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分类: DB2/Informix
2012-09-24 16:06:24
How do I resolve the following connection error?
SQL30070N "Unsupported function for SPMDB connect". Command is not supported.
The SPM_NAME is set to the same name as the database being connected to.
The database name cannot have the same name as the dbm cfg parameter value for 'SPM_NAME'. If you need to set the SPM_NAME to identify the name of the sync point manager (SPM) instance to the database manager, then SPM name should be the unique name for your network. Usually this is derived from the TCP⁄IP hostname.
You can update the dbm cfg parameter SPM_NAME to a new value.
If you do not need to use the sync point manager set the spm_name to null using the following command:
db2 update dbm cfg using SPM_NAME NULL
Use the following command if you need to use the sync point manager.
Set the spm_name to the TCP/IP host name by using the following command:
db2 update dbm cfg using SPM_NAME
Restart the instance for the change to take effect.