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2010-01-11 17:00:30

AUTHOR: Richard A Downing FBCS CITP
DATE: 2004-12-28
LICENSE: Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0
SYNOPSIS: Essential pre-reading for life with LFS.

DESCRIPTION: This hint is a list of good documents that you can get
for free on the Internet, together with some advice from me and my
friends. It will help you get 'educated' to a level where you can:
1. successfully build [1]Linux from Scratch (LFS)
2. ask sensible questions on the LFS mailing lists and understand the
3. stay sane while doing all this.

PREREQUISITES: Just the ability to switch on the computer and access
the Internet, navigate to the LFS website and find the hint. The rest
is our topic...


Please Note:
  * This will always be a 'work in progress' and I'm missing a good
reference on some stuff. So, if you know of, or find a good one,
please write to me. Also I just like feedback, so it never hurts
to send an email.
  * If you are reading a text version, you will find a better
maintained version of this hint on-line at:
- The URL
links are easier to follow too.
  * I generate the text version of this hint by applying lynx -dump to
the web version. This means that the URL's are collected at the
end. This isn't so convenient for you, but it is really neat for

The LFS book says:

"This book assumes that its reader has a good deal of knowledge about
using and installing Linux software."

The book then suggests some further reading, including this document.
But this is more than just an LFS reading list, we expect you to do
some exercises too.

Part 1. Social stuff. (Most important)

Many people ask questions badly on the LFS mailing lists. Sometimes
they get rude replies. To stay sane, I suggest you read the
entertaining [2]How To Ask Questions The Smart Way by Eric Steven

Please note that all the LFS mailing lists expect:
1. plain text email. No HTML.
2. bottom posting. Add your bit UNDERNEATH the bit you quoted.
3. pruned quotes. Don't quote everything, just the significant bit.
4. no cross-posts. Just use the right list.
5. thick skins. Don't respond to rudeness, just ignore it.
6. [3]zazen. (Just Sitting) If others have a flame-war, just sit and

Before asking questions on lfs lists, please search the archives, at
least the recent months, and please read [4]The LFS FAQ. Read the
latest copy online, not some old thing you downloaded last week.

If you ask a question that is in the FAQ, you are being extremely
rude, not least to the maintainer who does that job out of the
goodness of their heart. So you rightly WILL get flamed.

Special note: If someone tells you to RTFM, they are not, repeat NOT,
being rude or getting at you. This is the accepted phrase indicating
that you need to Read The Friendly Manual. If you have previously been
told that a certain Old Low Dutch word is referred to by the 'F',
please be assured that this is just a myth :-)

Part 2. Technical stuff.

Many people attempt to build LFS without sufficient understanding or
experience with LINUX. Here is an excerpt from the tar manual:

"You should understand something about how Unix-type operating systems
work, and you should know how to use some basic utilities. For
example, you should know how to create, list, copy, rename, edit, and
delete files and directories; how to change between directories; and
how to figure out where you are in the filesystem. You should have
some basic understanding of directory structure and how files are
named according to which directory they are in. You should understand
concepts such as standard output and standard input, what various
definitions of the term "argument" mean, the differences between
relative and absolute path names"

In the LFS book, it says:

"We are going to build the LFS system by using a previously installed
Linux distribution such as Debian, SuSE, Slackware, Mandrake, RedHat,
etc. We will use the existing Linux system as the development
platform, because we need tools like a compiler, linker, text editor,
and other development tools to build our system. Get a modern distro
and play with it."

The Base Distro

Choosing a distro is only hard because of the choice, my advice is to
choose a cheap one because once you have learned a bit and then built
LFS you will junk it. I got mine free with a magazine. However it may
help to read [5]The Linux Distribution HOWTO.

Learning to use UNIX

Unlike Windows, Unix requires you to understand what you are doing to
get anything much out of it. Both Windows and Unix require deep
understanding to get the best out of them. If you are coming from a
Windows background or are new to computing in general then reading
[6]The UNIX and Internet Fundamentals HOWTO is very basic and will

Also, [7]Linux Installation and Getting Started , yes, is very dated,
but is still good and worth a read.

The Shell

If you have read those, then you are aware that we drive Unix though a
shell, which provides the command line interface. The shell we use in
LFS, as in most of the Linux world, is bash (The Bourne Again Shell).
You need to be fluent in using bash, and [8]The Advanced Bash
Scripting Guide is a good tutorial. (Yes, I know it says 'Advanced',
but read it anyway, do you want to be a newbie forever?)

Becoming an apprentice guru

Then there are three books that you ought to have available from or on
your box for easy reference, skim read them now so you know how to use

[9]The Linux User's Guide

[10]The Linux Systems Adminstrator's Guide

[11]The Linux Network Administrator's Guide, Second Edition

I recommend that you put bookmarks to these in your browser, so that
you can get to them quickly. It will save lots of time later.

