2010-04-13 23:01:09
* File: graphics.c
* Version: 1.0
* Last modified on Thu Sep 16 09:34:19 1993 by eroberts
* -----------------------------------------------------
* This file provides a fully standard implementation of the
* graphics.h interface that generates a PostScript file,
* suitable for printing. None of the operations in the
* extended graphics interface are supported. PostScript is
* a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
* General implementation notes
* ----------------------------
* This implementation of the graphics.h interface does not
* actually do any display but instead writes a PostScript
* file containing commands that would generate the picture.
* The advantage of this implementation is portability, since
* it contains no code that depends on graphics primitives
* for a particular platform.
* The code for this implementation is for the most part
* straightforward, because all of the graphics primitives
* have simple PostScript equivalents. The only hard part
* is making sure that the end of the file is correct when
* the file is closed, usually via the exit call. To print
* the page, the showpage command must occur at the end of
* the file, but the graphics package does not get control
* at that point. To avoid the problem, each call to this
* package writes a legal trailer to the file. Thus, the
* invariant after each call to any of these functions is
* that the PostScript file is complete. Before writing
* new data, these functions back up the file pointer over
* the old trailer and begin rewriting from that point.
#include "genlib.h"
#include "graphics.h"
* Constants: WindowHeight, WindowWidth
* ------------------------------------
* These constants are the values returned by GetWindowHeight
* and GetWindowWidth. The assumption here is that output is
* being directed to an 8.5 x 11 page.
#define WindowHeight 11.0
#define WindowWidth 8.5
* Constant: PSFileName
* --------------------
* The name of the PostScript output file.
#define PSFileName "graphics.ps"
* Private variables
* -----------------
* initialized Set to TRUE when InitGraphics is called.
* psfile The file stream used for PostScript.
* cx, cy The current x, y positions.
* nextWrite The file index for the next PostScript
* command (see the general notes above).
static bool initialized = FALSE;
static FILE *psfile;
static double cx, cy;
static long nextWrite;
/* Private function prototypes */
static void InitCheck(void);
static void WritePostScriptHeader(void);
static void WritePostScriptTrailer(void);
static void ResetFilePointer(void);
static double Pts(double inches);
static double Radians(double degrees);
/* Public functions */
void InitGraphics(void)
if (initialized) fclose(psfile);
psfile = fopen(PSFileName, "w");
cx = cy = 0;
initialized = TRUE;
void MovePen(double x, double y)
cx = x;
cy = y;
void DrawLine(double dx, double dy)
fprintf(psfile, "newpath %g %g moveto", Pts(cx), Pts(cy));
fprintf(psfile, " %g %g rlineto stroke\n", Pts(dx), Pts(dy));
cx += dx;
cy += dy;
void DrawArc(double r, double start, double sweep)
double x, y;
x = cx + r * cos(Radians(start + 180));
y = cy + r * sin(Radians(start + 180));
fprintf(psfile, "newpath %g %g %g", Pts(x), Pts(y), Pts(r));
fprintf(psfile, " %g %g", start, start + sweep);
fprintf(psfile, " %s stroke\n", (sweep < 0) ? "arcn" : "arc");
cx = x + r * cos(Radians(start + sweep));
cy = y + r * sin(Radians(start + sweep));
double GetWindowWidth(void)
return (WindowWidth);
double GetWindowHeight(void)
return (WindowHeight);
double GetCurrentX(void)
return (cx);
double GetCurrentY(void)
return (cy);
/* Private functions */
static void InitCheck(void)
if (!initialized) Error("InitGraphics has not been called");
static void WritePostScriptHeader(void)
fprintf(psfile, "%%!PS-Adobe-1.0\n");
fprintf(psfile, "%%%%Title: graphics window\n");
fprintf(psfile, "%%%%Pages: 1\n");
fprintf(psfile, "%%%%EndComments\n");
static void WritePostScriptTrailer(void)
nextWrite = ftell(psfile);
fprintf(psfile, "showpage\n");
static void ResetFilePointer(void)
fseek(psfile, nextWrite, 0);
static double Pts(double inches)
return (72 * inches);
static double Radians(double degrees)
return (degrees / 180 * 3.1415926535);