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citations of NetLogo use
Hope in the near future, some of our members can be involved in this list. 仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast% \7 K1 i3 U4 b0 T8 n* S
  • Menezes, R., & Bullen, H. (2008). Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing.

    9 I' L. @9 ^! A仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast
  • ?4 x0 [8 S5 y" \1 @

    % @: T2 W4 v3 D4 Y最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区
    Kanarek, A., Lamberson, R., &
    : {7 I6 Y) w, `& W1 L4 d/ `; E) b最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区Black, J. M. (2008).
    Natural Resource Modeling, Vol 21 (1), pp 93-116.

    & x: S3 {9 M8 t最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区
  • Menke, N. (2008). Modeling the Effects of Trauma on Epidermal Wound Healing. Paper presented at Swarmfest, 2008

    最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区! u# ^- L0 Z8 K' s# L- y' ~
  • Francisco, M. (2008). Designing classrooms with ABM. Paper presented at Swarmfest, 2008

    5 D# a, n: o0 i4 p# }  `$ I, V仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast

  • - R  _3 `  [! Q4 J仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast; U" _, F6 b, a% F
    Aktipis, A. (2008). A SIMPLE model for the evolution of movement and cooperation: Social dilemmas emerge from interactions with a shared environment. Paper presented at Swarmfest, 2008.

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast8 l! g$ y, n) R2 c$ U0 m0 V( ]7 K
  • Damaceanu, R-C. (2007). Applied Mathematics & Computation, Vol 12 (43).

    7 y5 ?  D: K; X, F5 L  Y
  • Lam, R. (2007). 仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast- S) Q# [7 @$ \
    Proceedings of the 39th conference on Winter simulation: 40 years! The best is yet to come.   ]# [) E& E0 Z

    $ E( v) x# _" D1 N& X
  • North, M. J, & Macal, C. M. (2007). Proceedings of the 39th conference on Winter simulation: 40 years! The best is yet to come.

    ! L9 Z- u& `1 S' T仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast
  • Katzper, M. (2007).
    ( H6 M3 u$ h4 @% a5 Q6 r; ~5 @: \& p仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast

    3 N8 T/ R! |6 V0 I- R仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repastProceedings of the 39th conference on Winter simulation: 40 years! The best is yet to come, pp 1483 - 1486.仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast5 k0 i7 L6 J% q$ Y

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast$ a7 c9 T0 n7 Y, J! {# b3 j
  • Sklar, E. (2007). Software Review: NetLogo, a Multi-agent Simulation Environment. Artificial Life, 13, 303-311.

    % _% W) d- }$ N7 U0 V% X, C( J/ |# H
  • Tatara, E., North, M.J., Howe, T., Collier, N., & Parker, M. (2007). Building Models in Repast Symphony: A predator-prey example. Paper presented at NAACSOS 2007, Atlanta, GA.

    ! S. @' \, Y5 Q# W& N9 g! d3 d. x3 c9 j仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast
仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast4 c1 {, @) R0 P, I" i, `
  • Andruss, C. (2006). . Final research report presented at the VCU Bio Informatics Institute, Virginia.

    5 S# g4 x+ X7 x2 W0 W0 F最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区
  • Bryson, J. J., Caulfield, T. J., & Drugowitsch, J. (2006). .  in Proceedings of Agent 2005: Generative Social Processes, Models, and Mechanisms, Michael North, David L. Sallach and Charles Macal eds., pp. 67-81, Argonne National Laboratory 2006

    ! c5 s. E8 }3 h6 Q最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区
  • Garofalo, M. (2006). . Submitted for publication.

    8 @& |' r  K* J* O1 k: Q  G* Z
  • Hammond, R., & Axelrod, R. (2006). . Journal of Conflict Resolution, 50(6), 926-936.

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast( X% `# |" ~' ?3 X& ^3 s1 J; [1 V
  • Joyce, D., Kennison, J., Densmore, O., Guerin, S., Barr, S., Charles, E., et al. (2006). My Way or the Highway: a More Naturalistic Model of Altruism Tested in an Iterative Prisoners' Dilemma. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 9(2).

    * x$ I2 V) T* s7 N% U, d
  • Railsback, S., Lytinen, S., & Jackson, S. (2006). Agent-based Simulation Platforms: Review and Development Recommendations. SIMULATION, 82(9), 609-623.

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast- I$ R: p; f0 G! n! n- @% u
  • Roberts, B. (2006). Blocked exit syndrome: A serious risk in venue emergencies. Fire & Safety Magazine, Fall 2006.

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast' ^3 i" Q, w5 X
  • Xie, Q., & Tinker, R. (2006). Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Chemical Reactions for Use in Education. Journal of Chemical Education, 83(1), 77.

    1 X1 P1 Q/ G5 N% T5 p; {$ X  c  a最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区
  • Thorne, B., Bailey, A, Benedict, K., & Peirce-Cottler, S. (2006). . Journal of Critical Care, 21(4), 346.

