$.fn.superfish.defaults = {
popUpSelector: 'ul,.sf-mega', // selector within menu context to define the submenu element to be revealed
hoverClass: 'sfHover', // the class applied to hovered list items
pathClass: 'overideThisToUse', // the class you have applied to list items that lead to the current page
pathLevels: 1, // the number of levels of submenus that remain open or are restored using pathClass
delay: 800, // the delay in milliseconds that the mouse can remain outside a submenu without it closing
animation: {opacity:'show'}, // an object equivalent to first parameter of jQuery’s .animate() method. Used to animate the submenu open
animationOut: {opacity:'hide'}, // an object equivalent to first parameter of jQuery’s .animate() method Used to animate the submenu closed
speed: 'normal', // speed of the opening animation. Equivalent to second parameter of jQuery’s .animate() method
speedOut: 'fast', // speed of the closing animation. Equivalent to second parameter of jQuery’s .animate() method
cssArrows: true, // set to false if you want to remove the CSS-based arrow triangles
disableHI: false, // set to true to disable hoverIntent detection
onInit: $.noop, // callback function fires once Superfish is initialised – 'this' is the containing ul
onBeforeShow: $.noop, // callback function fires just before reveal animation begins – 'this' is the ul about to open
onShow: $.noop, // callback function fires once reveal animation completed – 'this' is the opened ul
onBeforeHide: $.noop, // callback function fires just before closing animation – 'this' is the ul about to close
onHide: $.noop, // callback function fires after a submenu has closed – 'this' is the ul that just closed
onIdle: $.noop, // callback function fires when the 'current' submenu is restored (if using pathClass functionality)
onDestroy: $.noop // callback function fires after the 'destroy' method is called on the menu container
var path = window.location.pathname.split('/');
path = path[path.length-1];
if (path !== undefined) {
.find("a[href$='" + path + "']") // gets all links that match the href
.parents('li') // gets all list items that are ancestors of the link
// .children('a') // walks down one level from all selected li's
var loc = location.href;
var file = loc.substring(loc.lastIndexOf("/")+1,loc.length);
var url = window.location.href;
// Will only work if string in href matches with location
$('.menu a[href="'+ url +'"]').addClass('active');
// Will also work for relative and absolute hrefs
$('.menu a').filter(function() {
return this.href == url;
var path = window.location.pathname.split('/');
path = path[path.length-1];
if (path !== undefined) {
之所以说是正确的使用方法,是因为superfish官方从Superfish v1.4.8-v1.7.4,都不能高亮显示当前页面在菜单中的菜单项,总之,是不能高亮显示,所以需要上面代码中第3-第7行的额外的代码。
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