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2009-11-17 14:21:37

C and Fortran API Reference

Incorporate and use MATLAB data in C and Fortran programs
Create and manipulate MATLAB arrays from C and Fortran MEX and engine routines
Perform operations in MATLAB environment from C and Fortran MEX-files
Call MATLAB software from C and Fortran programs

See also in the MATLAB® Function Reference for interfaces to DLLs, Sun™ Java™ programming language, Microsoft® Component Object Model (COM) and Microsoft® ActiveX® technologies, Web services, and serial port devices.

MAT-File Access

Close MAT-file
Delete named mxArray from MAT-file
Type for a MAT-file
Get directory of mxArrays in MAT-file
Get file pointer to MAT-file
Read next mxArray from MAT-file
Load array header information only
Read mxArray from MAT-files
Load array header information only
Open MAT-file
Write mxArrays to MAT-files
Put mxArrays into MAT-files as originating from global workspace

MX Array Manipulation

Type for index values
Declare appropriate pointer type for platform
Signed integer type for size values
Type for size values
Add field to structure array
Type for a MATLAB array
Convert array to string
Check assertion value for debugging purposes
Check assertion value without printing assertion text
Offset from first element to desired element
Allocate dynamic memory for array using MATLAB memory manager
Type for string mxArray
Enumerated value identifying class of mxArray
Identifier corresponding to class
Flag specifying whether mxArray has imaginary components
Copy character values from Fortran array to pointer array
Copy COMPLEX*16 values from Fortran array to pointer array
Copy COMPLEX*8 values from Fortran array to pointer array
Copy INTEGER*1 values from Fortran array to pointer array
Copy INTEGER*2 values from Fortran array to pointer array
Copy INTEGER*4 values from Fortran array to pointer array
Copy character values from pointer array to Fortran array
Copy COMPLEX*16 values from pointer array to Fortran array
Copy COMPLEX*8 values from pointer array to Fortran array
Copy INTEGER*1 values from pointer array to Fortran array
Copy INTEGER*2 values from pointer array to Fortran array
Copy INTEGER*4 values from pointer array to Fortran array
Copy pointer values from pointer array to Fortran array
Copy REAL*4 values from pointer array to Fortran array
Copy REAL*8 values from pointer array to Fortran array
Copy REAL*4 values from Fortran array to pointer array
Copy REAL*8 values from Fortran array to pointer array
Create unpopulated N-D cell mxArray
Create unpopulated 2-D cell mxArray
Create unpopulated N-D string mxArray
Create populated 2-D string mxArray
Create 2-D, double-precision, floating-point mxArray initialized to 0
Create scalar, double-precision array initialized to specified value
Create N-D logical mxArray initialized to false
Create 2-D, logical mxArray initialized to false
Create scalar, logical mxArray
Create unpopulated N-D numeric mxArray
Create numeric matrix and initialize data elements to 0
Create 2-D unpopulated sparse mxArray
Create unpopulated 2-D, sparse, logical mxArray
Create 1-by-N string mxArray initialized to specified string
Create unpopulated N-D structure mxArray
Create unpopulated 2-D structure mxArray
Free dynamic memory allocated by mxCreate* functions
Make deep copy of array
Free dynamic memory allocated by mxCalloc, mxMalloc, or mxRealloc
Get contents of mxArray cell
Get pointer to character array data
Get class of mxArray
Get class of mxArray as string
Get pointer to data
Get pointer to dimensions array
Number of bytes required to store each data element
Value of eps
Get field value, given field name and index into structure array
Get field value, given field number and index into structure array
Get field name, given field number in structure array
Get field number, given field name in structure array
Pointer to imaginary data of mxArray
Value of infinity
Get ir array of sparse matrix
Get jc array of sparse matrix
Get pointer to logical array data
Get number of rows in mxArray
Get number of columns in mxArray
Value of NaN (Not-a-Number)
Get number of dimensions in mxArray
Number of elements in mxArray
Get number of fields in structure mxArray
Get number of elements in ir, pr, and pi arrays
Get imaginary data elements in mxArray
Get real data elements in mxArray
Get value of public property of MATLAB object
Real component of first data element in mxArray
Copy string mxArray to C-style string
Determine whether input is cell mxArray
Determine whether input is string mxArray
Determine whether mxArray is member of specified class
Determine whether data is complex
Determine whether mxArray represents data as double-precision, floating-point numbers
Determine whether mxArray is empty
Determine whether input is finite
Determine whether mxArray was copied from MATLAB global workspace
Determine whether input is infinite
Determine whether mxArray represents data as signed 16-bit integers
Determine whether mxArray represents data as signed 32-bit integers
Determine whether mxArray represents data as signed 64-bit integers
Determine whether mxArray represents data as signed 8-bit integers
Determine whether mxArray is of type mxLogical
Determine whether scalar mxArray is of type mxLogical
Determine whether scalar mxArray of type mxLogical is true
Determine whether input is NaN (Not-a-Number)
Determine whether mxArray is numeric
Determine whether mxArray represents data as single-precision, floating-point numbers
Determine whether input is sparse mxArray
Determine whether input is structure mxArray
Determine whether mxArray represents data as unsigned 16-bit integers
Determine whether mxArray represents data as unsigned 32-bit integers
Determine whether mxArray represents data as unsigned 64-bit integers
Determine whether mxArray represents data as unsigned 8-bit integers
Type for logical mxArray
Allocate dynamic memory using MATLAB memory manager
Reallocate memory
Remove field from structure array
Set value of one cell of mxArray
Convert structure array to MATLAB object array
Set pointer to data
Modify number of dimensions and size of each dimension
Set structure array field, given structure field name and array index
Set structure array field, given field number and index
Set imaginary data pointer for mxArray
Set ir array of sparse mxArray
Set jc array of sparse mxArray
Set number of rows in mxArray
Set number of columns in mxArray
Set storage space for nonzero elements
Set new imaginary data for mxArray
Set new real data for mxArray
Set value of public property of MATLAB object


Register function to call when MEX-function is cleared or MATLAB software terminates
Call MATLAB function or user-defined M-file or MEX-file
Call MATLAB function, user-defined M-file, or MEX-file and capture error information
Display error message with identifier and return to MATLAB prompt
Issue error message and return to MATLAB prompt
Execute MATLAB command in caller's workspace
Execute MATLAB command in caller's workspace and capture error information
Entry point to C MEX-file
Name of current MEX-function
Get value of specified Handle Graphics property
Get copy of variable from specified workspace
Get read-only pointer to variable from another workspace
Determine whether mxArray has global scope
Determine whether MEX-file is locked
Prevent MEX-file from being cleared from memory
Make mxArray persist after MEX-file completes
Make memory allocated by MATLAB software persist after MEX-function completes
ANSI C printf-style output routine
Copy mxArray from MEX-function into specified workspace
Set value of specified Handle Graphics property
Control response of mexCallMATLAB to errors
Allow MEX-file to be cleared from memory
Display warning message with identifier
Issue warning message


Quit MATLAB engine session
Evaluate expression in string
Copy variable from MATLAB engine workspace
Determine visibility of MATLAB engine session
Type for a MATLAB engine
Start MATLAB engine session
Start MATLAB engine session for single, nonshared use
Specify buffer for MATLAB output
Put variables into MATLAB engine workspace
Show or hide MATLAB engine session
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