清为0,则在块读取时也不会做CHECKSUM检查。如果该参数为FALSE,对于除SYSTEM的其他表空间,如果原来有CHECKSUM 值,将15-16字节清0也不会做CHECKSUM检查。


在Oracle 10g R2版本之后db_block_checking和db_block_checksum这两个参数有了新的变化

OFF - 与原来的FALSE一样,对非SYSTEM表空间的块关闭检查,这个值在设置时仍然可以用false。
LOW - 只检查块头。这个检查发生在当块的内容在内存中发生改变时,比如UPDATE、INSERT、DELETE等,以及将块从磁盘读入、RAC结点间块的传输。
MEDIUM - 比LOW更高一级,还包括了非IOT的表的块内部检查(即不仅仅是块头)。

FULL - 与原来的TRUE一样,与MEDIUM相比,还包括了索引块的检查。

OFF - 与原来的FALSE一样,只会给SYSTEM表空间的块计算checksum值。
TYPICAL - 与原来的TRUE一样,Oracle在向磁盘写入块时计算checksum值,下次读入时进行校验。
FULL - 这是新增的值,Oracle不关在写入块时计算checksum值,而且在更改块(比如执行UPDATE语句等)之前对checksum值进行校验,同时在更改块之后对checksum值进行重新计算。另外Oracle也会在写入日志块时,计算块的checksum。这个设置大大增加了系统负荷,大约带来了4-5%的负荷。而TYPICAL值会带来1-2%的负荷。



full – see above depending on updates and inserts and how well the database is tuned it can be costly 10%+
medium – midrange but can be up to 10%.
low – very low around 1 %
off – no overhead

值得注意的是,性能上的差异,主要是由于CPU的消耗造成的,对于CPU资源不足的系统,将这两个参数设置为TRUE无疑会增大CPU的负担,引起性能问题。同时还会引起redo copy latch的持有时间增加和引起这个latch的竞争。
另外,由于不管db_block_checking和db_block_checksum这两个参数的值为何值,SYSTEM表空间都会进行做 checking和checksum,除非把隐含参数_db_always_check_system_ts设置为FALSE,当然为了SYSTEM表空间数据安全,不建议将这个隐含参数值设置为FALSE。



The checksum is a simple XOR of all the data in the block, and as such takes a small but noticeable amount of CPU time to compute. This has to be done for every I/O operation. The extra CPU time required for writes is of less concern than the extra CPU time required for reads, because writes are typically performed in the background by DBWn and LGWR and foreground processes should not normally wait for the services of these processes. However, the extra CPU time required for reads is sustained by foreground processes and thus impacts end user response times directly.

TheOracle documentationacknowledges this impact and indicates that the overhead is typically in the order of 1% to 2%. That is trueon average! However, the impact on I/O intensive queries on a system with moderate to high CPU usage can be much worse than that. The following comparison on an otherwise idle system shows a 4% difference in elapsed time and an 8% difference in CPU usage. On a busy system with not much spare CPU capacity, the impact on the response time of such queries rises to about 10%, and it increases further if the application uses mostly index-based access paths rather than full table scans to fetch its data.




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