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2009-12-31 10:26:04

Most people who are prepared to try it two or three times become addicts! Not only does it provide effective treatment for pain but it leaves the recipient with a feeling of lightness and of being energised. Many use it as regular health care. During a session of Tui Na the practitioner does not discourage the patient from talking. Some perceptive listening combined with powerful Qi moving techniques can peel away layer upon layer of pent-up emotions to leave the patient feeling happier and more at one with him/herself and the world around. Tui Na is performed with the patient seated or on a

couch. Clothing, other than shoes need not be removed. To receive maximum benefit it is best to wear thin cotton clothes. A T-shirt and light trousers are ideal. Those planning to have Tui Na for the first time should be prepared to answer lots of questions about the condition of their health and any medical history. Shiatsu The practise of Shiatsu, especially as seen in the West,riiiddker has departed far from its Chinese roots although much of the underlined theory has been retained and even added to. Hara diagnosis has become an important component of Shiatsu. The hara is the intrinsic energy nucleus of the body and it is located in the abdomen. SHIATSU: Palpating the Hara From The Book of Shiatsu by Paul Lundberg. Gaia 1992. It is believed to reflect the energetics of the whole body and is used in diagnosis. Modern Shiatsu has relatively few techniques compared with Tui Na, especially manipulations. This has lead to the borrowing of some Thai massage stretches which are becoming more and more common place in today's Shiatsu. Slow sustained pressure techniques dominate the massage interspersed with stretches and joint rotations. All of this is done on a mat on the floor and as with Tui Na, the patient is fully clothed except for shoes. Shiatsu is usually performed very slowly in near silence and one reason for this is that it is essentially the application of intuitive touch. It requires deep concentration and fine tuning of the practitioner's sense of touch for correct 'reading' of the tactile clues that guide the course of the massage. As with Chinese massage, the ultimate aim is to create harmony and balance in the body's vital energies so that it can heal itself.
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