1.通过oncheck -pt 获取的物理地址.
<99 [informix] :/opt/informix>oncheck -pt dbmon:alerts
TBLspace Report for dbmon:informix.alerts
Physical Address 5:30 --所需的物理地址.
Creation date 08/01/2008 15:27:54
TBLspace Flags 802 Row Locking
TBLspace use 4 bit bit-maps
Maximum row size 140
Number of special columns 0
Number of keys 0
Number of extents 15 --已有的extents数..
Current serial value 1
2.转换物理地址为 16 进制数.
<100 [informix] :/opt/informix>dbaccess sysmaster -
Database selected.
> select hex(5),hex(30) from systables where tabid="1";
(constant) (constant)
0x00000005 0x0000001E
1 row(s) retrieved.
3.通过onchek -pP 来获取frcnt. (此操作须用informix操作.)
<101 [informix] :/opt/informix>oncheck -pP 0x00000005 0x0000001E
addr stamp chksum nslots flag type frptr frcnt next prev
5:30 821864040 968f 5 2 PARTN 276 1748 0 0
slot ptr len flg
1 24 92 0
2 116 32 0
3 148 0 0
4 148 0 0
5 148 128 0
4.则现在可以计算 还可增加的extent的数,最大区段数.
可增加区段数=trunc ( frcnt / 8 )= trunc (1748 / 8 )= 218
最大区段数 = 可增加区段数 + 已有区段数 = 218 + 15 = 233
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