分类: Oracle
2012-04-25 14:23:35
The Oracle 11gR2 installation requires Solaris 10 U6 or later. Check the version and update level using the following command.
# cat /etc/release Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 s10x_u9wos_14a X86 Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Assembled 11 August 2010 #
As the root user, issue the following command.
projadd oracle
Append the following line to the "/etc/user_attr" file.
If you've performed a default installation, it is likely that the only kernel parameter you need to alter is "max-shm-memory" to meet the minimum installation requirements. To check the current value issue the following command.
# prctl -n project.max-shm-memory -i project oracle
To reset this value, make sure at least one session is logged in as the oracle user, then from the root user issue the following commands.
# prctl -n project.max-shm-memory -v 4gb -r -i project oracle
# projmod -s -K "project.max-shm-memory=(priv,4gb,deny)" oracle
The first dynamically resets the value, while the second makes changes to the
"/etc/project" file so the value is persistent between reboots.
在用dbca创建数据库时如果出现ORA-27125 "unable to create shared memory segment",说明没有
即可. 例如SGA是10G,可以将project.max-shm-memory设为15G
Add the following lines to the "/etc/inittab" file, immediately before the entry for "startd".
tm::sysinit:/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_smallest_anon_port 9000 > /dev/console tm::sysinit:/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_largest_anon_port 65500 > /dev/console tm::sysinit:/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/udp udp_smallest_anon_port 9000 > /dev/console tm::sysinit:/usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/udp udp_largest_anon_port 65500 > /dev/console
Append the following line to the "/etc/system" file.
set maxusers=16384
Reboot your system before attempting to install Oracle.
Check to see which of the required packages are already installed.
# pkginfo -i SUNWarc SUNWbtool SUNWhea SUNWlibC SUNWlibm SUNWlibms SUNWsprot \ SUNWtoo SUNWi1of SUNWi1cs SUNWi15cs SUNWxwfnt SUNWcsl
Add the "SUNWi1cs" and "SUNWi15cs" packages using the "pkgadd" command.
# pkgadd -d /cdrom/sol_10_910_x86/Solaris_10/Product SUNWi1cs SUNWi15cs
Create the new groups and users.
groupadd oinstall
groupadd dba
groupadd oper
useradd -g oinstall -G dba -d /export/home/oracle oracle
mkdir /export/home/oracle
chown oracle:oinstall /export/home/oracle
passwd -r files oracle
Create the directories in which the Oracle software will be installed.
mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/product/
chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01
If you have not partitioned your disks to allow a "/u01" mount point, you may want to install the software in the "/export/home/oracle" directory as follows.
mkdir -p /export/home/oracle/u01
ln -s /export/home/oracle/u01 /u01
mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/product/
chown -h oracle:oinstall /u01
chown -R oracle:oinstall /export/home/oracle/u01
Login as the oracle user and add the following lines at the end of the ".profile" file, making sure you have set the correct ORACLE_BASE value.
# Oracle Settings
export TMPDIR
# Select the appropriate ORACLE_BASE
ORACLE_HOSTNAME=s10-112.localdomain; export ORACLE_HOSTNAME
ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE