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分类: 嵌入式

2010-03-29 23:21:10

注意,symbian在V3 FP2之后才正式支持QT的,也就是说V5也是支持的。
1. Symbian SDK的安装(用Carbide C++ 2.0做IDE)
Active Perl Installation
- Download Active Perl from
- install it to C:\Perl or any directory that doesn't contain space character

Carbide C++ Installation
- Download Carbide C++ 2.0 from
- install it to C:\ (in case if you installed Perl in different drive, you have to install Carbide C++ to the same drive as Perl)

Series 60 SDK Installation
- Download Series 60 3rd SDK FP1 or Series 60 3rd SDK FP2 or Series 60 5th SDK 1.0 from (I suggest you to download S60 3rd SDK FP2 for button-based application and S60 5th SDK 1.0 for touch-based application)
- install it to the same drive as Perl and Carbide C++


2. Qt for symbian的安装
Install Open C/C++ Plugin
Open C Plugin is required by Qt for Symbian. To install it:
- Download latest version of Open C/C++ Plug-in from
- Install it to desired SDK (In case you need to install the plug-in to multiple SDK, you have to do the installation one by one)

Install Qt for Symbian SDK
- Download latest version of Qt for Symbian Windows installer from (Download LGPL version)--注意,下载地址还是用:这个吧,在里面找到最新版本的。
- Install it to same drive as Series 60 SDK (Make sure that your selected directory does not contain any space character)
- In installation process, you will be requested to choose the SDK(s) to install Qt, please select all SDK(s) you want.

3. Setup Qt on Carbide C++
Now you have to setup Carbide C++ to know Qt path. To do that, please do the following step:
- Open Carbide C++ 2.0
- On the menu bar, choose Window -> Preferences
- Select Qt on the left pane and then press Add
- Enter Version Name and Browse for Qt Bin Path and then click Finish

完成后就可以创建QT for symbian的工程做测试的,注意安装Qt for Symbian SDK时一定要找对安装包,不然创建工程会失败。
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下一篇:Maemo 5 SDK 安装使用
