- manager.hud.setup(specification);
- manager.hud.setup({
- top_left: {
- "Score": function() {return character.score;}
- }
- });
- manager.hud.setup({
- bottom_right: {
- fps : manager.getFPS
- }
- });
- /* Setup the bars */
- #top_hud, #bottom_hud {
- height:2em;
- position:absolute;
- left:0em;
- width:100%;
- background-color: black;
- color: white;
- background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
- }
- #top_hud {
- top:0em;
- }
- #bottom_hud {
- bottom:0em;
- }
- /* Setup left and right part of each bar */
- #bottom_hud dl, #top_hud dl {
- margin: 0.3em;
- }
- #bottom_hud dl.left, #top_hud dl.left {
- float: left;
- }
- #bottom_hud dl.right, #top_hud dl.right {
- float: right;
- }
- /* Setup labels for each item */
- #bottom_hud dt, #top_hud dt,
- #bottom_hud dd, #top_hud dd {
- display: inline-block;
- line-height: 1.4em;
- margin: 0;
- }
- #bottom_hud dt, #top_hud dt {
- padding-right: 0.5em;
- }
- #bottom_hud dd, #top_hud dd {
- text-align: right;
- }
- dl.left dd {
- padding-right: 1em;
- }
- dl.right dt {
- padding-left: 1em;
- }
将上面的CSS样式拷贝到与game.js 文件在同一文件夹下的game.css 中,然后将HTML 文件中的下面这行取消注释:
- <!--
- Include any style sheets here
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="gamma.css" media="all"/>
- -->
- require([
- 'gma/base',
- 'gma/manager',
- 'gma/entities/character',
- 'gma/events',
- 'gma/entities/enemy',
- 'gma/entities/door'
- ],
- function(gma) {
- var manager = gma.manager({
- width : 600,
- height : 500
- });
- manager.hud.setup({
- bottom_right: {
- fps : manager.getFPS
- }
- });
- manager.character = gma.character({
- left : 0,
- bottom : 0,
- width : 3,
- height : 6,
- depth : 3,
- template : 'gorilla'
- });
- manager.addCustomDefinitions({
- templates : {
- greencube : ['meshTemplate', {
- mesh : gma.unitCubeInfo.mesh,
- material : {color : "#090"}
- }],
- gorilla : ['colladaTemplate',
- {
- collada : {
- document : 'gorilla.dae'
- },
- yRot : 1.57,
- yOffset : -0.5,
- yScale:0.7
- }],
- brickscube : ['meshTemplate', {
- mesh : gma.unitCubeInfo.mesh,
- texture : {
- src:'bricks.jpg',
- repeatX:0.5,
- repeatY:0.5
- }
- }]
- },
- types : {
- jumpingJack: ['jumpingEnemy', {
- width : 1,
- height : 2,
- template : 'greencube'
- }]
- }
- });
- var myLevel = {
- spawn : {
- main : [15, 24]
- },
- camera : {
- attached : ['character', 0, 6, 60]
- },
- light : {
- myLight : {
- type : GLGE.L_POINT,
- rotY : 1.54,
- color : "#fff",
- attached : ['character', 0,5,20]
- }
- },
- entities : [
- gma.door({bottom:0, left:55, width:0.5, height:9, level:1}),
- {template:'brickscube', top:0, left:0, width:30, height:3},
- {template:'brickscube', top:0, left:39, width:30, height:3},
- gma.platformEnemy({bottom:0, left:45, width:3, height:6}),
- gma.patrolEnemy({bottom:0, left:6, width:3, height:6, limitLeft: 3, limitRight:12}),
- {type:'jumpingJack', bottom:0, left:21},
- {type:'jumpingJack', bottom:3, left:24},
- {type:'jumpingJack', bottom:6, left:27}
- ]
- };
- var otherLevel = {
- spawn : {
- main : [0, 0]
- },
- camera : {
- attached : ['character', 0, 6, 60]
- },
- light : {
- myLight : {
- type : GLGE.L_POINT,
- rotY : 1.54,
- color : "#fff",
- attached : ['character', 0,5,20]
- }
- },
- entities : [
- gma.door({bottom:0, left:25, width:0.5, height:9, level:0}),
- {template:'brickscube', top:0, left:0, width:30, height:3}
- ]
- };
- manager.storeLevels(myLevel);
- manager.storeLevels(otherLevel);
