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2010-02-01 08:56:44

Massage Chairs or Drugs for Pain Relief
If you are suffering from back pain, then you have two main options for pain relief. You can take prescriptions or other pain killers to relieve the symptom or you can find natural methods that both help recovery and relief. We have a knee jerk reaction to pop a pill when we have pain, but this just removes the symptom. Massage therapy can be an effective means to aid recovery and relief from pain. Massage chairs are the most effective means of periodic massage therapy when you need it. These massage chair recliners can help with muscle relaxation and recovery.
The fork in the road for pain sufferers is the natural path or the synthetic path. If you take the synthetic path, then you may have a new friend like Methadone. This may be necessitated by your condition or if you have the choice, you should consider natural methods like physical therapy and massage therapy.
Methadone is a popular drug prescribed by doctors for chronic pain conditions. Methadone is from the Opiod family and works directly on the central nervous system to suppress pain. Methadone is strong medicine for severe pain conditions.
Doctors like to use methadone where the patient is indeed in pain and needs temporary relief. The drug works almost immediately to block the signals from the central nervous system to remove the pain. A normal dosage will provide pain relief for 4 to 8 hours. adfiwrwer This is a quick fix used in chronic pain situations.
Some of the things you may not be aware of when using methadone is that it builds up in the body with periodic use. If you use it on a daily basis, then in time the dosage will need to be increased for the same affect. Your body begins to build up resistance to the drug. Also, you body needs at least a week to clean itself of traces of methadone in your body.
You should be aware of potential side affects with the use of methadone or other opiods. Some of the side effects can be chest pain, heart rhythm changes, hallucinations, confusion, respiratory depression and syncope. You may also experience drowsiness, loss of appetite, lower sex drive, insomnia and general weakness. New mothers that are breast feeding or pregnant women should avoid methadone as it can be passed on to the baby.
Methadone can cause physical addiction and many users have experienced withdrawal from usage. Medical doctors like to use the smallest dosages possible yet still obtain the pain relief. Your doctor would closely monitor you to minimize the withdrawal experience. This is an effective method of back pain relief, but not without its costs.
If you are not suffering from severe pain, you should take the more natural remedy path with massage therapy. Massage therapy has been used for centuries as a natural method of recovery and relief. Massage chairs provide a wide variety of excellent massage therapies to reduce swelling, aches, pains and stiffness.
Massage chairs come with an arsenal of massage treatments and many programs for targeting and pinpointing to your needs. A chopping action massage helps to loosen up tight muscles and enhance blood flow. The rolling massage is used to give the spinal a segmented traction to stretch the soft tissue between the discs.
The use of a massage chair is to provide therapeutic treatments to patients suffering from back pain. Not all conditions can be served with a massage chair. Some of the typical treatments include stretching tight muscles. There are kneading and tapping massages that invigorate and soothe tight muscles. A rolling massage is used to provide a mechanical traction to the spine which elongates the soft tissue between the discs improving flexibility.
When starting massage therapy, some people may be sore afterward. This is due to the stretching and elongation of tight muscles and other soft tissues. These areas constrain under tension and it takes time to build up their prior flexibility. After the first few sessions, the flexibility start to restore and its associated pain diminishes.
If you are really suffering from the pain, then you should find a way to get immediate relief. However, in time it is much more advantageous to get your body recovered in a natural way. This enables your body to restore itself and to take back over the healing functions. Your body has amazing recuperative abilities and it just needs to right coaching and therapies. Consult with your medical doctor and discuss what options are available in your situation. You may just find a massage chair is just what the doctor ordered.
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