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast! w, M, R9 c. O- u0 i
  • Aldinger, T., Kopf, S., Scheele, N., & Effelsberg, W. (2005).

    ; T1 h/ y3 V! z6 ^$ \& [- j
  • Amos, M., & Wood, A. (2005). Effect of door delay on aircraft evacuation time. Arxiv preprint cs.MA/0509050.

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast- l( w; `9 q% Q
  • Barton, A. (2005). . NRC/ERB-1122. February 21, 2005.

    最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区5 `& i/ d+ H( K3 ~9 x' @1 _
  • Beer, M. D., & Hill, R. (2005). Integrating Multi-Agent Systems into the Wider Computing Curriculum. Paper presented at the The AAMAS-2005 Workshop on Teaching Multi-Agent Systems - TeachMAS Utrecht, the Netherlands.

    ! Z! q* e) f( B- r# Q- q% a4 i( F
  • Cace, I., & Bryson, J. (2005). . In Emergence and Evolution of Linguistic Communication C. Lyon, C. L Nehaniv and A. Cangelosi, eds., pp. 305-322, Springer 2007.

    6 B9 i. f$ R8 u, Z/ f; _仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast
  • Calvez, B., & Hutzler, G. (2005). Parameter Space Exploration of Agent-Based Models. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, 3684, 633.

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast! G  @$ u" S0 N. }
  • Da Costa, L. E., & Terhesiu, D. (2005). )

    4 Y0 M7 E: F9 m  I  g2 I% \  P/ |仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast
  • Forsyth, A. J., Horne, G. E., Upton, S. C., & Center, A. T. (2005). . Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference.

    0 Q) p) k2 _* X/ Z+ ?) ]; H9 r" t0 O
  • Gershenson, C. (2005). . Complex Systems, 16(1):29–53.

    最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区  Z. f- h" S& [3 M$ F" |
  • Gulyas, L., Bartha, S., Kozsik, T., Szalai, R., Korompai, A., & Tatai, G. (2005). . Paper presented at the Swarmfest 2005.

    最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区- {. }) [4 o- ~, B) H
  • Janota, A., Rastocny, K., Zahradnik, J. (2005). . Paper presented at the 5th International Conference Transport Systems Telematics TST '05, Silesian University of Technology.

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast7 H7 o! h9 D9 E9 ?
  • Keshtkar, F., Gueaieb, W., & White, A. (2005). An Agent-based Model for Image Segmentation. Paper presented at the 13th Multi-disciplinary Iranian Researchers Conference in Europe (IRCE'2005), Leeds, United Kingdom, July 2005.

    & F* D! a  F+ g仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast
  • Khouadjia, M., Khanfouf, H., & Meshoul, S. (2005). Une Approche adaptative pour la segmentation dÕimages: Implementation sur la plate-forme Multi-agents NetLogo. Working Paper, Laboratoire LIRE, Université Mentouri, Constantine, Algérie

    $ U# U" ]/ v4 _  n
  • Koehler, M., Tivnan, B., & Upton, S. (2005). . Paper presented at the Agent2005 conference, Chicago, IL.

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast$ i( N( z' [0 L  s  V, k
  • Koehler, M., Tivnan, B., & Bloedorn, E. (2005). . Paper presented at the NAACSOS Conference 2005, South Bend, IN, June 26-28.

    ! m% o8 I- M+ R仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast
  • Kopf, S., Scheele, N., Winschel, L., & Effelsberg, W. (2005). . International Conference on Methods and Technologies for Learning (ICMTL). .

    最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区6 p5 Q) y: W4 l4 G) i: r: K0 f
  • Laver, M. (2005). . American Political Science Review, 99(2), 263-281.

    / b! ?8 o- x9 l, I9 X# s$ i1 n最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区
  • Lauberte, I. (2005). Using of cellular automata in agent-based simulation for regional development. Paper presented at the 6th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe, Valmiera, June 17-19, pp. 99-104.

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast* N8 u8 y; W  I, }% g8 y1 l# P
  • Michel, F., Beurier, G., & Ferber, J. (2005). . First International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (Workshop Sessions), Hilton Hotel, Yaoundé, Cameroon, November 27th - December 1st, 2005

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast2 d  ^# x$ I; X- A1 z& G1 B
  • Morrison, D., & Dennis, B. (2005). MetaLab: supporting social grounding and group task management in CSCL environments through social translucence. Proceedings of the 2005 conference on Diversity in computing, 20-22.

    1 _1 Y2 G$ R' a( V6 r- w最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区
  • Muscalagiu, I., Horia-Emil, P., & Panoiu, M. (2005). Determining the Number of Messages Transmitted for the Temporary Links in the Case of ABT Family Techniques. Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, 2005. SYNASC 2005. Seventh International Symposium on, 215-222.

    3 O% L  X5 p9 Y% K7 N仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast
  • Nan, N., Johnston, E., Olson, J., & Bos, N. (2005). . Paper presented at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Portland, OR.

