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2010-01-08 23:16:46

Tag reference sheet

Tag library reference for the following tag libraries:

  • - uri:
  • - uri:

Display *: Tag Library (EL)

The display tag library is an open source suite of custom tags that provide high level web presentation patterns which will work in a MVC model, and provide a significant amount of functionality while still being simple and straight-forward to use. The primary tag in the library is the Table tag. This is version 1.1.
  • Simple tag which mimics the html caption tag
  • Displays a property of a row object inside a table
  • Tag wich should be nested into a table tag to provide a custom table footer
  • Sets the indicated property on the enclosing Table tag
  • Displays a list in an html table, formatting each item in the list according to the Column tags nested inside of this tag
Required attributes are marked with a *

Simple tag which mimics the html caption tag. Use it inside a table tag to display a caption. Can contain: JSP



  This is the table caption



Name Description Type
class html pass through attribute. String
dir html pass through attribute. String
id html pass through attribute. String
lang html pass through attribute. String
media Use this attribute to keep a caption from being output during an export. The caption will only render for the named media type(s) - it won't be added to the table if the current request media is not supported. Can be any space separated combination of 'html', 'csv', 'xml', 'all', or 'excel'. Defaults to 'all'. See the export page in the example webapp for more details. String
style html pass through attribute. String
title html pass through attribute. String

Displays a property of a row object inside a table. MUST be nested inside of a Table tag. The value displayed will be the results of a decorator (if any); else the property named by the 'property' attribute; or if the 'property' attribute is null, then the results of evaluating the JSP body of the tag. Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
autolink Automatically hyperlink URLs and email addresses that appear in the column. Defaults to 'false'. String
class html pass through attribute; use this instead of directly coding presentational atttributes. String
comparator The classname of comparator to use when sorting this column, or the comparator itself. Defaults to the DefaultComparator. String
decorator Whitespace separated list of column decorators to apply to the current column. A table decorator name can be the name of an object in page, request, session or application scope or a fully qualified class name of a class implementing the org.displaytag.decorator.DisplaytagColumnDecorator interface. If a decorator is specified for the entire table, then this decorator will decorate that decorator. String
defaultorder The default sort order for this column. Valid values are "ascending" (default) or "descending" String
escapeXml Set it to true to escape special characters in html and xml output. Defaults to 'false'. @since 1.1 boolean
format A MessageFormat patter that will be used to decorate objects in the column. Can be used as a "shortcut" for simple column decorations. @since 1.1 String
group The grouping level (starting at 1 and incrementing) of this column (indicates if successive contain the same values, then they should not be displayed). The level indicates that if a lower level no longer matches, then the matching for this higher level should start over as well. If this attribute is not included, then no grouping is performed. String
headerClass "class" html attribute added only for header cells. String
headerScope "scope" html attribute added only for header cells. String
href String
maxLength If this attribute is provided, then the column's displayed is limited to this number of characters. An elipse (...) is appended to the end if this column is linked, and the user can mouseover the elipse to get the full text. Be careful on using this attribute for String which can contain html tags or entities, or together with the autolink attribute turned on: displaytag will do its best trying to avoid leaving unclosed tags or broken entities in the output, but a complex or bad input could lead to unattended results. String
maxWords If this attribute is provided, then the column's displayed is limited to this number of words. An elipse (...) is appended to the end if this column is linked, and the user can mouseover the elipse to get the full text. Be careful on using this attribute for String which can contain html tags or entities, or together with the autolink attribute turned on: displaytag will do its best trying to avoid leaving unclosed tags or broken entities in the output, but a complex or bad input could lead to unattended results. String
media Render the column for the media type(s). The column won't be added to the table if the current request media is not supported. Can be any space separated combination of 'html', 'csv', 'xml', 'all', or 'excel'. Defaults to 'all'. String
nulls By default, null values don't appear in the list. By setting 'nulls' to 'true', then null values will appear as "null" in the list (mostly useful for debugging). Defaults to 'false'. String
paramId The name of the request parameter that will be dynamically added to the generated href URL. The corresponding value is defined by the perty and (optional) paramName attributes, optionally scoped by the paramScope attribute. String
paramName The name of a JSP bean that is a String containing the value for the request parameter named by paramId (if paramProperty is not specified), or a JSP bean whose property getter is called to return a String (if paramProperty is specified). The JSP bean is constrained to the bean scope specified by the paramScope property, if it is specified. If paramName is omitted, then it is assumed that the current object being iterated on is the target bean. String
paramProperty The name of a property of the current object being iterated on, whose return value will be used as the value of the parameter (named by the paramId attribute) that will be dynamically added to this href URL. If paramName is also specified the property will not be fetched from the object being iterated on, but from the bean specified by paramName. The support of paramProperty in conjunction with paramName will be probably removed in future: use paramProperty only if you need a property in the iterated object, elsewhere use only paramName (you can select a property using an expression String
property name of the property in the bean specified in the parent table tag (via the "name" attribute) mapped to this column String
scope "scope" html attribute. String
sortName Used with sort="external", the name that should be given to the server to sort this column. IE if sortName="buzz", then the href for this column to sort will have a parameter d-(encodedId)-s=buzz. If sortName is ommitted the value for the sort param will default to the column number. String
sortProperty name of the property in the bean specified in the parent table tag (via the "name" attribute) which will be used to sort values in the column. This can be used when the column body is filled or a decorator is used and column should sort on undeorated values. String
sortable Set to 'true' to make the column sortable. Defaults to 'false'. String
style html pass through attribute. String
title title of the column (text for the th cell) String
titleKey Resource key used to lookup the title value. Only works if "title" is not defined. Works together with a configured I18nResourceProvider, specified via the file. By default, if JSTL is available, the JSTL provider is used, which makes this attribute work the same as fmt:message's key property. String
total If true, will total the contents of this column. This value is available via the Map named in varTotals for the table. Column values need to Numbers. boolean
url The base URL used to construct the dynamic link. This attribute has the same functionality as the href attribute, but it pre-pends the contextPath. String
value Static value to be used for the column. It has the same meaning of setting a value in the tag body, but values set using this attribute will not be coerced to Strings. You may need to use the value attribute instead of a scriptlet in the tag body if you need to calculate totals on numeric values. String
paramScope @deprecated - use Expressions in paramName. The scope within which to search for the bean specified by the paramName attribute. If not specified, all scopes are searched. If paramName is not provided, then the current object being iterated on is assumed to be the target bean. String

