分类: 系统运维
2015-06-19 01:31:04
Thanks for Scalingo!
How to deploy scalingo with meteorjs (or else) on ubuntu.
Install scalingo cli
$curl -O && sh install
here is -O not -0...emmm....
Config Basic Environment:(all operation would effect on the Remote Server of Scalingo)
$scalingo create my-new-app-name
$scalingo -a my-new-app-name keys-add "default" $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
more configs refer to
Upload your app
$cd my-app-directory
$git remote add scalingo git@scalingo.com:my-app-name.git
$git add .
$git commit -m "first commit"
$git push scalingo master
OK,if no error,access your app at :
Export Database
$mongodump -h id.mongolab.com:61767 -d username -u USR -p PASSWORD -o OutputDirectory
Import Database
$mongorestore -h id.mongolab.com:61767 -d username -u USR -p PASSWORD -o InputDirectory