org 07c00h
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
mov esp, 07c00h
mov eax, 0xB800
mov gs, ax
;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 填写中断向量表 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
mov ax, KBD
mov word [21h*4], ax
mov ax, 00h
mov word [21h*4+2], ax
mov ax, MOUSE
mov word [2ch*4], ax
mov ax, 00h
mov word [2ch*4+2], ax
;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 填写中断向量表 结束 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
;============== 初始化 intel 8042 ============================
;mov EAX, 0a8h ;允许鼠标接口
;out 064h, al
;mov al, 060h ;使能鼠标 和 允许鼠标中断
;out 064h, al
;mov al, 47h
;out 060h, al
; 以上操作在VMware里已经由BIOS初始化了(应该是吧),所以不用再初始化一遍,
; 但是在VirtualPC里要把注释去掉。
mov al, 0d4h ;告诉8042,下一个发往60h的数据是发给鼠标的
out 064h, al
mov al, 0f4h ;告诉鼠标可以发数据了
out 060h, al
in al, 060h ;最好读一下鼠标的应答,
; 可能鼠标就不会再发送数据了,中断也产生不了了)
;============== 8042 end ============================
;++++++++++++ 8259 ++++++++++++++++++++
;1 ---------------------- 请参考《自己编写操作系统》第3章 3.4节
mov al, 011h
out 020h, al
out 0A0h, al
;2 ----------------------
mov al, 020h ;主8255中断号码
out 021h, al
mov al, 028h ;从8255中断号码
out 0A1h, al
;3 ----------------------
mov al, 004h
out 021h, al
mov al, 002h
out 0A1h, al
;4 ----------------------
mov al, 0011h
out 021h, al
mov al, 001h
out 0A1h, al
;5 屏蔽 OCW1 ----------------------
mov al, 0b ;使能主从8255所有中断
out 021h, al
out 0A1h, al
;++++++++++++++ 8259 end ++++++++++++++++++
jmp $
inc byte [gs:(80*2+70)]
inc byte [gs:(80*1+70)]
in al, 60h
in al, 60h
in al, 60h
in al, 60h ; 至少读取一次,一般读取3-4次获得所有鼠标移动的数据
OUT 020H,AL ;主8255的EOI
OUT 0A0H,AL ;从8255的EOI
KBD: ;键盘中断处理程序
inc byte [gs:(80*0+70)]
inc byte [gs:(80*3+70)]
in al, 60h ;读取扫描码, 必须读取一次
in al, 61h
or al, 80h
out 61h, al
times 1474560-($-$$) db 0
;offered by LX from xidian university in xi'an 2011-5-2
;this program only pass the test in VMware
;use command "nasm.exe kbd-mous.asm -o kbd-mous.bin"
; Suggestion: you can try to test how many interrupts the 8255 can save/hold/keep when the 8255 set OCW1 to inhibit/enable all the interrupts,and then enable all the interruptd to deal the interrupts .