Tag wich should be nested into a table tag to provide a custom table footer. The body of the tag is into the tfoot section of the table. The totals variable, if designated, will be in pageContext in this tag.

Can contain: JSP



  		Total Bill:



Name Description Type
media Use this attribute to keep a footer from being output during an export. The caption will only render for the named media type(s) - it won't be added to the table if the current request media is not supported. Can be any space separated combination of 'html', 'csv', 'xml', 'all', or 'excel'. Defaults to 'all'. See the export page in the example webapp for more details. String

Sets the indicated property on the enclosing Table tag. MUST be nested within a Table tag. As an alternative, you may create a property file that holds sitewide defaults; see the configuration documentation or the DisplayPropertiesLoaderServlet javadoc for information.

Can contain: JSP






Name Description Type
name* The name of the property to set on the enclosing Table tag. String
value The value to which the property is set. You can also set the property value in the tag body. String

Displays a list in an html table, formatting each item in the list according to the Column tags nested inside of this tag. Use the list attribute to indicate the Collection of data, in some scope, that the tag should operate on. Supports the export of the list data to alternative formats such as CSV, Excel, and XML. The contents of the list can be sorted, and the list can be broken into individual pages for display. If you use this tag in Struts, or in some other framework where the page is included via a jsp:include, you should use the requestURI attribute to indicate where tag generated links should point.

