Free training materials and conference presentations from Free Electrons, covering real-time, embedded Linux system and device driver development.
Rather that reading individual documents, you may also be interested in complete and Linux kernel and driver development training materials (lectures and labs). We also have .
All our documents are available under the terms of the .
This essentially means that you are free to download, distribute and
even modify them, provided you mention us as the original authors and
that you share these documents under the same conditions.
Linux kernel
- Embedded Linux kernel and driver development
- (since 2.6.10)
- Block device drivers
- Network device drivers
- Serial device drivers
Architecture specific documents
Embedded Linux system development
- Embedded Linux system development
- Embedded Linux application development
- Hotplugging with udev
- The Scratchbox development environment
- (with an embedded perspective)
Legacy documents
Not actively maintained any more. Can contain obsolete parts.