On Building from Source

Having got yourself a LINUX system, and played a bit, you now will
know a little about the subject, but before moving on to the building
of Linux from Scratch you should learn how to build packages from
source code. This is an area where it's hard to find good references.
The LFS book suggests [12]Building and Installing Software Packages
for Linux and [13]Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool is good too, if a
little advanced.

It's very important that you have some experience installing a package
from source on your distro before attempting LFS.

One good choice would be [14]GNU-Emacs. Here's what to do:
1. check out it's homepage
2. download a source distribution as a gzipped tar file
3. unpack the source with tar and gunzip
4. read the README file
5. read the INSTALL file
6. build it from scratch

In doing this you will not only learn how to obtain and build a
package from scratch, you'll also prove that you have installed the
right tools for your distribution.

If you want a real challenge, try [15]MPlayer. This package is a good
test of your developing skills, as you will need to track down and
install all it's dependencies first. (You could also cheat and look at
the [16]Beyond Linux From Scratch book for a hint.)

IBM, once Big Bad Blue, is now a great supporter of OpenSource and
Linux. They have some free tutorials on their [17]developerWorks

Like most Large Multi-nationals, IBM change their site around
regularly, so any link I give to the tutorials may not be valid any
more. Follow links to Technical Library and Tutorials though, and you
should find:
  * Compiling and installing software from sources
  * Compiling the Linux kernel
  * Using regular expressions

but there are rich pickings here, even for the experienced.


One area where even seasoned UNIX veterans seem to have trouble is
with setting up the bootstrap for the new LFS system. Often these
problems come from not reading the available documents.

Most people will be building for an X86 platform. Before LFS-5.0 we
used Lilo as our recommended BootLoader, from LFS-5.0 we use GRUB.
There is little to choose between the two, and they are not the only
choices either. However, it is important to take time to familiarise
yourself with the bootloader that you plan to use.

Check out the homepages for the bootloader (lilo's is not very



And the various HOWTO's, not all will be relevant for you:

[20]The Lilo mini-HOWTO

[21]Boot + Root + Raid + Lilo : Software Raid mini-HOWTO

[22]Linux+WindowsNT mini-HOWTO

[23]Win95 + WinNT + Linux multiboot using LILO mini-HOWTO

[24]Linux+Win9x+Grub HOWTO

[25]Multiboot with GRUB Mini-HOWTO

If you are building for a non-X86 platform you will have to research
your own bootloader, try a google for whatever bootstrap is used by
your base distro, but these links may help:

[26]PA-RISC/Linux Boot HOWTO

[27]SRM Firmware Howto

[28]The Sparc Improved boot LOader

But the most important thing you can do is to read the man and info
pages for the bootloader. A print (on paper) of the error codes can be
very helpful (as the online docs will not be available just when you
need this info), and it is vital that you have an alternative means of
booting your system before testing your new bootloader.

Part 3. Other stuff.

My starting point for any query or gap in my knowledge is google,
yours should be too. Go to the [29]Google page, and hit the advanced
search button. Learn the full capabilities of this essential tool,
spend at least a whole day on this. Truely, you can't live without it.

Note that if US English isn't your native tongue, then google has many
national versions. I use [30]Google UK, as I'm English, and find this
version more colourful.

There is a whole heap of documentation at the [31]Linux Documentation
Project, some of which I've quoted above. Learn to go there regularly
and just poke about, it's a great storehouse of knowledge. Beware
though a lot of it is out of date.

You might want to find some other software for your Linux box. The
place to search is: [32]Freshmeat

LFS has it's own search system on the website. You can use it to find
answers to obscure questions that others have asked in the distant
past, as well as 'where is' type inquiries. Look on the LFS website

And finally, whatever you read or don't read concerning LFS, before
asking questions, start by reading the FAQ. FAQ stands for 'Frequently
Asked Questions'. We don't want to answer them again, so don't ask
them. Read [33]The LFS FAQ

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I have received encouragement and advice from the
following, but the words are my fault alone: Dagmar D'Surreal, Tushar
Teredesai, Ken Dyke, James Robertson, Eric Miller, and lots of others
on lfs-chat. But nothing would have been done at all without the LFS
project that Gerard Beekmans started: [34]Linux from Scratch


Initial version in old hints format.

Revision into new LFS hints format, minor changes and
reproofing of links.

Convertion to XHTML for easy on-line use

Revalidated many of the hyperlinks

Revised the online version and it's CSS stylesheet to correctly
generate an LFS Hint with lynx -dump. No significant content
changes. Changed license to Creative Commons.

© Richard A Downing FBCS 2003, 2004

[35]Creative Commons License [36]Valid XHTML 1.1! [37]Valid CSS!


2. ~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
4. faq/
9. ~stewart/guide/guide.html
  16. blfs
  33. faq/
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