Can contain: JSP






Name Description Type
cellpadding html pass through attribute. Better using "padding" css attribute in style or class String
cellspacing html pass through attribute String
class html pass through attribute String
decorator Fully qualified class name for a TableDecorator. Use a TableDecorator to provide custom operations against the whole list, such as computing totals. Must extend org.displaytag.decorator.TableDecorator. String
defaultorder The default order for the sorted column. Valid values are "ascending" (default) or "descending" String
defaultsort The index of the column that will be used by default for sorting (starting from 1) String
excludedParams Whitespace separated list containg the name of parameters which should NOT be forwarded during paging or sorting. You can use excludedParams="*" to match (exclude) any parameter. String
export enable/disable export. Valid values are true or false String
frame html pass through attribute. String
htmlId html "id" pass through attribute String
id See "uid". String
length number of records to be shown String
name reference to the object used as source for the table. Can be an expression like In the EL version of the taglibrary this must be an EL expression which points to the source object. String
offset index of the first record to be shown String
pagesize number of records in a page String
partialList enable/disable partialLists. Valid values are true or false boolean
requestURI When the present, links for sorting, exports, and paging are formed by adding any tag generated parameters to the value of requestURI attribute. String
requestURIcontext Enable/disable prepending of application context to generated links. Default is true, you can set it to false in order to generate cross-context links. String
rules html pass through attribute. String
size Used only when partialList=true. Reference to the Integer object containing the size of the total dataset. Can be an expression like In the EL version of the taglibrary this must be an EL expression which points to the source object. String
sort Use 'page' if you want to sort only visible records, or 'list' if you want to sort the full list, or 'external' if the data is sorted outside displaytag. String
style html pass through attribute String
summary html pass through attribute String
uid Unique id used to identify this table. The object representing the current row is also added to the pageContext under this name, so that you can refer to it in column bodies using ${uid}. You can also use uid_rowNum to refer to the current row number. Two tables in the same page can't have the same id (paging and sorting will affect both). If no "htmlId" is specified the same value will be used for the html id of the generated table. String
varTotals Store a java.util.Map of the column totals in a pageContext variable by this name. The keys of the map are "column" and the column number (first column is "column1", etc); values are the corresponding total for the column; columns that are not marked as to total="true" will be omitted from the map. The variable will ONLY be available within the footer tag and after the end of the table, it is not available with the body of the table or columns. String

Display *: Tag Library

The display tag library is an open source suite of custom tags that provide high level web presentation patterns which will work in a MVC model, and provide a significant amount of functionality while still being simple and straight-forward to use. The primary tag in the library is the Table tag.

This is version 1.1.

  • Simple tag which mimics the html caption tag
  • Displays a property of a row object inside a table
  • Tag wich should be nested into a table tag to provide a custom table footer
  • Sets the indicated property on the enclosing Table tag
  • Displays a list in an html table, formatting each item in the list according to the Column tags nested inside of this tag
Required attributes are marked with a *

Simple tag which mimics the html caption tag. Use it inside a table tag to display a caption. Can contain: JSP



  This is the table caption



Name Description Type
class html pass through attribute. String
dir html pass through attribute. String
id html pass through attribute. String
lang html pass through attribute. String
media Use this attribute to keep a caption from being output during an export. The caption will only render for the named media type(s) - it won't be added to the table if the current request media is not supported. Can be any space separated combination of 'html', 'csv', 'xml', 'all', or 'excel'. Defaults to 'all'. See the export page in the example webapp for more details. String
style html pass through attribute. String
title html pass through attribute. String

Displays a property of a row object inside a table. MUST be nested inside of a Table tag. The value displayed will be the results of a decorator (if any); else the property named by the 'property' attribute; or if the 'property' attribute is null, then the results of evaluating the JSP body of the tag. Can contain: JSP


