1、No handlers could be found for logger "keystoneclient.client"
cannot connect to keystone DB, such as wrong passwd,wrong ip.
#[drop database keystone;]
#keystone-manage db_sync
#service keystone restart
2、Auth GET failed: 401 Not Authorized
swift-init main start
swift-init rest start
3、# glance index
Failed to show index. Got error:
The request returned 503 Service Unavilable. This generally occurs on service overload or other transient outage.
:wrong username password hostip in glance configure file.
4. nova-compute ['HANDLE_INVALID', 'SR', 'OpaqueRef:NULL']
SRDEVICE=/dev/sda7 or setup a loop device
Create an SR from your SRDEVICE
. /etc/xcp/inventory
SR=$(xe sr-create \
type=ext \
name-label='Local storage' \
Set the newly created SR to be the pool default
POOL=$(xe pool-list --minimal)
xe pool-param-set uuid=$POOL default-SR=$SR
5. nova-compute KeyError: 'host_memory_total'
vi /etc/nova/nova.conf
6. [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED
7. [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
8. port 80 already used, apache2 or xcp-xapi cannot start
Both apache2 and xcp-xapi listenning port 80 or 443. Change the ports of one process, then OK.
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