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2011-03-01 15:19:57

      本章主要描述TrafficServer中ram cache设计方案。TrafficServer在内存中维护了一个ram cache,用来保存用户频繁访问的热点文件或数据,以避免磁盘查找慢的问题。TS在刚开源的时候,ram cache的设计只是一个简单的LRU算法,后来,John Plevya针对各个web cache替换算法的优缺点,提出了CLFUS算法,并根据该算法设计与实现了一个新的ram cache,新的ram cache同时支持内容压缩与解压缩[1][2]。
  1. //data代表的就是用户请求访问的内容,宏LINK生成指向下一个节点的指针,比如this->hash_link.next指向的就
  2. //是下一个RamCacheCLFUSEntry,TS提供了一套接口通过LINK将RamCacheCLFUSEntry组成一个linked list
  3. struct RamCacheCLFUSEntry {
  4.      LINK(RamCacheCLFUSEntry, lru_link);
  5.      LINK(RamCacheCLFUSEntry, hash_link);
  6.      Ptr data;
  7. };
  1. //这个类提供了从ram cache中读取或者写入用户请求的url的内容,其中get负责读,put负责写
  2. struct RamCacheCLFUS : public RamCache {
  3.      int get(INK_MD5 *key, Ptr *ret_data, uint32_t auxkey1 = 0, uint32_t auxkey2 = 0);
  4.      int put(INK_MD5 *key, IOBufferData *data, uint32_t len, bool copy = false, uint32_t auxkey1 = 0, uint32_t auxkey2 = 0);

  5.      // private
  6.      DList(RamCacheCLFUSEntry, hash_link) *bucket;
  7.      Que(RamCacheCLFUSEntry, lru_link) lru[2];
  8.      uint16_t *seen;
  9.      void resize_hashtable();   //bucket是可以动态扩展大小的
  10. };
      对于用户请求的url页面,CLFUS首先会对其进行hash映射到bucket中某个linked list,然后在该linked list顺序查找。
      (2)Cached List,对应于RamCacheCLFUS::lru[0]。
      cached list保存TS认为属于热点的url页面,当用户请求的url属于cached list中时,CLFUS从cached list中直接取出返回给用户。
      (3)History List,对应于RamCacheCLFUS::lru[1]。
      history list保存用户请求的不在bucket中的url页面,history list中的页面可以根据替换规则替换掉cached list中某个页面。
      cached list与history list逻辑上都属于lru list。bucket中的元素有一部分在cached list中,有一部分在history list中。CLFUS通过bucket找到RamCacheCLFUSEntry对象,再根据对象中的bit位来确定该对象是在cached list还是history list中,避免了直接从cached list或者history list中顺序查找时间复杂度高的问题。
      (4)Seen Hash,对应于RamCacheCLFUS::seen。在文章(一)中提到,如果一个用户请求的url是第一次访问时候,LRU/2以及2Q算法都不会直接将请求的内容放入cache中。这里Seen Hash起的是相似的作用,如果用户请求的页面只被请求过一次,则CLFUS将该页面的标识保存在seen hash中,在该页面第二次被访问时,通过seen hash可以判断出该页面是第一次还是第二次被访问。
  1. if X is in cached list then
  2.      move X to the tail of cached list, and return the data in X
  3. else if X is in history list then
  4.      move X to the tail of history list
  5.      "cache miss"
  6. else
  7.      "cache miss"
  8. end if
  1. if X is in cached list then
  2.     move X to the tail of cached list, and update its data
  3. else if X is in history list then
  4.     if cached list has room to place X then
  5.         insert X to the tail of cached list, and update its data
  6.     else
  7.         create list V
  8.         do                 
  9.             pop one page Y from cached list
  10.             //simulate the aging algorithm, for avoiding cache pollution 
  11.             pop one page Z from history list
  12.             if HIT_VALUE(Z) is not greater than 1 then
  13.                 delete Z
  14.             else 
  15.                 let the HIT_VALUE(Z) with 1, and reinserted Z to the tail of history list  
  16.             end if
  17.             //end
  1.             if CACHE_VALUE(X) is greater than CACHE_VALUE(Y) then
  2.                 push it to V
  3.             else
  4.                 insert X to the tail of history list and update its data, return
  5.             end if
  6.         util cached list has enough room for placing X
  7.         end do
  8.         for(Z in V)
  9.             if cached list has room for both Z and X, then
  10.                 reinsert Z to the tail of cached list
  11.                 insert X to the tail of cached list, and update its data
  12.             end if
  13.         end for
  14.      else // X is neither in history list nor in cached list
  15.         //judge X is or not first accessed by seen hash
  16.         if X is first accessed and history list has no room for it, then
  17.             save the record of X in seen hash
  18.         else
  19.             insert X to the tail of history list
  20.         end if
  21.      end if
  22. end if

  23. CACHE_VALUE = hits/(size + overhead)   //similar to GDFS algorithm



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