2012-11-26 14:28:22
Linux 4 Install and configure (32bit)
一 linux的安装过程
A.Put The Install DVD to DVDROM
Press “enter” to continue
Click “next”
Click “next”
Select “manually partition with Disk Druid” to next
Click “new” to create partition.注意:/swap的file system type 为swap
分区切好后,click next
Keep default and click “next”
Keep default and click “next”
Select “no firewall” and click “next”
Keep default and click “next”
Select “Asia/Shanghai”
Enter your pwd and click “next”
Select “customize software package to be installed”
Select “everything”click next
Click next
Click continue to install
After disk1,it need to change cd to (disk2,3,4,5,1)
Click “reboot” to reboot system
Set correct time
Keep default and click “next”
Click “next” to finish setup!
二 linux的配置 2.1: 设定telnet ,ftp .samba,network,hostnames.root的telnet
1 Use command “setup”,in “choose a tool” select “system services” ,in “services”,Select “telnet”, “vsftp”, “rsh”. And click “OK” to continue.
2 Use command “service xinetd restart”
3 设置IP:applications—system settings—network(具体参考IP设置SOP)
4 Use command “vi /etc/hosts” and add “ip hostname”
5 Use command “service network restart”
6 Use command “service vsftpd start” “vi /etc/vsftpd.ftpusers 和vi /etc/vsftpd.user_list”把root mark 掉!
7 Use command “vi /etc/xinetd.d/telnet” 修改disable = yes 为no,then “service xinetd restart”(一般已经修改好,主要检查下)
8 Use command “vi /etc/securetty”and add below text to limit times root login in pts/0 pts/1 pts/2….pts/10