uIP TCP/IP stack
Contiki contains a lightweight TCP/IP stack called uIP (). It implements RFC-compliant IPv4, IPv6, TCP and UDP (the latter two compatible with IPv4 and IPv6). uIP is very optimized, only the required features are implemented. For instance there is a single buffer for the whole stack, used for received packets as well as for those to send.
There are two ways to program an application on top of the uIP stack:
raw API: is well suited for implementing one simple application, e.g. a simple 'echo' server that would listen on some TCP port and send back every data it receives. However it becomes more complex to program when a more feature-full application is desired, or when two of these should run together. Even the TCP connection state machine is already a little pain.
protosocket API: makes use of the protothread library for having a more flexible way to program TCP/IP applications. This library provides an interface similar to the standard BSD sockets, and allows programming the application in a process.
Refer to the section for some explained networking examples.
Having a functional TCP/IP stack and some applications running on top of it is good, but not enough. The uIP stack requires a lower layer (according to the OSI model) in order to communicate with peers. We'll distinguish two different types of peers:
gateways: to reach a network entity outside the wireless sensor network, a gateway is required. It's a system that will make the link between the wireless sensors network and another network. It will typically be a PC in most experiments, although it could be many embedded system. The connection between a PC and a mote is a serial link. IP packets are sent between these two using SLIP, which stands for Serial Line IP. On the computer side, a program must run to do the interface between the serial line and a network interface. Depending on the uIP stack version, the functionality is not the same.
With uIPv6, a node will be loaded with a very simple program that forwards every packet from the radio to the serial link and vice versa. It doesn't do any address comparison, there is no IP stack on it, besides the header compression/decompression mechanism (6loWPAN). This node will just be seen from the PC point of view as an ethernet network interface, thus that's the PC that does all the work.
With uIPv4 it works differently. The node connected to the PC will act as a gateway, with all the IP stack in it. Every time it has a packet to send, it will check its IP address: if it belongs to the wireless sensor network subnet range, then it will send it using its radio, otherwise it will send it to the PC using the serial link. The PC runs a program that create a IP network interface.
The provides a hierchical set of wireless network protocols, from a simple anonymous broadcaster to a mesh network routing. Implementing a complex protocol (say the multihop mesh routing) is split into several parts, where the more complex modules make use of the simpler ones.
Here is the overall organization of the Rime protocols:
And here is a brief description of the different modules of Rime:
abc: the anonymous broadcast, it justs sends a packet via the radio driver, receives all packet from the radio driver and passes them to the upper layer;
broadcast: the identified broadcast, it adds the sender address to the outgoing packet and passes it to the abc module;
unicast: this module adds a destination address to the packets passed to the broadcast block. On the receive side, if the packet's destination address doesn't match the node's address, the packet is discarded;
stunicast: the stubborn unicast, when asked to send a packet to a node, it sends it repeatedly with a given time period until asked to stop. This module is usually not used as is, but is used by the next one;
runicast: the reliable unicast, it sends a packet using the stunicast module waiting for an acknowledgment packet. When it is received it stops the continuous transmission of the packet. A maximum retransmission number must be specified, in order to avoid infinite sending;
polite and ipolite: these two modules are almost identical, when a packet has to be sent in a given time frame, the module waits for half of the time, checking if it has received the same packet it's about to send. If it has, the packet is not sent, otherwise it sends the packet. This is useful for flooding techniques to avoid unnecessary retransmissions;
multihop: this module requires a route table function, and when about to send a packet it asks the route table for the next hop and sends the packet to it using unicast. When it receives a packet, if the node is the destination then the packet is passed to the upper layer, otherwise it asks again the route table for the next hop and relays the packet to it;
As we've seen, the uIPv6 stack use a very simple MAC layer called 'sicslomac', and there is no real option here. However the uIPv4 stack uses Rime as its immediately lower layer, which in turn uses a selectable MAC layer.
There are a few MAC layers implemented in Contiki:
the nullmac protocol, as its name may say does nothing but forwarding packets from the upper layer to the radio driver, and vice versa;
the xmac protocol, which is a preamble sampling protocol, where nodes listen on the radio channel for a small amount of time, periodically.
the lpp protocol, which is a probing protocol, where the nodes periodically send a small message saying they're listening, they listen for a short time afterward and go back to sleep.
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