In newest kernel 2.6.35+, kdb and kgdb have been merged in source tree. So it is very convenient to install kdb and kgdb. What you have to do is configuring and recompiling your kernel.
Here is my configuration.
Platform: Ubuntu 10.0.4
Kernel version:
Two PC: one is target machine running kernel, one is host for running kdb.
Other: one serial line, and usbTOserial line.
STEP 1: connect two PC using serial lines. My host machine is notebook, target machine is desktop. usbToserial line plug in my notebook. Be care of choosing serial line.
STEP 2: test serial connection. Executing command "minicom" in both machines. Now, if serial connection is correct, what you typed in one machine will display in another machine.
STEP 3: configure and compile kernel. The most powerful documentation is here:
, follow it, you will succeed.
STEP 4: using kdb. Maybe there is something problem. You must open minicom in both machine when you choose minicom to trigger kernel debug mode. Of course, you can choose other ways depicted in .
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