第一次写的Cover letter, 我找过很多资料做参考;以下贴出来为我以后的写法提供依据!
下面的Cover letter不够正规,我是尽量写的相当长,这样删节和修改就很容易的啦,这样对读者的帮助也应该是最大的, 因为可以满足更多的不同需求啊!

(文章内容: 用灰理论做节点的多属性综合评估。)
Dear Dr.:
Enclosed are the copies of a manuscript by XX, XX, XX, titled“GRAP: Grey Risk Assessment based on Projection in ad hoc networks”.It is submitted to be considered for publication as a“Original Article" in your journal.Thanks to the committees of MINES2009, 2009 International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security, we present our paper to your journal after lots of modifications. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere .It is not being submitted to any other journal.
We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal because it proposes a GRAP method for risk assessment, which includes grey relational projection, grey prediction, and grey decision making. The results of our experiments show that this method is effective for risk assessment in ad hoc networks.
As you know, risk assessment in ad hoc networks has been an outstanding issue these years. Numerous research works has been published on assessment models. However, most of them are based on probability or fuzzy theory. There are many limitations for the application of these models in ad hoc networks.
Our model has the following advantages:
(1)This new method fully analyzes the relationship between indicators, and it reflects the impact of the indicator space as a whole. Therefore, this assessment model is more objective and credible.
(2)The grey relational projection method combines a module with the cosine of angles, which can be used to measure the similarity level between every candidate node and the ideal node as a whole.
(3)Grey forecasting and grey decision making method are used to describe the risk of each node. As there are fewer requirements for the quantity of sample data, such methods can resolve the problem encountered in traditional probability-based methods.
Abstract—In this paper, we discuss the risk assessment of ad hoc networks, which have highly dynamic topology, open access of wireless channels, and vulnerable data communication. By convention, risk assessment methods are subjective and unreliable as some nodes reveal little information, and the quantity of samples is limited in ad hoc networks. To solve this problem, we propose a Grey Risk Assessment based on Projection (GRAP) method, which includes grey relational projection (GRP), grey prediction, and grey decision making. Our scheme is designed to assess under limiting circumstances such as small amount of samples, incomplete information and lack of experience. Compared with principal component analysis, GRAP has demonstrated better performance and more flexible characteristics. To further the practicability of this method, we utilize a dynamic grey prediction, which shows high accuracy for decision making. In our scheme, four major nodes’ attributes are selected, and the initial assessment results show that this new model is effective for risk assessment in ad hoc networks.
Keywords-Ad hoc network; risk assessment; grey relational projection; grey prediction
Correspondence and phone calls about the paper should be directed to XX at the following address,phone and fax number,and e-mail address:
XX University of Science and Technology
College of Computer Science and Technology
Information Security Laboratory
Thanks very much for your attention to our paper.
Sincerely yours,
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