Name Description Type
autolink Automatically hyperlink URLs and email addresses that appear in the column. Defaults to 'false'. boolean
class html pass through attribute; use this instead of directly coding presentational atttributes. String
comparator The classname of comparator to use when sorting this column, or the comparator itself. Defaults to the DefaultComparator. String
decorator Whitespace separated list of column decorators to apply to the current column. A table decorator name can be the name of an object in page, request, session or application scope or a fully qualified class name of a class implementing the org.displaytag.decorator.DisplaytagColumnDecorator interface. If a decorator is specified for the entire table, then this decorator will decorate that decorator. String
defaultorder The default sort order for this column. Valid values are "ascending" (default) or "descending" String
escapeXml Set it to true to escape special characters in html and xml output. Defaults to 'false'. @since 1.1 boolean
format A MessageFormat patter that will be used to decorate objects in the column. Can be used as a "shortcut" for simple column decorations. @since 1.1 String
group The grouping level (starting at 1 and incrementing) of this column (indicates if successive contain the same values, then they should not be displayed). The level indicates that if a lower level no longer matches, then the matching for this higher level should start over as well. If this attribute is not included, then no grouping is performed. int
headerClass "class" html attribute added only for header cells. String
headerScope "scope" html attribute added only for header cells. String
href String
maxLength If this attribute is provided, then the column's displayed is limited to this number of characters. An elipse (...) is appended to the end if this column is linked, and the user can mouseover the elipse to get the full text. Be careful on using this attribute for String which can contain html tags or entities, or together with the autolink attribute turned on: displaytag will do its best trying to avoid leaving unclosed tags or broken entities in the output, but a complex or bad input could lead to unattended results. int
maxWords If this attribute is provided, then the column's displayed is limited to this number of words. An elipse (...) is appended to the end if this column is linked, and the user can mouseover the elipse to get the full text. Be careful on using this attribute for String which can contain html tags or entities, or together with the autolink attribute turned on: displaytag will do its best trying to avoid leaving unclosed tags or broken entities in the output, but a complex or bad input could lead to unattended results. int
media Use this attribute to keep a column from being output during an export. The column will only render for the named media type(s) - it won't be added to the table if the current request media is not supported. Can be any space separated combination of 'html', 'csv', 'xml', 'all', or 'excel'. Defaults to 'all'. See the export page in the example webapp for more details. String
nulls By default, null values don't appear in the list. By setting 'nulls' to 'true', then null values will appear as "null" in the list (mostly useful for debugging). Defaults to 'false'. boolean
paramId The name of the request parameter that will be dynamically added to the generated href URL. The corresponding value is defined by the paramProperty and (optional) paramName attributes, optionally scoped by the paramScope attribute. String
paramName The name of a JSP bean that is a String containing the value for the request parameter named by paramId (if paramProperty is not specified), or a JSP bean whose property getter is called to return a String (if paramProperty is specified). The JSP bean is constrained to the bean scope specified by the paramScope property, if it is specified. If paramName is omitted, then it is assumed that the current object being iterated on is the target bean. String
paramProperty The name of a property of the current object being iterated on, whose return value will be used as the value of the parameter (named by the paramId attribute) that will be dynamically added to this href URL. If paramName is also specified the property will not be fetched from the object being iterated on, but from the bean specified by paramName. The support of paramProperty in conjunction with paramName will be probably removed in future: use paramProperty only if you need a property in the iterated object, elsewhere use only paramName (you can select a property using an expression String
property name of the property in the bean specified in the parent table tag (via the "name" attribute) mapped to this column String
scope "scope" html attribute. String
sortName Used with sort="external", the name that should be given to the server to sort this column. IE if sortName="buzz", then the href for this column to sort will have a parameter d-(encodedId)-s=buzz. If sortName is ommitted the value for the sort param will default to the column number. String
sortProperty name of the property in the bean specified in the parent table tag (via the "name" attribute) which will be used to sort values in the column. This can be used when the column body is filled or a decorator is used and column should sort on undeorated values. String
sortable Set to 'true' to make the column sortable. Defaults to 'false'. boolean
style html pass through attribute. String
title title of the column (text for the th cell) String
titleKey Resource key used to lookup the title value. Only works if "title" is not defined. Works together with a configured I18nResourceProvider, specified via the file. By default, if JSTL is available, the JSTL provider is used, which makes this attribute work the same as fmt:message's key property. String
total If true, will total the contents of this column. This value is available via the Map named in varTotals for the table. Column values need to Numbers. boolean
url The base URL used to construct the dynamic link. This attribute has the same functionality as the href attribute, but it pre-pends the contextPath. String
value Static value to be used for the column. It has the same meaning of setting a value in the tag body, but values set using this attribute will not be coerced to Strings. You may need to use the value attribute instead of a scriptlet in the tag body if you need to calculate totals on numeric values. String
paramScope @deprecated - use Expressions in paramName. The scope within which to search for the bean specified by the paramName attribute. If not specified, all scopes are searched. If paramName is not provided, then the current object being iterated on is assumed to be the target bean. String

Tag wich should be nested into a table tag to provide a custom table footer. The body of the tag is into the tfoot section of the table. The totals variable, if designated, will be in pageContext in this tag.

