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2011-03-05 11:43:17

Sometimes also is a kind of happiness is only need one step, whether he down, or you go, as long as these two heart at the same level as harmonious, that is happiness.Vibrationthat year, she just 25 years old, fresh water tender young lined with people like bloom in the water, the white lotus flower.The only shortage is was so short, wear high-heeled shoes also however one meter five more a few, but arrogant land must marry a condition is good.对“认识他,一米八剑眉魁梧的脑袋,朗项目,挺拔,已经非常喜欢她的一见钟情。在桌子上坐着、而低下了头看都没看他,两只手重复奶的心像揣你的衣襟上,不需要的儿子,横冲直撞他的、她的心跳鼓。两个男人坠入爱河喜欢蜂蜜,天在无论是油调和的,恨不得24小时粘在一起。两个人拉着手去逛街购物,楼下,一旦耀眼的你们见他就问:送他们的孩子去学校吗?他表现的镇定自若滚地球出局,但她已卖完了拉远,只是良好无法控制笑。他没有房子之外,她也愿意嫁给他。在结婚,有两个人站在一起,她也是他的肩膀。她有些难为情,他笑起来,没说她短暂,但自嘲不是自己太高吗?摄影师照了他们有步,背景,指着他说,你站到一个新的水平。他得到了一步,她住他的腰,环后的头依靠在他的肩膀上,附在他的耳边轻声说道,你看,你的下一步我们的心在相同的高度。结婚后一天都像玫瑰潮流的海水,忙碌的工作,无尽的家务,孩子的瓶子尿布,无数的琐事,一波又一波汹涌而来,让人措手不及。逐渐有争议和矛盾,有哭闹和斗争。第一次吵架,她砰的一声关上门任性的而去,到外面去发现无处可去。只好又后折,藏在楼梯,他听慌慌张张地贬低,听声音可以告诉他曾经跳了两个步骤。最后一步,他踩了个空,整个人撞在栏杆上,“噢噢”地叫。她看着他的狼狈样品,终于没有忍受嘴唇上带着微笑,吴国从楼梯上跑了出去。她伸出手来拉他,却被他拖累,掉进了他的胳膊。他紧握住她的鼻子,说以后,也要记住别吵架了走远,隐藏在楼梯,直到我往你那里去。她是他的手回家,我想,好呀,甚至与这么可口的。第二个吵架是在街上,去买一些东西,一些坚持,坚持不买、炒争她很不痛快,脱落的手就走。花了几个步骤后躲进一个超市,从窗前看着他的行为。以为他会追过来,但他们不是。他在地方呆一会儿,只是若无其事地走了。她很生气,恨,一腔怒火回家,推开门,他的腿茶几上举看电视。看到她回来了,还在若无其事地叫她:回来,等你一起吃晚饭?他握着她的腰餐厅,打开盖,揭开盘子掉桌子上的饭菜是她最喜欢的食物。当她吃红烧烂透了翅膀,一边生气流动的石油地质问他:为什么不追我就自己回来吗?他说:“你们把家里的钥匙,我怕如果你先回到门,又怕你回来饿了,他们第一次使水稻……I can get steps to at.this don 't, whether we can stand together have yet to?She'll puchi began, all evaporate. Cool it, finally the worst in an argument because a continuously once He know 't j, the children come back to place a night fever, 25, who call him a picture, shut down. She took the child to the hospital, the next morning He held nest, daughter of demoting xpa crackling earth is horses... this time that he leave. He said quarrel quarrel, he's tired. Contain things, enter dormitory of the unit living. Let her alone, facing the cold and the infamous home, heart cool water. Think before his argument is the real gently, positive down the steps and her combined. Now, he finally got tired of love, came to an end, he won't hard to find the steps. That night, she tossing and turning, boring open album, on the first page is pictures of their wedding. Her head fondly depend on his shoulder, two pieces of smiling face like the flowers blooming. From the photograph can't see her than his short so much, but she knew that they were still between point. She put her picture, suddenly thought of, parameters are active, he walked down the steps, she didn't give the next level. Why?Don 't have his tolerance, can take the willful? -Marriage goes to his people, are presented.the next, a man of rats distance, the heart - far far. In fact, she on a five - level, can be like him and ah. She was finally reaching his call, match worth answers. He Originally, there're been hiking to go for his daughter on the road again. Is a kind of - Sometimes it is how much money, whether he a-one down, or you go, as it as the heart beats nowadays to same level as for business is much. Vibration
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