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  • 注册时间: 2009-12-07 16:40





2009-12-25 09:13:41

"Visits massage a few minutes, A & E to go without a trace" massage in Center line to provide customers with "high efficiency", "high quality" and "high cost" service, all customer-centric, so that you stay at home while enjoying intimate distinguished. The company has built a team of professional technicians of high-quality team, for the country's leading Medical School, Beauty School and the National Body of foreign language schools,

the recruitment of a number of high-quality professionals at the same time all through the company's technicians conducted a comprehensive etiquette training, and more so that our excellent technicians have a high literacy ritual behavior, as well as distinctive charisma. We are attentive to you 24 hours a day to provide services, as long as you are a phone, whether you're in their own homes or in hotels, we will service in place, with our expertise and caring service for your physical and mental fatigue lifted, so that your body better health, lives more rich and colorful, while allowing you to fully enjoy the distinguished hidden! 1, point pressure Yanglingquan Point rule Biliary Colic Cholecystitis, gallstones attack right upper abdominal cramps dramatic, if far from the hospital, the patient may be in the right lower leg, look for lateral fibula head tenderness sensitive point, this point more in Yanglingquan hole on. His hands were pressing the thumb hole, and continue to Onsite Massage 2 minutes, may be a good analgesic effect. 2, point pressure to relieve angina pectoris yang Point Angina pectoris often accompanied by chest compression, choking feeling, a very critical condition. This problem can be hand-fifth of coins and coin-edge compression to the yang points (in the back of seventh thoracic vertebra, the patient lying vertical bow arm, both sides of the scapular angle to connect the lower edge of the middle point of delivery in the spine that is in this cave), each sub-press 3-6 minutes, you can relieve angina. If the regular daily press 3-4 times to yang points, which can effectively prevent angina attacks. 3-point pressure Sanyinjiao rule renal colic Renal colic is caused by urinary tract surgical emergency. Due to severe pain, the patient miserable. At this point you can use the thumb point pressure Rouan Sanyinjiao (in the ankle on a 3-inch Branch),eriertrw repeated visits massage 3-5 minutes, you can alleviate the renal colic. 4-point blood pressure Laogong Xue Zhi Sudden jump in patients with hypertension because of anger, rage, or excitement, the blood pressure will soar, there is a great threat to life for patients. At this point, can press Laogong Xue (Department referred to a fist in the fingertips that is) can make blood pressure control blood pressure gradually returned to normal. Methods are: Lao Gongxue push from the beginning with the thumb, one by one push to each fingertip, about the exchange push, push to maintain calm, breathing evenly. 5, point pressure Hoku syncope rule Heat stroke, stroke, exhaustion and other reasons due to syncope, the patient suddenly collapsed, unconscious, pale and sweating, tight condition that can be used in patients with thumb pinch pinch Hoku (the tiger's mouth on), continuous 2-3 minutes, syncope soon disappear. And then go to the hospital symptomatic treatment. 6, point pressure heel only epistaxis Labor, outside such circumstances, it is prone to nose bleeding. In the absence of drugs, and yet so far away from the hospital case, can quickly pinch pinch heel (calcaneus between the ankle joint and depression), left nosebleed pinch pinch right heel; right nosebleed pinch pinch with the left foot, can play a role in hemostasis . Epistaxis Jijiu Fa - nose bleeding caused by trauma is the most common causes. In addition, the heat caused by dry nasal mucosa, telangiectasia may also cause bleeding. Nasal foreign body, as well as systemic diseases (such as acute infectious diseases, blood diseases, a lack of vitamin C, and K, etc.), can cause nasal bleeding.
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