    最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区' V7 ^; Y4 F% s) g7 m
  • Ohshima, Y. (2005). Kedama: A GUI-Based Interactive Massively Parallel Particle Programming System. Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, 2005 IEEE Symposium on, 91-98.

    最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区+ t2 M' H' ]( Q. i& H) z
  • Pereira, G. M. (2005). . Paper presented at the Geocomputation 2005 conference.

    $ T; l6 \  r; Z& L9 N& C
  • Robertson, D. A. (2005). Agent-Based Modeling Toolkits NetLogo, RePast, and Swarm. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT LEARNING AND EDUCATION, 4(4), 525.

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast' o7 v0 }) ]  Y: c
  • Stirling, D. (2005). Modeling complex systems. Paper submitted to the Advanced International Colloquium on Building the Scientific Mind

    4 V. a2 J3 U6 E0 K+ q
  • Vidal, J. M. (2005). .

    6 a* `8 _2 l$ C
  • Wheeler, S. (2005). . DSTO Science Systems Laboratory.

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast0 N5 j; }  h; F* ]/ B$ E; l
  • Xie, C. (2005). Molecular Dynamics Simulations Beyond the Lennard-Jones Particles. Submitted to the American Journal of Physics

    " Q  n' ^* g3 j+ s1 ?
  • Achorn, E. (2004). .

    - S5 I. Z0 y! e) A$ b" e# @
  • Agar, M. (2004). An Anthropological Problem, A Complex Solution. Human Organization, 63(4), 411-418.

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast4 O. |3 Y: f1 G" {/ h% r
  • Aschwanden, P. (2004). Spatial Simulation Model for Infections Viral Diseases with Focus on SARS and the Common Flu. In Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 2004.

    8 {3 [4 e# K0 D. ~0 O3 f( Z! f7 d
  • Barry, P., & Koehler, M. (2004). . Simulation Conference, 2004. Proceedings of the 2004 Winter, 1.

    1 }: a2 S  ]; Q( {' y) n! E& F; B仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast
  • Bloomquist, K. (2004). . Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the North American Association for Computational Social and Organizational Science (NAACSOS), Pittsburgh, PA.

    0 j5 T% D# c  U/ c$ g" A仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast
  • Bourjot, C., & Chevrier, V. (2004). . 2004 IEEE International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems-Theory and Applications-AISTA.

    % z1 n, V" ~. A6 J$ n; M6 ]( y) g! K
  • Bryson, J. (2004). .  

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast& n0 Q- Y6 T: U; g6 a* q/ M3 @
  • Cacciaguerra, S., Roccetti, M., Roffilli, M., & Lomi, A. (2004). . Paper presented at the Proc. of the First Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), IEEE Communications Society, Las Vegas, Nevada (USA), January 2004.

    最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区( S& d9 q  o1 Z0 Z+ p
  • Densmore, O. (2004).

    8 P$ N! m" _7 t3 ]% l7 `最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区
  • Friedman, D., & Abraham, R. (2004). Landscape Dynamics and Conspicuous Consumption. Paper presented at the 2004 Proceedings of the Society for Dynamic Games.

    # s$ z" z0 N  t/ ?8 L+ E
  • Goldstone, R. L. (2004). ., 15 (1), pp 35 - 43.

    : D) @) H/ N) E! i4 V5 j
  • Gross, T. S., Poliachik, S. L., Ausk, B. J., Sanford, D. A., Becker, B. A., & Srinivasan, S. (2004). Why rest stimulates bone formation: a hypothesis based on complex adaptive phenomenon. Exerc Sport Sci Rev, 32(1), 9-13.

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast. Z: H, G3 x5 i
  • Henein, C.M., & White, T. (2004). . In Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 3415, 2005.

    最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区/ i. X" |) E$ ?& ]1 e; v9 E
  • Ingalls, R. G., Rossetti, M. D., Smith, J. S., & Peters, B. A. (2004). . Paper presented at the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference.

    仿真,仿真论坛,仿真软件,物流仿真,供应链仿真,生产仿真,系统仿真,流程仿真,arena,anylogic,automod,extend,em-plant,flexsim,promodel,witness,乐龙,swarm,netlogo,repast3 z; [8 R  J" a
  • Le, Q. B., Park, S., & Vlek, P. L. G. (2004). Simulating Spatial Patterns of Land-use and Land-cover Change: A Multi-agent Model and its Application to an Upland Watershed in Central Vietnam. Paper presented at the Deutscher Tropentag 2004.

    9 }6 h4 _5 S# Q; g8 ~最大的系统仿真与系统优化交流社区
  • Prodromou, T. (2004). . Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 24(1), 49-54.

    : S6 W9 ]7 S' x$ R5 u, N
  • Sallez, Y., Berger, T., & Tahon, C. (2004). Simulating intelligent routing in flexible manufacturing systems using NetLogo. Industrial Technology, 2004 IEEE International Conference.

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