- gma.keyHandler.register(37, manager.character.move.curry(gma.constants.LEFT));
- gma.keyHandler.register(39, manager.character.move.curry(gma.constants.RIGHT));
- gma.keyHandler.register(32, manager.character.jump);
- manager.init();
- }
- );
到目前为止,如果角色从游戏平台中跌落的话,那么他会一直向下落,永无休止。为了防止这种情况的发生,我们可以在屏幕下方再放置一个平台,将跌落到其上的角色杀死。为此,我们可以使用Gamma 提供的方法,下面我们在主平台下方创建这个平台并将其涂成红色:
- // Create a deathplatform type
- types : {
- lava : ['deathPlatform', {template : 'redcube', depth:50}]
- }
- // Add this lava / death platform to the list of entities
- entities : [
- {type:'lava', top:-10, left:-50, width:1000, height:50},
- ]
- gma.keyHandler.register(82, function(e) {
- manager.respawn("main");
- });
整个指南介绍完毕,游戏的整个脚本(game.js) 如下所示:
- require([
- 'gma/base',
- 'gma/manager',
- 'gma/entities/character',
- 'gma/events',
- 'gma/entities/enemy',
- 'gma/entities/door'
- ],
- function(gma) {
- var manager = gma.manager({
- width : 600,
- height : 500
- });
- manager.character = gma.character({
- left : 0,
- bottom : 0,
- width : 3,
- height : 6,
- depth : 3,
- template : 'gorilla'
- });
- manager.addCustomDefinitions({
- templates : {
- greencube : ['meshTemplate', {
- mesh : gma.unitCubeInfo.mesh,
- material : {color : "#090"}
- }],
- gorilla : ['colladaTemplate',
- {
- collada : {
- document : 'gorilla.dae'
- },
- yRot : 1.57,
- yOffset : -0.5,
- yScale:0.7
- }],
- brickscube : ['meshTemplate', {
- mesh : gma.unitCubeInfo.mesh,
- texture : {
- src:'bricks.jpg',
- repeatX:0.5,
- repeatY:0.5
- }
- }]
- },
- types : {
- jumpingJack: ['jumpingEnemy', {
- width : 1,
- height : 2,
- template : 'greencube'
- }],
- lava : ['deathPlatform', {template : 'redcube', depth:50}]
- }
- });
- manager.hud.setup({
- bottom_right: {
- fps : manager.getFPS
- }
- });
- var myLevel = {
- spawn : {
- main : [15, 24]
- },
- camera : {
- attached : ['character', 0, 6, 60]
- },
- light : {
- myLight : {
- type : GLGE.L_POINT,
- rotY : 1.54,
- color : "#fff",
- attached : ['character', 0,5,20]
- }
- },
- entities : [
- gma.door({bottom:0, left:55, width:0.5, height:9, level:1}),
- {template:'brickscube', top:0, left:0, width:30, height:3},
- {template:'brickscube', top:0, left:39, width:30, height:3},
- {type:'deathPlatform', top:-10, left:-50, width:1000, height:50, depth:50},
- gma.platformEnemy({bottom:0, left:45, width:3, height:6}),
- gma.patrolEnemy({bottom:0, left:6, width:3, height:6, limitLeft: 3, limitRight:12}),
- {type:'jumpingJack', bottom:0, left:21},
- {type:'jumpingJack', bottom:3, left:24},
- {type:'jumpingJack', bottom:6, left:27}
- ]
- };
- var otherLevel = {
- spawn : {
- main : [0, 0]
- },
- camera : {
- attached : ['character', 0, 6, 60]
- },
- light : {
- myLight : {
- type : GLGE.L_POINT,
- rotY : 1.54,
- color : "#fff",
- attached : ['character', 0,5,20]
- }
- },
- entities : [
- gma.door({bottom:0, left:25, width:0.5, height:9, level:0}),
- {template:'brickscube', top:0, left:0, width:30, height:3},
- {type:'deathPlatform', top:-10, left:-50, width:1000, height:50, depth:50}
- ]
- };
- manager.storeLevels(myLevel);
- manager.storeLevels(otherLevel);
- gma.keyHandler.register(37, manager.character.move.curry(gma.constants.LEFT));
- gma.keyHandler.register(39, manager.character.move.curry(gma.constants.RIGHT));
- gma.keyHandler.register(32, manager.character.jump);
- gma.keyHandler.register(82, function(e) { manager.respawn("main"); });
- manager.init();
- }
- );
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