分类: Mysql/postgreSQL
2010-11-14 23:47:29
作/译者:陶会祥 来源:http://blog.chinaunix.net/u3/107145/ 欢迎转载,请注明作者及出处~
shell> groupadd mysql
shell> useradd -g mysql mysql
shell> gunzip < mysql-VERSION.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
shell> cd mysql-VERSION
shell> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql
shell> make
shell> make install
shell> cp support-files/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf
shell> cd /usr/local/mysql
shell> bin/mysql_install_db --user=mysql
shell> chown -R root .
shell> chown -R mysql var
shell> chgrp -R mysql .
shell> bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &
shell> rpmbuild --rebuild --clean MySQL-VERSION.src.rpm
scp -r innodb_plugin-1.0.6* mysql-5.1.51.tar.gz my.cnf 10.xx.xx.xx:/root/mysql_soft
tar -zxvf mysql-5.1.51.tar.gz
cd mysql-5.1.51
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --with-extra-charsets=all --with-plugins=csv,innobase,innodb_plugin,myisam,heap
make; make install
mysql_install_db #初始化数据(权限表等)
#cp support-files/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf
#cp -r /usr/local/mysql/var/mysql /data/var/
#chown -R mysql.mysql /data/mysql
# PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin
mysqld_safe --user=mysql &
# mysqladmin shutdown
#./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --with-plugins=partition,daemon_example,ftexample,archive,blackhole,csv,example,federated,heap,ibmdb2i,innobase,innodb_plugin,myisam,myisammrg,ndbcluster
make; make install
mysql_install_db #初始化数据(权限表等)
mysqld_safe --user=mysql &
vim /etc/my.cnf
# The MySQL server
ignore_builtin_innodb #
innodb_file_format=Barracuda (要不然alter table user_xxx row_format=compressed key_block_size=4;会无效~)
innodb-plugin 安装测试:
cd mysql-5.1.51
./configure --help
=== Partition Support ===
Plugin Name: partition
Description: MySQL Partitioning Support
Supports build: static
Configurations: max, max-no-ndb
=== Daemon Example Plugin ===
Plugin Name: daemon_example
Description: This is an example plugin daemon.
Supports build: dynamic
=== Simple Parser ===
Plugin Name: ftexample
Description: Simple full-text parser plugin
Supports build: dynamic
=== Archive Storage Engine ===
Plugin Name: archive
Description: Archive Storage Engine
Supports build: static and dynamic
Configurations: max, max-no-ndb
=== Blackhole Storage Engine ===
Plugin Name: blackhole
Description: Basic Write-only Read-never tables
Supports build: static and dynamic
Configurations: max, max-no-ndb
=== CSV Storage Engine ===
Plugin Name: csv
Description: Stores tables in text CSV format
Supports build: static
Status: mandatory
=== Example Storage Engine ===
Plugin Name: example
Description: Example for Storage Engines for developers
Supports build: dynamic
Configurations: max, max-no-ndb
=== Federated Storage Engine ===
Plugin Name: federated
Description: Connects to tables on remote MySQL servers
Supports build: static and dynamic
Configurations: max, max-no-ndb
=== Memory Storage Engine ===
Plugin Name: heap
Description: Volatile memory based tables
Supports build: static
Status: mandatory
=== IBM DB2 for i Storage Engine ===
Plugin Name: ibmdb2i
Description: IBM DB2 for i Storage Engine
Supports build: dynamic
Configurations: max, max-no-ndb
=== InnoDB Storage Engine ===
Plugin Name: innobase
Description: Transactional Tables using InnoDB
Supports build: static and dynamic
Configurations: max, max-no-ndb
=== InnoDB Storage Engine ===
Plugin Name: innodb_plugin
Description: Transactional Tables using InnoDB
Supports build: dynamic
Configurations: max, max-no-ndb
=== MyISAM Storage Engine ===
Plugin Name: myisam
Description: Traditional non-transactional MySQL tables
Supports build: static
Status: mandatory
=== MyISAM MERGE Engine ===
Plugin Name: myisammrg
Description: Merge multiple MySQL tables into one
Supports build: static
Status: mandatory
=== Cluster Storage Engine ===
Plugin Name: ndbcluster
Description: High Availability Clustered tables
Supports build: static
Configurations: max
1. 从下载BitKeeper免费客户端。
2. 在Unix上安装免费客户端:
3. shell> sh bk-client.shar
4. shell> cd bk_client-1.1
5. shell> make all
6. shell> PATH=$PWD:$PATH
参考: (innodb-plugin安装)
chinaunix网友2010-11-15 15:29:32
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