2011-11-30 22:21:55
原文地址:MIPS 、DMIPS、MFLOPS 是 什么? 作者:g050649
A short synthetic benchmark program by Reinhold Weicker , , intended to be representative of system (integer) programming. It is available in ADA, Pascal and C.The current version is Dhrystone 2.1. The author says, "Relying on MIPS V1.1 (the result of V1.1) numbers can be hazardous to your professional health."
Due to its small size, the memory system outside the cache is not tested. Compilers can too easily optimise for Dhrystone. String operations are somewhat over-represented.
(c) Copyright 1993 by Denis Howe
A benchmark which attemps to estimate a system's floating-point "MFLOPS" rating for specific FADD, FSUB, FMUL and FDIV instruction mixes.
是一种基于浮点运算的CPU测试程序,当然,这种测试的结果也以 MFLOPS来加以表示,代表了CPU处理浮点运算的能力。