Can contain: JSP



  		Total Bill:



Name Description Type
media Use this attribute to keep a footer from being output during an export. The caption will only render for the named media type(s) - it won't be added to the table if the current request media is not supported. Can be any space separated combination of 'html', 'csv', 'xml', 'all', or 'excel'. Defaults to 'all'. See the export page in the example webapp for more details. String

Sets the indicated property on the enclosing Table tag. MUST be nested within a Table tag. As an alternative, you may create a property file that holds sitewide defaults; see the configuration documentation or the DisplayPropertiesLoaderServlet javadoc for information.

Can contain: JSP






Name Description Type
name* The name of the property to set on the enclosing Table tag. String
value The value to which the property is set. You can also set the property value in the tag body. String

Displays a list in an html table, formatting each item in the list according to the Column tags nested inside of this tag. Use the list attribute to indicate the Collection of data, in some scope, that the tag should operate on. Supports the export of the list data to alternative formats such as CSV, Excel, and XML. The contents of the list can be sorted, and the list can be broken into individual pages for display. If you use this tag in Struts, or in some other framework where the page is included via a jsp:include, you should use the requestURI attribute to indicate where tag generated links should point.

Can contain: JSP






Name Description Type
cellpadding html pass through attribute. Better using "padding" css attribute in style or class String
cellspacing html pass through attribute String
class html pass through attribute String
decorator Fully qualified class name for a TableDecorator. Use a TableDecorator to provide custom operations against the whole list, such as computing totals. Must extend org.displaytag.decorator.TableDecorator. String
defaultorder The default order for the sorted column. Valid values are "ascending" (default) or "descending" String
defaultsort The index of the column that will be used by default for sorting (starting from 1) int
excludedParams Whitespace separated list containg the name of parameters which should NOT be forwarded during paging or sorting. You can use excludedParams="*" to match (exclude) any parameter. String
export enable/disable export. Valid values are true or false boolean
frame html pass through attribute. String
htmlId html "id" pass through attribute String
id See "uid". The id attribute can't be a runtime expression in jsp 1.0 compliant containers, while uid will allow it. String
length number of records to be shown int
list Reference to the object used as source for the table. Can be an expression like . You must define either the name attribute or the list attribute. Using "Name" is suggested. String
name reference to the object used as source for the table. Can be an expression like In the EL version of the taglibrary this must be an EL expression which points to the source object. String
offset index of the first record to be shown int
pagesize number of records in a page int
partialList enable/disable partialLists. Valid values are true or false boolean
requestURI When the present, links for sorting, exports, and paging are formed by adding any tag generated parameters to the value of requestURI attribute. String
requestURIcontext Enable/disable prepending of application context to generated links. Default is true, you can set it to false in order to generate cross-context links. boolean
rules html pass through attribute. String
size Used only when partialList=true. Reference to the Integer object containing the size of the total dataset. Can be an expression like In the EL version of the taglibrary this must be an EL expression which points to the source object. String
sort Use 'page' if you want to sort only visible records, or 'list' if you want to sort the full list, or 'external' if the data is sorted outside displaytag. String
style html pass through attribute String
summary html pass through attribute String
uid Unique id used to identify this table. The object representing the current row is also added to the pageContext under this name and the current row number is added using the key uid_rowNum. Two tables in the same page can't have the same uid (paging and sorting will affect both). If no "htmlId" is specified the same value will be used for the html id of the generated table. String

Store a java.util.Map of the column totals in a pageContext variable by this name. The keys of the map are "column" and the column number (first column is "column1", etc); values are the corresponding total for the column; columns that are not marked as to total="true" will be omitted from the map. The variable will ONLY be available within the footer tag and after the end of the table, it is not available with the body of the table or columns.


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