) Oracle 11gR2 has two methods of relinking
all product binaries in a home
Traditional relink with 'all' option only
first method is the normal running the $ORACLE_HOME/bin/relink script, which now
only accepts the‘all’ parameter (no other parameters are accepted)
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/relink all % $ORACLE_HOME/bin/relink ( By default it takes
the 'all' parameter )
Note :
‘Relink all’ is provided for backward compatibility.
2) relink
using runInstaller
runs the command:
For performing relink actions on the oracle home Usage: -relink -maketargetsxml
[-makedepsxml ] [name=value]
2 In
case of " relink all " command, it always creates a new log file with a
name "relink.log" and it will not append log information to
the existing relink log file . The previous log will be saved with a timestamp (
Ex: relinkActions2009-09-14_09-01-10-PM.log )